


1. 丧 [sāng]2. 丧 [sàng]丧 [sāng]跟死了人有关的事:~事。~礼。~亡。~假(jià)。~乱。治~。吊~。丧 [sàng]丢掉,失去:~失。~生。~偶。~胆。~气(不吉利,倒霉。“气”读轻声)。颓~(情绪低落,精神委……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:sàng mìng








  1. 死亡。多指凶死或死于暴病。

    《说唐》第六十回:“ 罗成 叫道:‘中了 苏定方 计了!’乱箭齐着,顷刻丧命。” 鲁迅 《两地书·致许广平二》:“ 中国 多暗箭,挺身而出的勇士容易丧命。”



  1. Eleven others died: his wife, his father-in-law, his mother-in-law, a lieutenant, and seven bodyguards.


  2. I swear that his death was instantaneous, as if he had been struck by lightning.


  3. death from loss of blood, has no memory of the Red Cross nurse who happened to be driving by a few minutes after the mine exploded.


  4. two out of every five men died or are disabled building the skyscrapers of America's new cities.


  5. Some critics called the cartoon racist and said it trivialized a tragedy in which a woman was disfigured and a chimpanzee killed.


  6. The scientists who discovered radium did not know that it would kill them.


  7. I'd never heard of anyone being killed by a burro, but it was clear they had no plans to let me pass.


  8. This lack contributes to two million child deaths a year, reduces school attendance, and is a fundamental deprivation of human dignity.


  9. After lunch, Suresh got ready to return underground. He said that he had seen people die, "but I haven't had an accident yet. "


  1. 她险些丧命。

    She was within an inch of being killed.

  2. 他们险些丧命。

    They were within a hairs breadth of being killed.

  3. 你可能会丧命

    within a few hours, you could die.

  4. 她险些儿丧命。

    She was within a hair's breadth of death.

  5. 不断整容直到丧命

    Nip and tuck till crack of doom.

  6. 那匹马受伤丧命。

    The horse perished of its wound.

  7. 罪孽得报应是丧命

    The wages of sin is death

  8. 罪孽的报应是丧命

    The wages of sin is death

  9. 酒鬼在车祸中丧命

    The drunkard met his death in the car accident.

  10. 开车大意会导致丧命。

    Careless driving will lead to the loss of life.

  11. 战争中不少军民丧命。

    Civilians and soldiers were killed during the war.

  12. 费城枪战七人丧命

    Seven Dead in Philadelphia Shooting

  13. 那年霍乱使他丧命。

    Cholera carried him off that year.

  14. 那他们最好已经丧命了

    Well,they better be dead.

  15. 他迟早会突然丧命的。

    He will go off like a candle I n a snuff sooner or later.

  16. 现在他自己却差点儿丧命

    And almost gets himself killed.

  17. 放下武器,否则就地丧命!

    Drop your weapons, or die where you stand!

  18. 在机场都有人丧命了!

    People died in the airport!

  19. 在机场都有人丧命了!

    People died in the airport!

  20. 这场瘟疫使许多人丧命。

    The plague swept off multitudes.

  21. 这些字眼可能会让你丧命。

    These were words that could get you killed.

  22. 我知道这个手术可能让我丧命。

    I know the sgery could kill me.

  23. 即使会丧命我也要试一下。

    I'll do it if I die in the attempt.

  24. 我在这场事故中险些丧命。

    I was nearly killed in the accident.

  25. 提到他会有丧命得危险。

    Any identifiable reference to him would have been mortally dangerous.

  26. 提到他会有丧命的危险。

    Any identifiable reference to him would have been mortally dangerous.

  27. 两个男人双双在决斗中丧命。

    The two men duelled to the death.

  28. 卡车冲出筑堤, 司机险些丧命。

    A lorry driver narrowly escaped with his life after the lorry flipped over the embankment.

  29. 卡车冲出筑堤,司机险些丧命。

    A lorry driver narrowly escaped with his life after the lorry flipped over the embankment.

  30. 刺客致命的一击让总统丧命。

    The fatal shot from the assassin killed the president.


  1. 问:丧命拼音怎么拼?丧命的读音是什么?丧命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丧命的读音是sàngmìng,丧命翻译成英文是 die




拼音:sàngmìng 基本解释 [die; get killed;meet with one's death] 死亡,多指凶死或暴病而死。又作“丧生” 详细解释 死亡。多指凶死或死于暴病。 《说唐》第六十回:“ 罗成 叫道:‘中了 苏定方 计了!’乱箭齐着,顷刻丧命。” 鲁迅 《两地书·致许广平二》:“ 中国 多暗箭,挺身而出的勇士容易丧命。”