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1. 冀 [jì]冀 [jì]希望:~求(希望得到)。~幸。~望。~希。中国河北省的别称。姓。……
汉语拼音:jì wàng
汉 王充 《论衡·命义》:“遭命者,行善得恶,非所冀望。”《三国志·吴志·陆凯传》:“智慧浅劣,无復冀望。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献三·苏门孙先生言行》:“先生尝题壁曰:‘人生最繫恋者过去,最冀望者未来,最悠忽者见在。’”
《旧唐书·李藩传》:“ 杜兼 为 濠州 刺史,带使职, 建封 病革, 兼 疾驱到府,阴有冀望。”《元典章·户部八·盐课》:“连官营钞之徒,惟欲盐贵,别有冀望。”
This time, under pressure from a new generation keen to break the grip of Socialist barons, the party has agreed to open up the voting.
此次,新一代人冀望打破党内大佬的控制,在此压力下,该党同意开放选出候选人。Even though you've raised as a human being, but you are not one of them, they can be a great people, Kal -EI. They wish to be.
虽然你是被人类抚养长大的,但你并不是他们的一分子,他们能当伟大的人,凯尔,他们也冀望如此。You to understand that I speak the truth.
冀望你了解我句句发自肺腑,So the hero of the story was naturally a poet, not the writer as he was, but as he imagined or desired himself to seem.
因此,这诗里的主角很自然是个诗人,并不是作者自己的真实面目,而是他所想象或者冀望的面目。A decade ago we set out to create a reference map across the whole of the continent that would plot the variation in microsatellite DNA.
我们从10年前就开始建立全非洲大陆的参考地图,冀望能划分微卫星DNA的变异情况。If the answer to all of the above is no, we have no right to expect 18-year-old squaddies to die for us.
如果以上所有问题的回答都是“不”,那我们就没有权利冀望18岁的新兵为我们去死。I confess that I can hardly venture, at my age, to look for such advancement.
我承认,在我这年龄,已几乎不大敢冀望这样的提升。Carol expects to consummate a marriage with you and you have given her encouragement to expect this by your attentions.
卡罗尔盼望与你结婚,而你藉着你的殷勤鼓励了她对这事的冀望。It covered itself with its shell-as the saint in his piety, as the sage in his wisdom, as the lover in his hope.