


遭受苦难或不幸:~厄。~病。~祸。~难(nàn )。忧患;苦难:逢此百~。……


1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……



汉语拼音:lí nàn








  1. 遭遇祸难。亦谓遭受迫害或因意外事故而死亡。

    《史记·孔子世家》:“吾与夫子再罹难,寧鬭而死。” 太平天囯 洪仁玕 《英杰归真》:“吾祖父之跟从之者,罹难自縊者不知凡几。” 咏簪 《武昌两日记》:“将罹难而逃于死者,则 翊武 与 张 君 廷辅 等也。”如:他因飞机失事而罹难。



  1. Toshiaki Yaginuma, Onagawa's city planning official, said he wasn't willing to say that the missing were dead.


  2. Among the victims was freshman Austin Cloyd, who was an active volunteer for the poor.


  3. Her mother, who was traveling with her from Paris to visit relatives in the Comoros, is among those feared dead.


  4. Leading Poles based in London, like the former president of the exiled Polish government in London, Dr Ryszard Kaczorowski, also died.


  5. After one year, has the scar by the bombing healed up in the heart of the islanders, families and relatives of the victims, and survivors?


  6. Pamela Dix, from UK Families Flight 103, said there had been a "lack of justice" for those killed in the tragedy.


  7. An Air China Boeing 767 travelling from Beijing to Pusan in South Korea crashed into a mountain, killing 128 of the 166 on board.


  8. On August 9th he was one of five people killed when a single-engine plane hit a mountainside.


  9. Much of the city was flattened and at least hundreds-and probably thousands-of people have been killed.


  1. 班轮沉没时,有数百人罹难。

    Hundreds died when the liner went down.

  2. 海难的罹难者一个都没找到。

    No victim of the shipwreck has been found.

  3. 这是星航首宗有人罹难的意外。

    It is the first accident involving fatalities in the history of Singapore Airlines.

  4. 爆炸事故的罹难者于上周举行了葬礼。

    The victims of the explosion were buried last week.

  5. 最后赖于俄国得紧急贷款, 冰岛免于罹难。

    Iceland was able to secure emergency loan from Russia.

  6. 明清鼎革之际, 家族遭受重创, 多人罹难。

    On the occasion of the Ming and Qing dynasty change, the family suffered heavy losses, many people died.

  7. 最后赖于俄国的紧急贷款,冰岛免于罹难。

    Iceland was able to secure emergency loan from Russia.

  8. 这是星航首宗有人罹难得意外。

    It is the first accident involving fatalities in the history of Singapore Airlines.

  9. 印度洋周边的十来个国家中, 成千上万的人罹难。

    Tens of thousands more Parish perished in a dozen countries surrounding the Indian Ocean.

  10. 两位遇刺罹难者预言了他们自己的死亡。

    Two of the victims predicted their own deaths.

  11. 救援人员仍然在倒塌的建筑中搜寻罹难者。

    Relief workers are still searching through collapsed buildings looking for victims.

  12. 强烈的地震使数百人罹难,留下数千人穷困无依。

    The severe earthquake killed hundreds of people and left thousands destitute.

  13. 芝加哥城外的城郊列车发生爆炸, 所有乘客罹难

    a bomb exploded on a commuter train outside of Chicago, killing everyone on board.

  14. 在他于2001年最终被判有罪的暴行中, 有270人罹难。

    The atrocity of which he was eventually found guilty in 2001 killed 270 people.

  15. 主宰命运的上帝将会保佑所有罹难和悼念亲人的人们。

    And the Lord of life holds all who die, and all who mourn.

  16. 我们向罹难者表示深切哀悼,向受伤人员表示诚挚慰问。

    We convey our profound condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured.

  17. 他们在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的一次雪崩中罹难。

    They were killed by an avalanche in the Swiss Alps.

  18. 一场纪念仪式于周五举行,以缅怀空难罹难者。

    A memorial service is being held on Friday for the plane crash victims.

  19. 据悉,此次火车罹难,正是源于老史对之前事件的报复举动。

    Smythes retaliation led to the train wreck.

  20. 有一块铜牌上刻着在战争中罹难的五个当地人的名字。

    There was a bronze plaque giveing the names of five local men who died in the war.

  21. 但在通知遇难者亲属之前航空公司不会公布罹难者的身份。

    It will not identify victims prior to notifying next of kin.

  22. 和她一起从巴黎到科摩罗拜访亲戚的母亲恐怕亦已罹难。

    Her mother, who was traveling with her from Paris to visit relatives in the Comoros, is among those feared dead.


  1. 问:罹难拼音怎么拼?罹难的读音是什么?罹难翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罹难的读音是línàn,罹难翻译成英文是 have a fatal accident



罹难:读音:lí‘ nàn释义:[be murdered;die in a disaster; die in an accident] 遭逢灾难 遭遇到严重的灾害或者困难;指人遭遇不幸或灾难,范围较大(或人数较多).