




1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá]考察:检~。调~。~验。~访。~阅。古同“槎”,水中浮木。查 [zhā]姓。同“楂”。古同“渣”,渣滓。……



汉语拼音:zhēn chá








  1. 公安机关为了确定犯罪事实和犯罪人而进行调查。



  1. Their formation indicates that it seems to be a reconnaissance unit sent to investigate our movements.


  2. But thanks to BofA-ML's guidelines, now anybody can engage in a bit of sleuthing, Muddy Waters style.


  3. The CIA learned, too, that there was a family living with them and that this family matched the profile of Bin Laden's.


  4. Before I am allowed to alight, several young Papuans scout the area, to see that nobody is watching us.


  5. The police have summoned the operators of this "Ebisu" pork chain, the company president, and purchase links to start the investigation.


  6. He made it sound not like war but a humanitarian mission with some strong-arm detective work thrown in.


  7. Drones sometimes found a useful role in reconnaissance, especially as improvements in surface-to-air missiles made manned spy flights risky.


  8. Until now, the detection of illegal immigrants has invariably been a matter for the federal authorities.


  9. A firefighter makes his way through knee-deep water as he checks flooding conditions on Gordon Place in Freeport, New York, Sept.


  1. 技术性侦查

    technical investigation.

  2. 侦查现代化

    investigation modernization.

  3. 只是去侦查

    This is purely reconnaissance.

  4. 好,侦查条子

    Okay. Look for the FiveO.

  5. 公安刑事侦查

    criminal investigation.

  6. 进行私人侦查

    to do some private sleuthing.

  7. 重新立案侦查

    reopen the case for investigation

  8. 绑架案件侦查

    investigation of kidnapping cases.

  9. 经济犯罪侦查

    criminal investigation of economic case.

  10. 线人侦查行为

    investigative actions of using Informers.

  11. 侦查裁量权

    adjudication right of investigation.

  12. 串并案侦查

    investigate by combining related cases.

  13. 盘查, 侦查辨析

    Discrimination between Interrogative Examination and Criminal Investigation

  14. 狱内侦查工作

    investigation work in the prison

  15. 泛侦查主义

    extensive investigationism.

  16. 警犬与侦查破案

    Police Dog And Solving The Case

  17. 刑事侦查目的论

    The Theory of the Purpose of Criminal Investigation

  18. 侦查抑郁症的影响

    Impact on detection of depression

  19. 经济犯罪侦查专业

    economic criminal investigation mayor

  20. 犯罪的预防和侦查

    crime prevention and detection

  21. 三要素侦查法

    three factors investigation technique.

  22. 论法外侦查制度

    On the Investigation System beyond Criminal Procedure Law

  23. 侦查的类型学研究

    Study on Investigation in a Typology Approach

  24. 侦查法律关系论纲

    Introduction To The Investigative Legal Nexus

  25. 侦查罪行并非易事。

    The detection of crime is not always easy.

  26. 他们决定暗中侦查他。

    They decided to spy on him.

  27. 外资企业偷税犯罪侦查

    The Investigation of Tax Dodging by the Company Run by Foreign Capital

  28. 陷害教唆与侦查圈套

    Attempted Instigation and Police Entrapment

  29. 其中用于射击和侦查。

    which were used for shooting and looking.

  30. 消极定势与侦查失败

    Passive Prediction and Failure in Investigation


  1. 问:侦查拼音怎么拼?侦查的读音是什么?侦查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查的读音是zhēnchá,侦查翻译成英文是 investigate

  2. 问:侦查员拼音怎么拼?侦查员的读音是什么?侦查员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查员的读音是zhēn chá yuán,侦查员翻译成英文是 investigator

  3. 问:侦查人员拼音怎么拼?侦查人员的读音是什么?侦查人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查人员的读音是zhēnchárényuán,侦查人员翻译成英文是 investigation personnel

  4. 问:侦查判断拼音怎么拼?侦查判断的读音是什么?侦查判断翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查判断的读音是zhēn chá pàn duàn,侦查判断翻译成英文是 investigation judgment

  5. 问:侦查实验拼音怎么拼?侦查实验的读音是什么?侦查实验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查实验的读音是zhēn chá shí yàn,侦查实验翻译成英文是 investigative test

  6. 问:侦查对象拼音怎么拼?侦查对象的读音是什么?侦查对象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查对象的读音是zhēncháduìxiàng,侦查对象翻译成英文是 investigative target

  7. 问:侦查工作拼音怎么拼?侦查工作的读音是什么?侦查工作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查工作的读音是zhēn chá gōng zuò,侦查工作翻译成英文是 detective work

  8. 问:侦查措施拼音怎么拼?侦查措施的读音是什么?侦查措施翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查措施的读音是zhēn chá cuò shī,侦查措施翻译成英文是 measures for investigation

  9. 问:侦查方法拼音怎么拼?侦查方法的读音是什么?侦查方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查方法的读音是zhēn chá fāng fǎ,侦查方法翻译成英文是 methods of investigation

  10. 问:侦查活动拼音怎么拼?侦查活动的读音是什么?侦查活动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查活动的读音是zhēncháhuódòng,侦查活动翻译成英文是 investigatory activity

  11. 问:侦查犯罪拼音怎么拼?侦查犯罪的读音是什么?侦查犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查犯罪的读音是zhēnchá fànzuì,侦查犯罪翻译成英文是 detect crime

  12. 问:侦查程序拼音怎么拼?侦查程序的读音是什么?侦查程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查程序的读音是zhēncháchéngxù,侦查程序翻译成英文是 procedure of investigation

  13. 问:侦查策略拼音怎么拼?侦查策略的读音是什么?侦查策略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查策略的读音是zhēn chá cè lüè,侦查策略翻译成英文是 investigative tactics

  14. 问:侦查管辖拼音怎么拼?侦查管辖的读音是什么?侦查管辖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查管辖的读音是zhēncháguǎnxiá,侦查管辖翻译成英文是 jurisdiction of investigation

  15. 问:侦查终结拼音怎么拼?侦查终结的读音是什么?侦查终结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查终结的读音是zhēncházhōngjié,侦查终结翻译成英文是 conclusion of investigation

  16. 问:侦查行为拼音怎么拼?侦查行为的读音是什么?侦查行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查行为的读音是zhēn chá xíng wéi,侦查行为翻译成英文是 act of investigation

  17. 问:侦查计划拼音怎么拼?侦查计划的读音是什么?侦查计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查计划的读音是zhēn chá jì huà,侦查计划翻译成英文是 investigation plan

  18. 问:侦查跟踪拼音怎么拼?侦查跟踪的读音是什么?侦查跟踪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查跟踪的读音是zhēnchágēnzōng,侦查跟踪翻译成英文是 detect and track

  19. 问:侦查心理学拼音怎么拼?侦查心理学的读音是什么?侦查心理学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查心理学的读音是zhēncháxīnlĭxué,侦查心理学翻译成英文是 investigative psychology

  20. 问:侦查特征描述拼音怎么拼?侦查特征描述的读音是什么?侦查特征描述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦查特征描述的读音是zhēn chá tè zhēng miáo shù,侦查特征描述翻译成英文是 investigative profiling