




给予帮助使脱离危险或解脱困难:~济。~命。~护。~国。~难(nàn )。~灾。~药。~正(补救匡正)。~死扶伤。~困扶危。终止:濯以~热。……



汉语拼音:huò jiù








  1. A bear cub in Florida, which had a plastic jar stuck on its head for at least 10 days, has now been freed, BBC reported.


  2. Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him.


  3. Chinese reporter at the scene said the men appeared to be all in fairly good condition after their ordeal.


  4. Chile's health minister, Manalich, said the workers rescued so far are in good health.


  5. She was later captured and tortured by Gestapo, but refused to identify the children (now living new lives) or her accomplices.


  6. Phillips was rescued and within hours was on his way back to his family.


  7. But a lot of it was luck: it could have been any one of those guys.


  8. In the ships sunk by the enemy, Jack led the rest of the staff drifting on a desert island, and finally rescued.


  9. Since the bailout funds came from taxpayer dollars, it's easy to see how some would want to scale down bonuses at the rescued banks.


  1. 标志获救实验

    marker rescue experiment

  2. 她恰好获救了。

    She was saved in the nick of time.

  3. 最终,他们获救了。

    And they were rescued finally.

  4. 他幸好安然获救。

    Fortunately he was rescued with a whole skin.

  5. 孩子幸而安然获救。

    Fortunately the child was rescued with a whole skin.

  6. 只有贾法儿获救。

    Only Jaffar was rescued.

  7. 从酒精中毒中获救

    salvation from alcoholism

  8. 我终于有够获救了。

    At last I'm going to be saved.

  9. 那能让大家获救吗?

    Might that have been a relief?

  10. 他坚信有获救的希望。

    He clung the hope of being rescued.

  11. 南非被困矿工全部获救

    All Trapped Miners Rescued in S. Africa

  12. 如果我们获救了会怎样?

    What would have happened if we were rescued?

  13. 船沉了, 但我们幸而获救。

    The boat drowned but we were saved.

  14. 从这个可怕的梦魇中获救!

    And be rescued from this awful nightmare!

  15. 他们放弃了获救脱险的希望。

    They laid aside hope of rescue.

  16. 意外灾祸中的受伤者无人获救。

    None of the casualties survived.

  17. 听说他获救, 我们感到放心了。

    We were relieved to hear about his being rescued.

  18. 获救士兵现在处于安全的地带。

    The rescued soldier is now out of harm's way.

  19. 努斯在遭绑架12天之后获救。

    Nuss was rescued after 12 days in captivity.

  20. 在激战后, 男孩安全获救了。

    After the fierce fighting, the boy was saved safely.

  21. 他们坚定地抱着获救的希望。

    They cling to a hope of being rescued.

  22. 使溺水获救的男孩苏醒过来。

    resuscitate a boy rescued from drowning

  23. 他们中的一小部分人获救了。

    Some of them are rescued in a small way.

  24. 被劫持飞机上的乘客获救了。

    The passengers in the hijacked plane were saved.

  25. 在豪华游艇上烧炭自杀获救

    Survived after burning charcoal on board his luxury yacht

  26. 他奇迹般地从死亡线上获救。

    He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.

  27. 试析海上求生者的获救信心

    Analysis on the rescued confidence in persons in distress at sea

  28. 气焊切割出事车辆, 受困伤员获救

    Accident vehiche is cut by gas cutting machine, the wounded is rescued

  29. 这些游泳者在紧急关头获救了。

    The swimmers were rescued in the nick of time.

  30. 她那时对获救生还已经绝望了。

    She had despaired of ever being rescued alive.


  1. 问:获救拼音怎么拼?获救的读音是什么?获救翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获救的读音是huòjiù,获救翻译成英文是 to be rescued

  2. 问:获救价值拼音怎么拼?获救价值的读音是什么?获救价值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获救价值的读音是huò jiù jià zhí,获救价值翻译成英文是 salved value

  3. 问:获救财产拼音怎么拼?获救财产的读音是什么?获救财产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获救财产的读音是huò jiù cái chǎn,获救财产翻译成英文是 salved property



huòjiù [salvation;be rescued] 得到救援而免于危境、困难、匮乏