







汉语拼音:xiǎo fàn









  1. 小口吃饭。

    《礼记·少仪》:“小饭而亟之。” 孔颖达 疏:“小饭,谓小口而饭。” 宋 晏殊 《几铭》:“小饭防饐,跬行虞跌。”

  2. 亦作“ 小飰 ”。点心;便饭。

    汉 枚乘 《七发》:“小飰大歠,如汤沃雪。”《史记·淮阴侯列传》“令其裨将传飱” 裴駰 集解引 三国 魏 如淳 曰:“小饭曰湌。”《古今小说·木绵庵郑虎臣报冤》:“ 唐孺人 留之宽坐,整备小饭相款。”

  3. 谦称宴请人的筵席。


  4. 旧时 北京 天桥 一带所卖的大众化饭食。

    清 兰陵忧患生 《京华百二竹枝词》:“小饭 天桥 一带多,苦寒果腹往来梭。”自注:“ 天桥 一带所卖饭食,粗细俱全,颇宜贫苦,别名小饭。”



  1. 网络
  2. ayaya;zzz;Persie

  1. 你觉得喝喝小酒,吃吃小饭就能搞定?

    And you think all it will take is a little wining and dining?

  2. 每天勉强能吃下一小碗饭, 我的体重开始迅速的下降。

    Barely able to force down one small meal a day, I rapidly began losing weight.

  3. 街巷上小饭棚, 小客店鳞次栉比。

    The lane was lined with outdoor restaurants and small guesthouses one after another.

  4. 中午在曼彻斯特郊外的一家老字号小店吃了饭。

    Had Lunch at an old pub outside Manchester.

  5. 寿司是用各种海产包成的小饭团,通常是海藻,卵和生鱼片。

    Sushi are small riceballs covered with a variety of seafoods, usually seaweed, fish eggs, and slices of raw fish.

  6. 寿司是用各种海产包成的小饭团,通常是海藻,鱼卵和生鱼片。

    Sushi are small riceballs covered with a variety of seafoods, usually seaweed, fish eggs, and slices of raw fish.

  7. 小酒菜馆供应套饭的酒菜馆或小酒馆。

    RN or an inn providing such a meal.

  8. 小乌龟吃一顿饭可以抵得上一星期不吃饭。

    Small turtle eating a meal can be equivalent to one week without eating meals.

  9. 你吃饭这么大声, 小仙女都吓跑啦!

    The Tooth Fairy won't come if you keep eating noisily like that.

  10. 晚上我们在他家里吃完饭,玩了些小游戏。

    We evening in his home after eating meals, playing games.

  11. 饭一小口一小口地吃

    You know, she eats small portions.

  12. 他饭后小睡一会儿。

    He takes a nap after dinner.

  13. 他喜欢饭后小睡片刻。

    He likes a doze after dinner.

  14. 不要在饭后擦小腹。

    Avoid rushing your stomach after meals.

  15. 饭后,我们常常要小睡一下。

    We often take a nap after we have meal.

  16. 他们已在那个小镇吃了便饭。

    They've got to take pot luck in that little town.

  17. 他们已在那个小镇吃了便饭。

    They've got to take pot luck in that little town.

  18. 爱是让他在饭后小睡一下。

    Love is letting he take a snooze after dinner.

  19. 我的小汤姆,你吃过饭了吗?

    Have you eaten your food? My little tom.

  20. 我们是在餐厅吃的饭,而不是在小饭馆。

    We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.

  21. 妈妈一直教育小明, 吃饭不要掉饭粒。

    Mother always reminds Xiao Ming not to drop grains of rice at meals.

  22. 妈妈一直教育小明,吃饭不要掉饭粒。

    Mother always reminds Xiao Ming not to drop grains of rice at meals.

  23. 女儿则烧饭煮菜, 打扫茅屋和照顾小孩。

    The daughter cooked, the hut, and care of the baby.

  24. 他从很小的时候起就开始自己挣饭吃。

    He began to scratch along for himself at an early age.

  25. 家里老的小的都等着我回去忙饭吃呢。

    My parents and children are all waiting for me to come home and cook the meal.

  26. 小母牛,纯种,供繁殖用你提供牛肉烤饭吗?

    Pure bovine heifer bred for breeding Do you serve roast meat with buffets?

  27. 小孩跑过来的时候嘴边还有几颗饭粒。

    The kid running over here has several rice grains around his mouth.

  28. 小孩跑过来的时候嘴边还有几颗饭粒。

    The kid running over here has several rice grains around his mouth.

  29. 这小东西睡的到稳, 一点也不担心没饭吃!

    This runt slumbers of arrive steady, dont worry to dont dine for rice at all!

  30. 她俯冲而下, 给小鹰带来它最后的饭餐。

    She swooped down to the nest with his last meal.


  1. 问:小饭冢拼音怎么拼?小饭冢的读音是什么?小饭冢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小饭冢的读音是Xiǎofànzhǒng,小饭冢翻译成英文是 Koiizuka

  2. 问:小饭厅拼音怎么拼?小饭厅的读音是什么?小饭厅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小饭厅的读音是,小饭厅翻译成英文是 dinette

  3. 问:小饭桌拼音怎么拼?小饭桌的读音是什么?小饭桌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小饭桌的读音是xiǎofànzhuō,小饭桌翻译成英文是 Small-scaled eatery run by town streets organiz...

  4. 问:小饭馆拼音怎么拼?小饭馆的读音是什么?小饭馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小饭馆的读音是,小饭馆翻译成英文是 cookshop