




1. 汗 [hàn]2. 汗 [hán]汗 [hàn]由身体的毛孔排泄出来的液体:~水。~流浃背。出汗,使出汗:~颜(因羞惭而出汗;泛指惭愧)。~马功劳。~牛充栋。汗 [hán]〔可(kè)~〕见“可2”。……



汉语拼音:lěng hàn







  1. 由于惊恐或休克等原因而出的凉汗。

    《醒世恒言·乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱》:“且説 刘璞 自从结亲这夜,惊出那身冷汗来,渐渐痊可。” 冰心 《南归》:“她每夜四时左右,总要出一次冷汗,出了汗就额上冰冷。” 魏巍 《东方》第二部第九章:“ 花正芳 陡然间出了一身冷汗,立刻追上去,不由分说,将 郭祥 捺倒在草丛里。”



  1. There was sudden sweat on his forehead, but he forced his face and his voice to be calm as he stepped to the side of the bed.


  2. Angrily, I woke up in a cold sweat. And then it occurred to me, I had a drawing of ducks due tomorrow in class.


  3. He passed a night of grisly dreams, waking once, chilled to the heart with what he took to be a cold sweat.


  4. She dressed herself, descended to the garden, ran to the bench, and broke out in a cold perspiration. The stone was there.


  5. On her drive back to college, she'd suddenly broken into a cold sweat and had to pull over to vomit.


  6. Feng Yun-thing's eyes rolled in amazement, while his straggly moustache twitched, and he broke out into a cold sweat all over.


  7. Sha Sha gold micro-listening, began to close places of the heart, so close places of pain, pain, she appeared on the amount to a cold sweat.


  8. The moment he realised that the safe was locked for a surety, the sweat burst out upon his brow and he trembled violently.


  9. The head of the air dominance branch of the Air Combat Command says he "wakes up in a cold sweat" thinking about it.


  1. 冷汗中惊醒

    Wake in a sweat again.

  2. 都冷汗直流。

    Would always breakout in cold sweat.

  3. 马上,一身冷汗。

    Immediately, death sweat.

  4. 捏一把冷汗

    in a cold sweat.

  5. 我出冷汗了。

    I broke out in a cold sweat.

  6. 出了一身冷汗

    to be in a (cold) sweat

  7. 出了一身冷汗

    to break out into a cold sweat.

  8. 我出了一身冷汗。

    I came out in cold sweat.

  9. 她吓出一身冷汗。

    She was in a cold sweat from fear.

  10. 她突然冒一身冷汗。

    She broke into a cold sweat.

  11. 他肯定直冒冷汗了

    He's completely sweating.

  12. 背上出了一身冷汗。

    The sweat broke out on his backbone.

  13. 我在冷汗颤抖中惊醒

    I woke up in a cold sweat shaking

  14. 她突然出了一身冷汗。

    She burst out in perspiration.

  15. 他头上突然出了冷汗。

    A cold sweat broke out over his head.

  16. 她吓得浑身直冒冷汗。

    She was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat.

  17. 梦醒时,青年教师一身冷汗。

    The young teacher cold sweat.

  18. 这吓得我出了一身冷汗。

    This made me break out in a cold sweat.

  19. 一想到这我就一身冷汗。

    The very thought brought me out in a cold sweat.

  20. 她紧张得手心都出冷汗了。

    She was so nervous that her palms were all cold and sweating.

  21. 她开车总是使我出一身冷汗。

    Her driving always brings me out in a cold sweat.

  22. 他醒了过来,颤抖着,浑身冷汗。

    He awoke trembling and in a cold sweat.

  23. 她听到怪声,吓出一身冷汗。

    On hearing the strange noises, she broke out in a cold sweat.

  24. 小孩子爱出冷汗, 是什么原因了?

    Dot loves to cold sweat, what reason be?

  25. 温斯顿的脊梁上开始渗出冷汗。

    The sweat started out on Winston's backbone.

  26. 想想钱的问题,我吓出一身冷汗。

    Thinking about money makes me break out in a cold sweat!

  27. 想想钱的问题,我吓出一身冷汗。

    Thinking about money makes me break out in a cold sweat!

  28. 额头上的冷汗扑拉扑拉直往下淌。

    Cold sweat kept rolling from his brow.

  29. 谁进得龙王庙不捏一把冷汗?

    No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat.

  30. 我得心狂跳不止,出了一身冷汗。

    My heart was pounding and a cold sweat broke over me.


  1. 问:冷汗拼音怎么拼?冷汗的读音是什么?冷汗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷汗的读音是lěnghàn,冷汗翻译成英文是 cold sweat


