


1. 且 [qiě]2. 且 [jū]且 [qiě]尚,还,表示进一层:既高~大。尚~。况~。表示暂时:苟~偷安。姑~。表示将要、将近:城~拔矣。年~九十。一面这样,一面那样:~走~说。表示经久:这双鞋~穿呢!文言发语词,用在句首,与“夫”……





汉语拼音:qiě zé








  1. 姑且。

    元 马致远 《汉宫秋》第二折:“痛伤心,重回首,则怕他望不见凤闕龙楼,今夜且则向 灞陵桥 畔宿。”



  1. Parts of the brain have been tentatively identified, but more research was needed, he said.


  2. The agency had first slapped a so-called black box warning, the toughest kind, on the drugs in March as an interim measure.


  3. Wll leave aside the problem of agency until next week.


  1. 另一些则且行且驻, 艰难地向着遥远的目的地挺进。

    Other make the trip in stages laboring to reach their distant destination.

  2. 缓慢且持续固然很好,但动作快且牢靠则更胜一筹。

    It is good to be slow and steady; but it's better to be fast and reliable.

  3. 荣卫俱虚, 则不仁且不用

    deficiency of both nutrient QI and defensive QI resulting in numbness and flac cidity

  4. 而华丽斯则时髦且鲜明,恍惚带着几分轻浮。

    Stylish and sharp, Wallis had a vaguely raffish edge.

  5. 他细心且勤奋,我则稀里糊涂。

    He was careful and diligent. I was all over the place.

  6. 如果目标计算机损坏且未忽略,则不允许移动。

    Move is not allowed if target is broken and not ignored.

  7. 如果输出值有符号且为正, 则在该值前加空格。

    Preface the output value with blank spaces if the value is signed and positive.

  8. 比赛当天才配带且欲参加比赛者则不会被通融。

    No accommodation will be for people who just up on the day and expect to participate.

  9. 而如果发送的用户名无效, 且密码错误, 则会话将立即终止。

    If an invalid username is sent with an incorrent password, the session will be immediately terminated.

  10. 且线程正在模拟,则返回线程的

    And the thread is impersonating, the.

  11. 挥动愈快且释放愈慢,则球飞愈远!

    The faster the swing and later the release, the further the ball goes!

  12. 在贵族们的社交界中, 蔷薇守则是绝对且不容侵犯。

    In the aristocracy in society are, the Rose and the Code is absolutely not be violated.

  13. 柿子很小且呈红色, 味道则是甜的。

    Persimmon is small and red, and the taste is sweet.

  14. 柿子很小且呈红色,味道则是甜得。

    Persimmon is small and red, and the taste is sweet.

  15. 我一人如何掘得开坟墓?且和石道姑商量则个。

    But, how can I open the grave by myself? I had better consult with Abbess Shih.

  16. 这棵树的树枝扭曲多瘤且呈红色,树叶则是深绿色。

    The tree has gnarled red branches and deep green leaves.

  17. 如果方法与类同名且没有返回类型,则将其视为构造函数。

    A method is considered a constructor if it has the same name as the class and no return type.

  18. 若达到中液位则自动加热,且具有恒温功能。

    If it were up to Secondary Level automatic heating and having thermostat function.

  19. 并张贴了一则有关攻击白宫 且欧巴马总统受伤的讯息。

    about an attack on the White House injuring President Obama.

  20. 杂注, 则生成错误信息, 且编译不成功。

    Pragma, an error message is generated and the compilation is unsuccessful.

  21. 如果重试失败,则该命令失败,且显示错误消息824。

    If the retry attempts fail, the command will fail with error message 824.

  22. 如果级数发散,且当时,有成立,则级数发散。

    If diverges, and a natural number, such that for any, holds, then also diverges.

  23. 且暗期显热普遍高于光期,而潜热则普遍低于光期。

    SHP was commonly higher and LHP was lower in dark period than in light period.

  24. 节, 则使用该计算机配置中得值且建立名为

    Section in your Web. Config, the values from the machine configuration are used and the

  25. 且夫水之积也不厚,则其负大舟也无力。

    If there is not sufficient depth, water will not have the power to float large ships.

  26. 关于这事件的一则轰动且耸人听闻但确切的报导

    A lurid, melodramatic, but accurate account of the accident.

  27. 实际上, 正则表达式提供了更高效且更佳的解决方案。

    In fact, regular expressions provide a much more efficient and elegant solution.

  28. 如果输入控件为空,则不调用任何验证函数且验证成功。

    If the input control is empty, no validation functions are called and validation succeeds.

  29. 尼尔则穿上他每周板球运动的服装,他亲切且又好谈。

    ONeill, dressed in cricket gear for his weekly game, is gracious and chatty.

  30. 如果吸积发生在偏心轨道, 则自转将是正向的, 且快慢也合适。

    If accretion takes place in eccentric orbits as well, the rotation will be prograde and of the right order of magnitude.