







汉语拼音:guāng bō






  1. 指荡漾的眼光。

    唐 沉亚之 《柘枝舞赋》:“騖游思之情香兮,注光波於穠睇。”

  2. 光,光线。因为光是电磁波的一种,故有此称。

    郭沫若 《女神·女神之再生》:“倦了的太阳只在空中睡眠,全也不吐放些儿炽烈的光波。” 茅盾 《苏嘉路上》:“另外有人也擦着火柴抽烟了,烟圈儿在车外射来的光波中轻盈飘浮。”



  1. In an ordinary beam, the waves are like the pople in a crowd going to a football match, jostling and bumping into one another.


  2. An experiment closely analogous to this one but using light waves, provided the conclusive evidence of the wave nature of light.


  3. Just as an invisibility cloak shuffles waves of light, an "acoustic" cloak would shuffle waves of sound in a way that's not found in nature.


  4. Shelton saw from the fixed beam in her eyes that she had not an inkling .


  5. Wavelengths of light that are allowed to travel are known as modes, and groups of allowed modes form bands.


  6. At the time, people believed that light waves, just as sound waves, ocean waves or shock waves, had to travel through a medium.


  7. So, it's important to get a little bit of a sense of what all these different kinds of lights do.


  8. Venus atmosphere for main absorption wavelength of light, therefore, the atmosphere such-and-such a red-orange color.


  9. A typical optical telescope might have adiameter a few million times the wavelength of the light it is collecting.


  1. 光波调制器

    light modulator.

  2. 光波干扰峰

    interference hump.

  3. 非寻常光波

    extraordinary wave

  4. 光波再生器

    lightwave regenerator.

  5. 光波测距仪

    light wave rangefinder.

  6. 光波干涉仪

    wave length interferometer.

  7. 光波干涉法

    optical interference method.

  8. 光波干涉膜

    optical interfernece coating.

  9. 光波数据接口

    LDI Light wave Data Interface.

  10. 光波偏振态

    Jones matrix.

  11. 光波的相干性

    coherence of light wave.

  12. 光波波面变形

    wavefront distortion of light wave.

  13. 非相干光波

    noncoherent light wave

  14. 复合光波导

    composite optical waveguide.

  15. 皱纹光波导

    corrugated optical waveguide.

  16. 加载光波导

    loaded lightguide.

  17. 脊型光波导

    ridge optical waveguide.

  18. 玻璃纤维光波导管

    glass fiber lightguide

  19. 非耦合光波导

    uncoupled lightguides

  20. 光波干涉测量结深

    On the Measurement of Xj with Interference of Light Waves

  21. 衍射也是由光波产生。

    Diffraction, too, occurs in light waves.

  22. 光波以直线形式传播。

    The light wave propagates in a straight line.

  23. 光波真的通过真空吗?

    Do light waves travel through a vacuum?

  24. 所以你可以去检视光波

    So you can look at the wavelengths of light that do that.

  25. 卤钨光波,强力热能渗入

    Halogen lightwave to offer powerful permeation of heat.

  26. 光波在湍流大气中的传播

    optical wave propagation in turbulent atmosphere

  27. 光波要比声波快得多。

    Light waves are much faster than sound waves.

  28. 光波导阵列电光扫描器

    Optical waveguide array electro optic scanner

  29. 全部套餐项目送光波桑拿!

    Have special offer sets below then enjoy free sauna!

  30. 光波从光源扩散时,强度减弱。

    Light waves weaken as they spread out from a source.


  1. 问:光波拼音怎么拼?光波的读音是什么?光波翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波的读音是guāngbō,光波翻译成英文是 light wave

  2. 问:光波导拼音怎么拼?光波导的读音是什么?光波导翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波导的读音是guāng bō dǎo,光波导翻译成英文是 optical waveguide

  3. 问:光波段拼音怎么拼?光波段的读音是什么?光波段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波段的读音是guāng bō duàn,光波段翻译成英文是 optical band

  4. 问:光波炉拼音怎么拼?光波炉的读音是什么?光波炉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波炉的读音是guāngbōlú,光波炉翻译成英文是 Light wave oven

  5. 问:光波道拼音怎么拼?光波道的读音是什么?光波道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波道的读音是guāng bō dào,光波道翻译成英文是 optical channel

  6. 问:光波形图拼音怎么拼?光波形图的读音是什么?光波形图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波形图的读音是,光波形图翻译成英文是 photooscillogram

  7. 问:光波技术拼音怎么拼?光波技术的读音是什么?光波技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波技术的读音是guāng bō jì shù,光波技术翻译成英文是 lightwave technology

  8. 问:光波波长拼音怎么拼?光波波长的读音是什么?光波波长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波波长的读音是guāng bō bō cháng,光波波长翻译成英文是 optical wavelength

  9. 问:光波系统拼音怎么拼?光波系统的读音是什么?光波系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波系统的读音是guāng bō xì tǒng,光波系统翻译成英文是 lightwave system

  10. 问:光波分光学拼音怎么拼?光波分光学的读音是什么?光波分光学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波分光学的读音是guāng bō fēn guāng xué,光波分光学翻译成英文是 optical spectroscopy

  11. 问:光波导纤维拼音怎么拼?光波导纤维的读音是什么?光波导纤维翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波导纤维的读音是guāng bō dǎo xiān wéi,光波导纤维翻译成英文是 optical waveguide fiber

  12. 问:光波显音器拼音怎么拼?光波显音器的读音是什么?光波显音器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波显音器的读音是guāng bō xiǎn yīn qì,光波显音器翻译成英文是 photostethoscope

  13. 问:光波束引导拼音怎么拼?光波束引导的读音是什么?光波束引导翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光波束引导的读音是guāng bō shù yǐn dǎo,光波束引导翻译成英文是 Optical Beam Riding


