




1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:xiǎn zhe





1.显扬昭著。《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“大圣作治,建定法度,显箸纲纪。”唐 韩愈《复志赋》:“甘潜伏以老死兮,不显著其名誉。”《元史·儒学传序》:“元 兴百年,上自朝廷内外名宦之臣,下及山林布衣之士,以通经能文显著当世者,彬彬焉众矣。”

2.非常明显。汉 荀悦《汉纪·哀帝纪上》:“其事皆始於纤微,终於显著。”《金瓶梅词话》第四八回:“受 苗青 夜赂之金,曲为掩饰,而赃跡显著。”萧乾《未带地图的旅人》:“天津 报馆不断给我们写信,说我们的东西登出后,捐款怎样显著地踊跃起来。”

3.显露;炫耀。宋 储泳《祛疑说》:“夫鬼神者,本无形迹之可见,声臭之可求,谓之有则不可,至于寒暑之代谢,日星之运行,雷电风雨之倏变倏化,非鬼神之显著者乎?”宋 无名氏《李师师外传》:“帝亦不懌,諭姥今后悉如前,无矜张显著。”



  1. But the results of these policies have not been significant so far, as the data seems to indicate that inequality continues to rise.


  2. Remarkably, five of the last eight years make up the list of the five warmest years of the past century, says James Hansen, GISS director.


  3. Jean Piaget was one of the most salient and inspirational figures in psychological and educational research this century.


  4. The only randomized study published, however, found a significantly increased rate of fetal losses after early amniocentesis.


  5. Croatia has made significant progress toward political and economic maturity, and is also a strong partner on the battlefield, he said.


  6. Now the point to ponder is what was the distinguishing feature of that cogent speaker that didn't make your eyelids heavy with sleep?


  7. Music has proved to be such a remarkable outlet for your emotions, and a great tool of healing.


  8. There can be no doubt that discontent with the Gadhafi regime is motivating a significant section of the population.


  9. Then she stopped, facing me. Her shoulders stood high, which made her head so low that I felt like it came out straight from her chest.


  1. 没有显着的变化。

    There was no apparent change.

  2. 没有显着得变化。

    There was no apparent change.

  3. 没有显着得证据。

    There is no particular evidence.

  4. 没有显着的证据。

    There is no particular evidence.

  5. 这些管制措施成效显着。

    The control measures proved to be effective.

  6. 彰显着现代发展的活力。

    While showing economic viability for development.

  7. 他们在工作方面成绩显着。

    They have achieved remarkable success in their work.

  8. 它的确会有显着的效果。

    So it does make a huge difference.

  9. 他的歌声带有显着的呼吸声。

    He sings with a noticeable breathness.

  10. 这件事有个显着的涵义在

    Now, this has really significant implications.

  11. 他穿着那件大褂显着土得很。

    He looks very rustic in his gown.

  12. 均无显着差异,视力两组之间。

    There was no significant difference in visual acuity between the two groups.

  13. 提供予金融机构的贷款显着下跌。

    Loans for financial concerns shrank notably.

  14. 提供予金融机构得贷款显着下跌。

    Loans for financial concerns shrank notably.

  15. 显着改善地图数据的质量和内容。

    Significantly improved map data quality and content.

  16. 显着改善地图数据得质量和内容。

    Significantly improved map data quality and content.

  17. 这是这个阶段牙龈炎是最显着的。

    It is this stage that gingivitis is most notable.

  18. 剧中的正面人物应该处于显着位置。

    Pride of place should be given to the positive characters in a play.

  19. 此外,醋酸铵浓度无显着影响的分离。

    In addition, the ammonium acetate concentration had no significant effect on separation.

  20. 这并不意味着他们的故事是不显着。

    This does not mean that their story is not remarkable.

  21. 她指出了该建筑物的全部显着特徵。

    She pointed out all the salient features of the building.

  22. 以显着和明确定义的方式予以突出的。

    Standing out in a striking and clearly defined way.

  23. 她指出了该建筑物的全部显着特征。

    She pointed out all the salient features of the building.

  24. 春, 也是一拱彰显着生命神奇得画廊。

    Spring is also the magic of life demonstrated galleries.

  25. 春,也是一拱彰显着生命神奇的画廊。

    Spring is also the magic of life demonstrated galleries.

  26. 当你微笑的时候, 你的血压将显着降低。

    When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your bloodpressure.

  27. 突破性的技术, 创造了显着的自然外观。

    Breakthrough technology creates a remarkably natural look.

  28. 突破性得技术,创造了显着得自然外观。

    Breakthrough technology creates a remarkably natural look.

  29. 她指出了该建物的全部显着特徵。

    She pointed out all the salient features of the building.

  30. 经过两年低迷多年,1976年经营业绩显着提高。

    After two dismal years, operating results in 1976 improved significantly.


  1. 问:显着拼音怎么拼?显着的读音是什么?显着翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显着的读音是,显着翻译成英文是 notability

  2. 问:显着地拼音怎么拼?显着地的读音是什么?显着地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显着地的读音是,显着地翻译成英文是 conspicuously

  3. 问:显着的拼音怎么拼?显着的的读音是什么?显着的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显着的的读音是,显着的翻译成英文是 noteworthily

  4. 问:显着显眼拼音怎么拼?显着显眼的读音是什么?显着显眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显着显眼的读音是,显着显眼翻译成英文是 conspicuousness

  5. 问:显着性水平拼音怎么拼?显着性水平的读音是什么?显着性水平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:显着性水平的读音是,显着性水平翻译成英文是 significance level