




1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……



汉语拼音:yù nàn









  1. 遭遇灾难。

    《史记·孔子世家》:“﹝ 公良孺 ﹞谓曰:‘吾昔从夫子遇难於 匡 ,今又遇难於此,命也已。’” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录五》:“是虽暴戾,而善事其姑,然则遇难不死有由矣。” 丁玲 《水》:“到镇上去,想找镇长,局长也好,先给我们一些吃的,我们是昨夜晚上遇难的。”

  2. 谓因迫害或发生意外而死亡。

    《三国志·吴志·孙策传》“ 兴平 元年,从 袁术 。 术 甚奇之,以 坚 部曲还 策 ” 裴松之 注引 晋 虞溥 《江表传》:“ 策 径到 寿春 见 袁术 ,涕泣而言曰:‘亡父昔从 长沙 入讨 董卓 ,与明使君会於 南阳 ,同盟结好,不幸遇难,勋业不终。’” 清 陈其元 《庸闲斋笔记·陈卧子》:“﹝ 陈子龙 ﹞於 顺治 丁亥,筮得《明夷》,五月遂遇难。” 冰心 《晚晴集·追念振铎》:“告诉你一个不幸的消息,你不要难过。 振铎同志 的飞机出事,十八号在 喀山 遇难了。”



  1. He said Russian specialists are doing their own investigation of the sinking of a South Korean naval boat, which killed 46 soldiers.

  2. She was one of the people shot to death at a summer youth camp organized by Norway's governing Labor Party.

  3. The children and "SFS" staff held a minute of silence around a symbolic candle display and then shared their emotions amongst each other.

  4. Local officials in Nangarhar province said the victims were part of a wedding party and no militants were in the region.

  5. Artist and activist Ai Weiwei, who has vowed to list the names of all the student victims, said the figure "is far from the truth" .

  6. She said her mother lived on the ninth floor of the building and died in the fire.

  7. He gave the old man a suit of clothes and he gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose husband had been killed in a mining accident.

  8. She said investigators would be able to tell whether there was an explosion from possible residue on the bodies or other items.

  9. Most were killed with him in the explosion.


  1. 遇难的船只

    a stricken ship

  2. 抢救遇难矿工

    rescue trapped miners

  3. 海上遇难信号

    marine distress signal

  4. 遇难人员构成

    formation of the victims

  5. 国际遇难频率

    international distress frequency.

  6. 降落伞遇难信号

    parachute signal

  7. 他遇难身死。

    He died in an accident.

  8. 遇难同胞纪念碑

    Monument of the compatriots killed in the Massacre

  9. 事故遇难者

    disaster victim.

  10. 创伤遇难者

    Victim of trauma.

  11. 悲惨的遇难事件

    disastrous wreck

  12. 遇难轮船的残骸

    the hulk of a wrecked ship

  13. 船触礁遇难了。

    The ship was wrecked when it hit a rock.

  14. 那条船遇难了。

    The ship was wrecked.

  15. 决不遇难而退。

    Never boggle at a difficulty

  16. 飞机事故遇难者

    aircraft accident victim

  17. 飞机失事遇难者

    Victim of aircraft accident

  18. 体育活动遇难者

    Victim of sports activities

  19. 乘客和水手遇难了。

    The passengers and sailors were wrecked.

  20. 宇宙航行员遇难救助

    assistance to astronauts in distress

  21. 这艘船在海上遇难。

    The ship wrecked at sea.

  22. 宇宙飞船失事遇难者

    Victim of spacecraft accident

  23. 马识途烈士遇难地

    The Place Where Martyr Ma Shitu Was Murdered

  24. 多车辆碰撞遇难者

    Multiple vehicle crash victim

  25. 至少63人已不幸遇难。

    At least 63 people have died.

  26. 空难中至少有20人遇难。

    At least 20 people were killed in the air crash.

  27. 使遇难使遭受毁灭或灾难

    To cause to undergo ruin or disaster.

  28. 他们在非洲沿海遇难了。

    They were wrecked off the coast of Africa.

  29. 贵州一煤矿爆炸,7人遇难。

    Colliery gas blast kills 7 in Guizhou.

  30. 轰炸之后许多人遇难了。

    Many people have disappeared after the bombing.


  1. 问:遇难拼音怎么拼?遇难的读音是什么?遇难翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难的读音是yùnàn,遇难翻译成英文是 be killed in an accident; meet with misfortu...

  2. 问:遇难者拼音怎么拼?遇难者的读音是什么?遇难者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难者的读音是yù nàn zhě,遇难者翻译成英文是 victims of an accident

  3. 问:遇难船拼音怎么拼?遇难船的读音是什么?遇难船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难船的读音是yù nàn chuán,遇难船翻译成英文是 castaway

  4. 问:遇难信号拼音怎么拼?遇难信号的读音是什么?遇难信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难信号的读音是yù nàn xìn hào,遇难信号翻译成英文是 signal of distress

  5. 问:遇难潜艇拼音怎么拼?遇难潜艇的读音是什么?遇难潜艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难潜艇的读音是yù nàn qián tǐ ng,遇难潜艇翻译成英文是 Distressed Submarine

  6. 问:遇难现场拼音怎么拼?遇难现场的读音是什么?遇难现场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难现场的读音是yùnànxiànchǎng,遇难现场翻译成英文是 area of distress

  7. 问:遇难船主拼音怎么拼?遇难船主的读音是什么?遇难船主翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难船主的读音是yù nàn chuán zhǔ,遇难船主翻译成英文是 wreck master

  8. 问:遇难船舶拼音怎么拼?遇难船舶的读音是什么?遇难船舶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难船舶的读音是yù nàn chuán bó,遇难船舶翻译成英文是 vessel in distress

  9. 问:遇难飞机拼音怎么拼?遇难飞机的读音是什么?遇难飞机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难飞机的读音是yùnànfēijī,遇难飞机翻译成英文是 aircraft in distress

  10. 问:遇难求救信号拼音怎么拼?遇难求救信号的读音是什么?遇难求救信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难求救信号的读音是yù nàn qiú jiù xìn hào,遇难求救信号翻译成英文是 Come Quickly-Danger

  11. 问:遇难求救程序拼音怎么拼?遇难求救程序的读音是什么?遇难求救程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难求救程序的读音是yù nàn qiú jiù chéng xù,遇难求救程序翻译成英文是 Distress Procedure

  12. 问:遇难船舶管理人拼音怎么拼?遇难船舶管理人的读音是什么?遇难船舶管理人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难船舶管理人的读音是yù nàn chuán bó guǎn lǐ rén,遇难船舶管理人翻译成英文是 receiver of wrecks

  13. 问:遇难船舶管理员拼音怎么拼?遇难船舶管理员的读音是什么?遇难船舶管理员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难船舶管理员的读音是yù nàn chuán bó guǎn lǐ yuán,遇难船舶管理员翻译成英文是 receiver of wreck

  14. 问:遇难飞行员救援信标拼音怎么拼?遇难飞行员救援信标的读音是什么?遇难飞行员救援信标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇难飞行员救援信标的读音是yù nàn fēi xíng yuán jiù yuán xìn biāo,遇难飞行员救援信标翻译成英文是 Distressed Airman Recovery Beacon



遇难是指因为各种灾难而导致死亡。 这类灾难可以是人为事故,也可以是自然灾害等等。诸如因飞机失事而遇难;因海啸而遇难;因地方暴动而遇难;车祸遇难等等。是属于中性词。