




1. 且 [qiě]2. 且 [jū]且 [qiě]尚,还,表示进一层:既高~大。尚~。况~。表示暂时:苟~偷安。姑~。表示将要、将近:城~拔矣。年~九十。一面这样,一面那样:~走~说。表示经久:这双鞋~穿呢!文言发语词,用在句首,与“夫”……



汉语拼音:zàn qiě








  1. 暂时;姑且。

    明 贾仲明 《昇仙梦》第二折:“我困倦了,暂且歇息。”《水浒传》第九六回:“﹝ 乔冽 ﹞曾来访道,我暂且拒他,因他魔心正重。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第二幕:“也好,我们暂且不提这一层。”



  1. And I faced down my own confusion as a mother, as a woman, about the issues that raising a girl raises in me about my own femininity.


  2. Before you scoff at the ridiculousness of such a concept and flick on further down your reader just stop. Indulge me for a moment.


  3. Try to put the rest of the clutter out of your mind for now and just deal with the task at hand.


  4. Among other things, extremely alien-looking aliens would be hard to fit with the idea that God "made man in his own image" .


  5. This bit of burnt potato is no more than an apology for a meal.


  6. Let us just assume for simplicity now that the orbits are roughly circular just to get a little bit of feeling for it.


  7. Caressing wind, Wending through darkness This spring night, For a while at least, Breathe not against that virgin's hair.


  8. "Let us see what is in the other casket, before we get into a bad humor, " said the Emperor.


  9. If your are a nurse and have been qualified for a year, then travel nursing may be an exciting work opportunity for you.


  1. 暂且记下来

    dot down

  2. 我们暂且说

    Let's just say.

  3. 暂时。暂且。目前。

    For the time being.

  4. 暂且就这样吧。

    That will do for the present.

  5. 我们暂且假设一下

    Let's pretend, just for a moment.

  6. 暂且充饥的一点食物。

    A little food to stay one's hunger.

  7. 暂且让事情保持现状

    leave the matter as it is for the present

  8. 我暂且相信我弄错了。

    I grant that I am mistaken.

  9. 讲座也暂且到这里吧!

    Cheerio!Long time no see!

  10. 暂且够了, 目前足以应付

    Enough to go on with

  11. 请你暂且控制住感情。

    Please contain your enthusiasm for a moment.

  12. 你暂且假意敷衍他一下。

    You can string along with him for the time being.

  13. 暂且可以说是超自然的东西,

    let us say the supernatural

  14. 讨论暂且告一段落吧。

    The discussion is suspended for the time being.

  15. 这件事我们暂且不考虑。

    We wouldn't consider the matter.

  16. 我们今天暂且分别,明朝再会!

    So much for today. Let's meet again.

  17. 请暂且不要关上收音机。

    Don't switch off the radio yet, please.

  18. 请你暂且控制住你的感情。

    Please contain your enthusiasm for a moment.

  19. 请你暂且控制住你得感情。

    Please contain your enthusiasm for a moment.

  20. 让我也暂且叫他 唐阁下。

    Let's call him Don too.

  21. 这件事可暂且搁置到下周。

    The business can wait till next week.

  22. 美国企业暂且逃过了一劫。

    US businesses have been let off lightly.

  23. 因此今晚暂且将时间束之高阁

    So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf

  24. 沙尔福德暂且获得了信任。

    Shalford is entitled to the benefit of the doubt.

  25. 咱们今天暂且以乐忘忧吧。

    Let's leave the sadness behind, and enjoy the moment today.

  26. 咱们今天暂且以乐忘忧吧。

    Let's leave the sadness behind, and enjoy the moment today.

  27. 你不妨暂且相信他说了实话。

    You may grant him to have told the truth.

  28. 我先暂且把它称作弗兰克。

    For me, I like to call him Frank.

  29. 为了挑得更远,必须暂且退后。

    One must draw back in order to leap further.

  30. 学术派的观点暂且讨论到这里。

    So much for an academic perspective.


  1. 问:暂且拼音怎么拼?暂且的读音是什么?暂且翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂且的读音是zànqiě,暂且翻译成英文是 for the moment




注音:zàn qiě 基本解释 [for the time being] 暂时;权且 这事暂且不提了 表示时间不长、不是永久的意思。多用于临时权变的事上:暂且作罢|暂且不提|我困倦了,暂且歇息。 详细解释 暂时;姑且。 明贾仲明《升仙梦》第二折:“我困倦了,暂且歇息。”《水浒传》第九六回:“ (乔冽) 曾来访道,我暂且拒他,因他魔心正重。” 明 冯梦龙 清 蔡元放 《东周列国志》第七十六回:“不如暂且驻兵,待其半渡,然后击之。”曹禺《雷雨》第二幕:“也好,我们暂且不提这一层。”