







汉语拼音:zhāi yuè






  1. 佛教语。亦称善月。指农历正、五、九三个月。佛经谓此三月,世人宜持长斋,慎言行,特修善业。

    唐 薛能 《凌云寺》诗:“斋月人来上,残阳鸽去栖。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷八:“《唐高祖实録》:‘自今每年正月、五月、九月十直日,并不得行刑。所在公私,宜断屠杀。’…… 唐 大夫如 白居易 辈,盖有遇此三斋月,杜门谢客,专延緇流作佛事者。”

  2. 伊斯兰教规定,穆斯林每年在该教教历太阴年九月(莱麦丹月)斋戒一个月,称为“斋月”。



  1. If you want to grow in holiness this Lent, put your hand in Marry's, and ask her to help you to become meek and humble.


  2. The nightly curfew in the Iraqi capital and a vehicle curfew are to be eased during Ramadan to help families break fast together.


  3. As Ramadan begins, Michelle and I would like to send our best wishes to Muslim communities in the United States and around the world.


  4. The timing of the attack, prior to the start of Ramadan, may have been an attempt to dissuade citizens in other cities from demonstrating.


  5. Now i hope that you guys can take the lesson that ramadan is trying to teach, its actually a good one.


  6. It follows a violent end to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, in which at least seven people were shot dead in protests across Syria.


  7. It was the first panel discussion of its kind held at the Newseum and it was just days before Muslims start their Ramadan.


  8. Similarly, Almighty God illuminates a month with four Fridays, and a year of 365 days with Ramadan.


  9. First of all, you are to be commended for your desire to wish Muslim colleagues and friends a happy Ramadan.


  1. 斋月穆巴拉克

    Ramadan Mubarak

  2. 也许在找斋月贺卡?

    Perhaps a Blessed Ramadan card ?

  3. 亲爱的兄弟,斋月幸福吉庆!

    Dear brother, may you have a happy and blessed Ramadan!

  4. 接下来的那个斋月就好些了。

    The next Ramadhan was better.

  5. 接下来得那个斋月就好些了。

    The next Ramadhan was better.

  6. 穆斯林在斋月的时候要禁食。

    Muslims fast during the festival of Ramadan.

  7. 穆斯林教徒会在斋月期间斋戒。

    Muslims fast during Ramadan.

  8. 我们在斋月期间坚定我们的信仰。

    We strengthen our faith during Ramadan.

  9. 虔诚的穆斯林准时地遵守斋月。

    Devout Moslems observe Ramadan punctiliously.

  10. 青海回族穆斯林斋月文化浅祈

    Analysis on the Culture of Fast Month of Qinghai Hui Muslim

  11. 斋月穆斯林历的第九个月

    The ninth month of the year in the Moslem calendar.

  12. 在斋月期间,穆斯林不能在白天抽烟。

    During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day.

  13. 她还注意到斋月开始于12月9日。

    She was also mindful that Ramadan began on9 December.

  14. 感谢你们,再见了,祝你们大家斋月愉快。

    Thank you, farewell, and a Ramadan karim to all of you.

  15. 斋月将于这个月晚些时候开始。

    Ramadan begins later this month.

  16. 阿姨,我姐姐在背谈,这是斋月啊。

    Auntie, my sister is gossiping, it's fasting month.

  17. 有严重错误, 难道斋月只禁止吃肉吗?

    Abstains from eating meat during Ramadan?

  18. 举意必须在斋月的黎明前和夜间。

    The intention must be made before Fajr and during every night of Ramadan.

  19. 对于穆斯林而言,斋月的到达有充足的信息。

    For Muslims, the arrival of the month of Ramadan is full of messages.

  20. 而球员中大穆斯林,斋月期间,白天禁食。

    And all but a few players are Muslims, who refrain from eating and drinking during the day.

  21. 你不能更改其斋月到另一个月。

    You are not allowed to change the fasting month for another month.

  22. 但要记得, 吉庆的斋月, 每年只有一次。

    But remember this auspicious month comes but once a year.

  23. 亚洲穆斯林悲叹, 物价飞涨劫持了斋月的乐趣。

    Families across Asia lament that the soaring prices hijacked the joy of Ramadan.

  24. 斋月改变了梨泰院穆斯林餐厅的工作模式。

    Ramadan changed the working pattern of Muslim restaurants in Itaewon.

  25. 标志着伊斯兰斋月开始的新月还有出现。

    The new moon, marking the beginning of Ramadan, had yet to appear.

  26. 愿安拉奖赏你,在这个尊贵吉庆的斋月宽恕你。

    May Allah reward you and grant you forgiveness in this blessed month.

  27. 吉庆斋月后十天是穆斯林应抓住的最后机会。

    The last third of the blessed month of Ramadan is the last chance a Muslim should seize.

  28. 在这个斋月结束的时候,你会有多少善功呢?

    How many good deeds will you have at the end of this Ramadan?

  29. 对于阿富汗喀布尔的食品小贩们来说斋月意味着畅销。

    Ramadan means brisk sales for food vendors in Kabul, Afghanistan.

  30. 斋月期间, 聚集在麦加大清真寺外得穆斯林朝圣者。

    Muslim worshippers circle the Kaaba at Meccas Grand Mosque during Ramadan.


  1. 问:斋月拼音怎么拼?斋月的读音是什么?斋月翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斋月的读音是zhāiyuè,斋月翻译成英文是 Ramadan; the month of fast


