




动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:bì mìng







  1. 犹言丧命,丧生。

    清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献六·六女》:“又 南海县 樵夫 陈茂 ,逢虎毙命。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·交涉上》:“又如 华 人受雇洋行及充洋船水手,往往借端扣减工资,甚或殴辱毙命。”



  1. If he could only have died like Hedwig, so quickly he would not have known it had happened!


  2. He and a Kenyan accomplice who was killed along with him were wrapped in a sheet and buried.


  3. Murray's lawyer has said the doctor didn't prescribe or administer anything that should have killed Jackson.


  4. Tip: Shoot an unaware human opponent in the head or chest to kill him in one hit.


  5. Also, you can achieve a one hit knife kill if you put your knife in his head area (head-shot).


  6. But Chinese locals say that there are North Korean snipers dug into the hillside opposite with a shoot-to-kill policy towards escapes.


  7. Abdul Qar and his father stepped on an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), intended to target US soldiers, which killed his father instantly.


  8. Similar to the operation of the game Super Mary, and hit the enemy so that the attack killed.


  9. He was convicted because Juan Moreno, a second victim he allegedly shot nine times but failed to kill, identified him at the trial.


  1. 两名匪徒当场毙命。

    Two of the bandits were killed on the spot.

  2. 少女被冰球击中毙命

    Teenager girl dies after getting hit by a hockey puck.

  3. 这一击使他当场毙命。

    The blow killed him outright.

  4. 他差点让我们全都毙命。

    He nearly blew us to kingdom come.

  5. 他差点让我们全都毙命。

    He nearly blew us to kingdom come.

  6. 一旦它碰到装置就会毙命。

    Once it touched the installation, it would die.

  7. 我们可以将他一枪毙命。

    We could take him out with selective fire right now.

  8. 一根小刺就足以让我毙命。

    The little prick would've done me too.

  9. 最小可致测试生物体毙命的剂量

    The lowest dosage that kills test organisms

  10. 最终使他毙命的是头部的一枪。

    It was the gunshot to the head that finally did him in.

  11. 最终使他毙命得是头部得一枪。

    It was the gunshot to the head that finally did him in.

  12. 最终使他毙命的是头部的一枪。

    It was the gunshot to the head that finally did him in.

  13. 像你这么大点儿的鱼会立刻毙命。

    One touch, and a fish your size is dead.

  14. 野蛮拷打那个黑人嫌疑人,使其毙命。

    Gave the black suspect brutal treatment and killed him.

  15. 这两名恐怖分子在攻击中毙命。

    The two terrorists were killed during the course of the attack.

  16. 每剑都能毙命一个,没谁逃得了。

    Every strike produces a dead body, and no getting away from it.

  17. 炮弹击穿了他的地堡, 维特当场毙命。

    Caught by shell splinters as he dived into a bunker, Witt was killed instantly.

  18. 一个适合战斗。具有一击毙命的力量。

    One fit for battle. With the power to take a life with a single blow.

  19. 她丈夫正站在她身边,她被一击毙命。

    Her husband was standing beside her. She was killed with one shot.

  20. 不用花多长时间你就会在他们脚下毙命。

    It won't take them that long to destroy you.

  21. 他被一颗子弹射中了天门,当场毙命。

    He was shot by a bullet in the center of his forehead and was killed instantly.

  22. 他被一颗子弹射中了天门,当场毙命。

    He was shot by a bullet in the center of his forehead and was killed instantly.

  23. 英国有史以来最伟大的特工转眼间就毙命了。

    The greatest secret agent england's ever had snuffed out in an instant.

  24. 而用特异功能使山羊毙命仅仅是冰山一角而已。

    And that killing goats with psychic powers was just the tip of the iceberg.

  25. 一枪正打在他胸膛上,他几乎是当场毙命的。

    He got the whole charge of shot in his chest. He must have died almost instantaneously.

  26. 当脑袋里的记忆与实际的言行不符, 就是一刀毙命!

    When the heads of memory and the actual words and deeds match is struck dead!

  27. 若不在一两个小时内得到治疗的话,就可能毙命。

    If not given medical attention within a couple of hours It can be fatal to humans.

  28. 电影中,枪能使人在瞬间毙命,而实际情况并非如此。

    In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life.

  29. 像普通的雾一样,火山雾是由能够毙命的有毒气体组成的。

    Like regular smog, volcanic smog is made up of poisonous gases which can kill you.

  30. 拉登中两枪毙命,其中一枪击中他的左眼上方。

    Osama bin Laden was killed with two shots, one of them hitting above his left eye.


  1. 问:毙命拼音怎么拼?毙命的读音是什么?毙命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毙命的读音是bìmìng,毙命翻译成英文是 meet a violent death




拼音:bìmìng 意思:1.丧命,死亡;2.被杀死。 例句:两名匪徒当场毙命。 (贬义词)