


少:~少(shǎo )。~罕。~奇。~有。~世。盼望:~望。~冀。~图(心里盘算达到某种目的)。~求(a.希望得到;b.希望和要求)。……


1. 冀 [jì]冀 [jì]希望:~求(希望得到)。~幸。~望。~希。中国河北省的别称。姓。……



汉语拼音:xī jì








  1. 希图;希望得到。

    《三国志·魏志·臧洪传》:“诸 袁 事 汉 ,四世五公,可谓受恩。今王室衰弱,无扶翼之意,欲因际会,希冀非望,多杀忠良以立姦威。” 宋 李纲 《论和战札子》:“中国为和所误者多矣,十餘年来持和议之説,一切苟且,希冀万一者,何其纷纷也。”《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“ 瑞虹 已被哄过一次,虽然不信,也还希冀出外行走,或者有个真心觅盗,只得应允。” 靳以 《泥路》:“骤雨后的爽晴是不可希冀了,说不定要有上三天五天的连雨天呢。”



  1. We would like to have the leaning towards the light, but we cannot risk the leaning towards the dark, or they win.


  2. And as for her, one might as well expect her to produce a diamond necklace as to show a spark of passion.


  3. Suppose you did not squeeze through the moment, only the pock hope there is not good haha.


  4. Many people, out of their desire to "whip" themselves into a state of fitness, try to exercise at their maximum heart rates.


  5. I was the oldest and just a year before had all the hopes and dreams of any normal 16 year old girl.


  6. Do not know really, I still continue to use this stupid way, just a hope.


  7. In just a few months Mr Papandreou's Socialist government is seeking to overturn decades of tax evasion and easy government money.


  8. about the stage entrance, hoping vaguely for a casual brush with one of the butterflies, when an open truck pulls up to the sidewalk.


  9. She poured out to her closest friend the longing that surged up from her very heart.


  1. 蜂翼与希冀

    Lesson Ten Text A Wing and a Prayer.

  2. 他对未来希冀甚高。

    He hoped highly for his future.

  3. 希冀能得到你的珍爱。

    I hope you cherish it the most.

  4. 追逐着你所热切希冀的幻想。

    Chasing illusions that you're longing for.

  5. 你可以得到你所希冀的一部分。

    You shall have some part of your will.

  6. 幸福的秘诀在于欣赏但不希冀。

    The secret of happiness is to admire without desiring.

  7. 亦是我们所能希冀的最好朋友。

    And as good a friend as one could hope for.

  8. 我对于出国留学还心存希冀。

    I wish to study abroad.

  9. 我对于出国留学还心存希冀。

    I wish to study abroad.

  10. 我们所希冀的强大优势并未显现。

    We did not have as strong package as we hoped for.

  11. 那些翅膀承载着我的梦想和希冀。

    I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings.

  12. 然而, 男人希冀的是什么, 谁知道呢?

    Still, who could say what men ever were looking for?

  13. 他一直希冀长大以后成为一名科学家。

    He always dreams of being a scientist.

  14. 并且在那地,希冀着,最后真正的疯狂。

    And there, mayhap, true madness at last.

  15. 生活没有哪一天比今天更充满希冀。

    Never before has life as much promise asdose on this very day.

  16. 我的心在长久地希冀着您的星光,我的上帝。

    My heart longs for thy stars, my God.

  17. 我得心在长久地希冀着您得星光,我得上帝。

    My heart longs for thy stars, my God.

  18. 大家也只能希冀球队教练从中汲取教训。

    One can only pray that the team's manager learns something from it.

  19. 昔日的希冀, 昔日的梦, 在此刻, 随花儿一起凋谢。

    The past expectation and dream are fading with the flowers at this moment.

  20. 你带给我梦想, 我希冀着一切能变成现实。

    You showed me dreams, I wished they would turn into real.

  21. 这里是一个充满想象、希冀和梦想的世界。

    Here is the world of imagination, hopes and dreams.

  22. 人生的希冀总是乔装成幼童的形象姗姗而来。

    Lifes aspirations come in the guise of children.

  23. 商人和下层社会,与此相反,希冀着僧侣的虔诚

    The mercantile and lower classes, on the other hand, wished the clergy to be pious.

  24. 哦!它蕴含着爱与希冀, 和内心的悲喜!

    And oh! there's love and longing! There's a heart to laugh and grieve.

  25. 这是我的一点小小的见意, 希冀你可以采用。

    This is my little see Italy, hope you can.

  26. 她向最知心的朋友倾诉了内心深处的希冀。

    She poured out to her closest friend the longing that surged up from her very heart.

  27. 我希冀感受原始的神圣本色, 感受星星和风雨的力量。

    I wanted to feel elemental sublimity, the full force of the stars and rain and wind.

  28. 联合国组织体现了世界各国人民对和平的希冀。

    The United Nations Organization embodies the aspirations of all the people of the world for peace.

  29. 绵绵的忧伤袭上心头,夹杂着犹豫 希冀和幻想。

    She was sad beyond measure, and yet uncertain, wishing, fancying.

  30. 通过游仙,诗人传达了人类共同的梦想和希冀。

    Through Youxian, poets have expressed mankind's common dreams and hopes.


  1. 问:希冀拼音怎么拼?希冀的读音是什么?希冀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:希冀的读音是xījì,希冀翻译成英文是 To hope; Wish.



希望得到。《三国志·魏志·臧洪传》:“诸袁事汉,四世五公,可谓受恩。今王室衰弱,无扶翼之意,欲因际会,希冀非望,多杀忠良以立奸威。” 宋 李纲 《论和战札子》:“中国为和所误者多矣,十馀年来持和议之说,一切苟且,希冀万一者,何其纷纷也。