








1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……



汉语拼音:huān shēng xiào yǔ







  1. What goings and comings we used to see, how merry were the rooms and verandahs with the hum of conversation and the snatches of laughter!


  2. The office room of our elders was a sort of club where laughter and conversation were freely mixed with matters of business.


  3. I also like playing with the kids, but I am happy, my life is in the laughter in the past has never been sorry to leave.


  4. In the moment is a sweet she smiling face, ear is the happy voice of the friends joke, happy, originally at my body side.


  5. Facing Depression scene, night market operators who shook his head sighing, this should be a merry, laughter place ah!


  6. Ever since after that, for the first time I saw my wife and my children got real and happy smiles. Everything was like back to before.


  7. Your relationships with co-workers should improve too, with more fun and jokes around the office.


  8. Let us drive away worries for you and full of happy talking and laughing.


  9. In the banquet, converses the content with thevisitor to have lofty, to be happy, causes to fill the happy talk and laughter at the session.


  1. 欢声笑语满山村。

    The mountain village rang with cheers and laughter.

  2. 他听不到欢声笑语。

    He does not hear the sounds of rejoicing

  3. 为什么欢声笑语业已停止?

    Why has all the laughter ceased?

  4. 春节期间, 家家户户欢声笑语。

    During the Spring Festival every family is happy and gay.

  5. 到处欢声笑语,充满了节日气氛。

    Everywhere, filled with laughter festal atmosphere.

  6. 让我们的身旁充满欢声笑语。

    Let our surroundings be filled with joy.

  7. 带来欢声笑语, 驱走悲愁忧伤。

    Bringing happiness to me and taking the sadness away.

  8. 校园里留下了我们的欢声笑语。

    Our happy chatter lingered in the schoolyard.

  9. 校园里留下了我们的欢声笑语。

    Our happy chatter lingered in the schoolyard.

  10. 我的生活一直充满了欢声笑语。

    My family life is always full of laughter and happiness.

  11. 他们的欢声笑语简直闹翻了天。

    Their cheers raised the roof.

  12. 最后是抱抱团,大家欢声笑语一片!

    At last, Baobao Tuan was last performed. People played with bursting laughing.

  13. 因为他每天都生活在欢声笑语中。

    Because he lives in the happy talks and laughters every day.

  14. 一时间整个敬老院里欢声笑语、其乐融融。

    For a time the entire nursing home where laughter, enjoyable.

  15. 相信本此活动在一片欢声笑语中结束。

    I believe this event in the midst of the laughter in the end.

  16. 果园中、竹林间,飞出阵阵劳动号子和欢声笑语。

    Orchard between medium, Zhu Lin, fly off a work song and a joyous sound laugh language.

  17. 他就住在街对面 牵着她的手 和她欢声笑语。

    He was across the street, Holding her hand, Laughing with her.

  18. 伴随着祥和的气氛, 晚会自始至终欢声笑语, 掌声雷动。

    With a cheerful atmosphere, laughter and applause permeate from start to finish.

  19. 晚上9点,本次沙龙交流讲座在欢声笑语中进入尾声。

    At898 in the night, the salon closed in the laughter.

  20. 他发现自己很寂寞,怀念伊冯的身影和欢声笑语。

    He found that he was lonely and missed the sight and cheerful chatter of Yvonne.

  21. 然钟声忽止于急雨兮,但闻撒旦之欢声笑语。

    The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain.

  22. 聚会进行时,你能听到屋里传出来的欢声笑语。

    As the party went on, you could hear the mirth coming from the house.

  23. 多少学生会回想起课堂上的欢声笑语和求贤若渴的思绪?

    How many students will recall the laughter of the classroom and always on the lookout thoughts?

  24. 一到他休假休息,屋子里总是充满欢声笑语,趣味盎然。

    When he was home on leave the house was always noisy, full of fun.

  25. 她是个活泼可爱的小姑娘,总是欢声笑语忙个不停。

    She is a lively young girl, always laughing and doing things.

  26. 泪水,笑容和由衷的快乐洋溢在久别重逢的欢声笑语中。

    There are tears and smiles, pure delight ringing in the laughter of seeing someone who has been gone.

  27. 从此,这片相思树林,成了我俩的欢声笑语的容纳体。

    Since then, this piece of Acacia trees, the laughter of the house became the Wolia body.

  28. 热热闹闹的踢毽子比赛在一片欢声笑语中结束了。

    Hot noisy make of kick a shuttlecock game in the one the joys the voice the joke be over.

  29. 你掌心华丽的情色线条纠结进了谁的城池里欢声笑语。

    Palm of your gorgeous erotic lines entangled into who city of laughter.

  30. 大家尽管天天在小院里忙个不停,然而欢声笑语不绝。

    Despite our busy work load, cheerful talk and laughter pervaded the yard.


  1. 问:欢声笑语拼音怎么拼?欢声笑语的读音是什么?欢声笑语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢声笑语的读音是huānshēngxiàoyǔ,欢声笑语翻译成英文是 happy chatter



“欢声笑语”是个多义词,它可以指欢声笑语(电视栏目), 欢声笑语(电影), 欢声笑语(词语)。