







汉语拼音:zhāo zhāng







  1. 亦作“ 昭章 ”。昭著;显著。亦谓使彰明。

    《汉书·王莽传上》:“昭章先帝之文功,明著祖宗之令德。” 南朝 梁 萧统 《<陶渊明集>序》:“词采精拔,跌宕昭彰,独超众类。” 宋 欧阳修 《集古录跋尾·唐李听神道碑》:“ 听 父子为 唐 名将,其勋业昭彰,故以碑考传,少所差异。” 清 林则徐 《会谕澳同知再行谕饬义律缴土交凶稿》:“夫杀人者死,天理昭彰,无论 中国 外夷,一命总须一抵。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十三章六:“这一对暴发的大总统和副总统,昭彰的报应出现了。”

  2. 光耀。

    南朝 齐 王融 《三月三日曲水诗序》:“昭章云汉,暉丽日月。” 唐 元稹 《郊天日五色祥云赋》:“昭章文物,皆摛锦之相连。” 前蜀 杜光庭 《中元众修金箓斋词》:“昭彰帝纪,炳蔚人文。”



  1. The fear of blacks with guns was one of the reasons behind the Supreme Court's notorious decision in the Dred Scott case.


  2. Name of a notorious playboy sleep BARON Von benson and his bad friends steve patise, do not know myself to eternal life will change.


  3. A boy just like the sweet little kid above is imprisoned right now in one of Zimbabwe's most brutal and notorious prisons.


  4. though an extreme example , the notorious case is unfortunately not all that uncommon.


  5. He gained international notoriety mainly because of his policy, abandoned in recent years, of promoting terrorism abroad.


  6. It may be no bad thing to see what the root of this celebrated alienation really is.


  7. Big Brazilian companies used to be notorious for abusing shareholders with minority stakes.


  8. Lawmakers in both countries say the actions were necessary to bring under control spiraling addiction and a notoriously shady business.


  9. Henchman to notorious crime boss Dominic (Victor Zaragoza), Tony (Jose Rosete) has been playing a dangerous game, selling drugs on his own.


  1. 他罪恶昭彰

    His guilt is apparent.

  2. 恶名昭彰的罪犯

    flagrant sinner

  3. 劣迹昭彰的罪犯

    a common criminal

  4. 罪恶昭彰的罪犯

    a flagrant sinner

  5. 恶名昭彰的恶棍

    A notorious rascal

  6. 恶名昭彰, 走到知道

    Notorious, they got to know that

  7. 臭名昭彰的叛徒

    an infamous traitor

  8. 他是恶名昭彰的刽子手。

    He was a notorious mass murderer.

  9. 他是个恶名昭彰的人。

    He is a man of ill fame.

  10. 他因剥削人而恶名昭彰。

    Hes notorious for ripping people off.

  11. 因残忍而恶名昭彰的将军

    a general who was infamous for his brutality

  12. 这个恶名昭彰的罪犯已经落网。

    The notorious criminal has been caught.

  13. 犯人的罪行很快就昭彰了。

    The prisoner's guilt soon manifested itself.

  14. 恶名昭彰的投毒者和中毒事件

    Notorious Poisoners and Poisoning Cases

  15. 恶名昭彰往往被误认为是好名声。

    Notoriety is often mistaken for a fame.

  16. 他言语中敌意昭彰,我们深感遗憾。

    We deplore the vitriolic nature of his remarks.

  17. 这家公司因为使用童工而恶名昭彰。

    The company was infamously known for using child labour.

  18. 恶名昭彰的秘密警察受到更严格的束缚。

    The notoriously nasty secret police are on a tighter leash.

  19. 她不承认世界有这些罪恶昭彰的过错。

    She would admit none of the notorious errors of the world.

  20. 他们终於逮捕了那个恶名昭彰的毒品贩子。

    They finally put the collar on that no torious dope dealer.

  21. 他们终于逮捕了那个恶名昭彰的毒品贩子。

    They finally put the collar on that no torious dope dealer.

  22. 他是个恶名昭彰的赌徒这个事实很明显。

    He stands confessed as a notorious gambler.

  23. 弗拉德公爵因其残忍暴行而臭名昭彰。

    Vlad the Impaler is infamous for his cruel deeds.

  24. 弗拉德公爵因其残忍暴行而臭名昭彰。

    Vlad the Impaler is infamous for his cruel deeds.

  25. 你怎么可以和一个恶名昭彰的人交朋友呢?

    How can you make friends with a man with ill fame?

  26. 这些逃犯之中, 姆拉迪奇和卡拉季奇依然最为恶名昭彰。

    Among them, Mladic and Karadzic remain the most notorious.

  27. 我发了个电报,报道了那个臭名昭彰的组织的罪恶。

    I have sent a cable describing the wickedness of that infamous organization.

  28. 这家信用卡公司因为有不理的高利率而恶名昭彰。

    The credit card company is notorious for having an unreasonably high interest rate.

  29. 恶名昭彰的小偷终于被捕了, 且因许多项罪行而坐牢。

    The notorious thief was finally caught and put to prison for his many crimes.

  30. 凭什么我们要和像你这样臭名昭彰的恶棍打交道?

    Why should we make a deal with a notorious scoundrel like you?


  1. 问:昭彰拼音怎么拼?昭彰的读音是什么?昭彰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昭彰的读音是zhāozhāng,昭彰翻译成英文是 obvious




拼音:zhāo zhāng 基本解释 [flagrant; evident; clear; manifest] 显而易见;深重;远扬 丑行昭彰信义昭彰。——唐· 李朝威《柳毅传》 详细解释 1. 亦作“ 昭章 ”。1.昭著;显著。亦谓使彰明。 《汉书·王莽传上》:“昭章先帝之文功,明著祖宗之令德。” 南朝 梁 萧统 《<陶渊明集>序》:“词采精拔,跌宕昭彰,独超众类。” 宋欧阳修 《集古录跋尾·唐李听神道碑》:“ 听 父子为 唐 名将,其勋业昭彰,故以碑考传,少所差异。” 清 林则徐 《会谕澳同知再行谕饬义律缴土交凶稿》:“夫杀人者死,天理昭彰,无论 中国 外夷,一命总须一抵。”罗雅臣《清儒人袁雅堂(袁可立七世孙)墓表》:“而玉楷成林,兰枝有荫,此皆公之阴德昭彰,天降之祥,为是故也。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十三章六:“这一对暴发的大总统和副总统,昭彰的报应出现了。” 2. 光耀。 南朝 齐 王融 《三月三日曲水诗序》:“昭章云汉,晖丽日月。” 唐 元稹 《郊天日五色祥云赋》:“昭章文物,皆摛锦之相连。” 前蜀 杜光庭 《中元众修金箓斋词》:“昭彰帝纪,炳蔚人文。”