


相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:lián hǎo






  1. 交好;结好。

    清 蒲松龄 《代毕子光复高司寇念东先生启》:“袂衿连好,并属弟昆;姊妹同归,依然娣姒。”《荡寇志》第八七回:“ 梁山泊 係 永清 切齿深仇,你不许和他连好。”



  1. Now , our director tells me that the communication with teacher Ren is ready.


  2. Even good party drill pipe. Again, with big hook mention party, put forward with spear pipe hook generous watts.


  3. For Shiwei Mei's surprise, her daughter was not only surprised, and even friends are puzzled.


  4. There are websites already linked onto the computer so that students can view age-appropriate materials and resources.


  5. Kagetsura: Well, then, I know not when.


  1. 一连好几年获得了丰收。

    There have been bumper harvests for several yews running.

  2. 我能一连好几天保持安静。

    I can be quiet for days on end.

  3. 我曾经一连好几年每天到母亲坟前献花。

    I've been laying flowers every day on my mother's grave for years.

  4. 现在导揪告诉我,任老师那边连线己经连好了,

    Now, our director tells me that the communication with teacher Ren is ready.

  5. 一个结了婚的人甚至连好的葡萄酒也喝不起。

    A married man can't even afford a good port.

  6. 再连好方钻杆, 用大钩提起方钻杆, 用矛钩提出大方瓦。

    Even good party drill pipe. Again, with big hook mention party, put forward with spear pipe hook generous watts.

  7. 就连好学生都说上学最讨厌的就是要写家庭作业。

    Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school.

  8. 成功总带有一些连好朋友也为之感到不愉快的东西。

    There's always something about success that displease even your best friend.

  9. 他们吵过架后就绝交了,一连好几年都未见过面。

    After their quarrel, they parted company and didn't see each other again for years.

  10. 我们要做的就是将接收机与电视连好线就可以了。

    We have to do is to receiver and TV with a good line on it.

  11. 他们吵过架后就绝交了,一连好几年都未曾见过面。

    After their quarrel they parted company and didn't see each other again for years.

  12. 全营按连站好。

    The battalion formed up by companies.

  13. 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

    Will you connect this wire to the television.

  14. 你把这根电线以及电视连顶好吗

    Will you connect thellos wire to the television

  15. 他还是得不吃烟不喝酒,爽性连包好茶叶也不便于喝。

    So he still kept off tobacco and alcohol and couldn't even bring himself to drink better quality tea.

  16. 然而, 连最好的电子显微镜也不能照出一张清晰的原子照片。

    However, even the best scanning electron microscope can only show a fuzzy picture of an atom.

  17. 结论骨痂延长术是治疗肱骨大段骨缺损性骨不连较好方法。

    Conclusions Callus lengthening is a good technique for humeral large segment defect nonunion.

  18. 而西方人收到礼物时要当着客人的面马上打开并连声称好。

    But the westerner receives time the gift must work as visitor's surface is opening immediately and praises repeatedly.

  19. 右臂肱骨中断骨不连有什么好办法?

    Does sword arm humerus interrupt bone what to tweak to have repeatedly ?

  20. 哇, 你运气真好一直连赢。

    Wow, you're a winning streak.

  21. 春节期间,首都的文化市场可真是好戏连台。

    During Spring Festival, the cultural squares of the capital have one good performance after another.

  22. 有人说,有的地方戏不好,连本地人也反对。

    Some say that a few local operas are so bad that even the local people disapprove of them.

  23. 她的口才如此之好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

    Her eloquence is so good that she cuts down the best orator.

  24. 他毫不犹豫地继续说我脸色如何不好, 连皮肤都发黄了。

    Without hesitation, he continued to tell me how bad I looked and that my skin appeared yellow.

  25. 顺点连线把图画好。

    Join the dots up to complete the drawing.

  26. 重新连上保险丝就好了。

    Just need to reconnect the fuse.

  27. 一眨眼工夫连衣服都换好了。

    You changed into a costume in the blink of an eye.

  28. 连美国都不好证明,何况别的星球!

    Even it is hard to prove that the USA exists, not to mention other planets.

  29. 各位法师大虾们,法师连什么商业技能好啊?

    Master prawns Members who have any business skills with Master Well?

  30. 连美国都不好证明,何况别得星球!

    Even it is hard to prove that the USA exists, not to mention other planets.