




居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……



汉语拼音:tián lǐ











  1. 田地和庐舍。

    《周礼·地官·遂人》:“凡治野,以下剂致甿,以田里安甿。” 贾公彦 疏:“以田里安甿者,田则为百畮之田,里则五畮之宅。民得业则安,故云安甿也。”《孟子·尽心上》:“所谓 西伯 善养老者,制其田里,教之树畜,导其妻子,使养其老。” 隋 王通 《中说·立命》:“古者圣王在上,田里相距,鸡犬相闻,人至老死不相往来,盖自足也。”

  2. 特指卿大夫的封地和住宅。

    《左传·襄公三十年》:“ 丰卷 奔 晋 。 子产 请其田里,三年而復之,反其田里及其入焉。”《孟子·离娄下》:“去三年不反,然后收其田里。” 赵岐 注:“田,业也;里,居也。”

  3. 指故乡。

    《史记·汲郑列传》:“ 黯 耻为令,病归田里。” 唐 韦应物 《寄李儋元锡》诗:“身多疾病思田里,邑有流亡愧俸钱。” 宋 岳飞 《奏乞出师札子》:“使宗庙再安,万姓同欢……臣之志愿毕矣,然后乞身归田里,此臣夙夜所自许者。”《醒世恒言·三孝廉让产立高名》:“弟兄相约,各将印綬纳还,奔回田里,日奉其兄为山水之游,尽老百年而终。”

  4. 泛指乡间,民间。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“如此诸贤,故为上品,以外率多田里间人,音辞鄙陋,风操蚩拙。” 宋 曾巩 《广德军重修鼓角楼记》:“自是以来,田里辨争,岁时税调,始不勤远。” 明 高启 《审游赠陆彦达》:“僻居田里,无相与薰炙,以成其道。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·水师》:“其陆军则仿 德国 募民为兵,训练三年,令归田里,一旦有事,招之入伍。”

  5. 乡民,百姓。

    宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷六:“比之事鞭箠以急税赋,扰田里以督期会,则大异矣。” 清 龚自珍 《明良论一》:“远方之士,未尝到京师,担笈数千里而至,乐瞻士大夫之气象丰采,以归语田里。” 陈衍 《元诗纪事·江西福建怨谣》:“不体圣天子抚绥元元之意,鹰扬虎噬,雷厉风飞,声色以淫吾中,贿赂以缄吾口,閭阎失望,田里寒心。”



  1. It is very interesting to see that the two men are working in the field and that the two women are grinding at the mill.


  2. In June, when the rice is sown, he sings for farmers in their fields, as he says his forebears have done "for a thousand generations" .


  3. This was not surprising up to the fields, I felt perfectly all right again and each day I began to feel stronger and healthier.


  4. And he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed hogs.


  5. We really must get all the furniture and baggage and stores moved out of this before those horrid machines begin clicking round the fields.


  6. Once there was a man who found a treasure. Hidden in a field, and he took pleasure.


  7. At the beginning, someone accidentally fell into the water field with the cart and was muddied all over.


  8. For good measure, a Russian - made bomb fell (but did not explode) into a vegetable field in Georgia.


  9. It is neither fit for the land nor for the dunghill, but men throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!


  1. 在田里播种

    strew seeds in the field.

  2. 在田里干活

    Be out on the farm.

  3. 在田里撒粪肥

    spread manure over a field

  4. 田里稻穗飘香,

    I smelt the fragrance of rice ears.

  5. 田里稻穗飘香。

    I smelt the fragrance of rice ears.

  6. 田里播种了玉米。

    The field has been seeded with corn.

  7. 农民们在田里翻地。

    The peasants were picking up in the field.

  8. 社员们在田里劳动。

    The commune members laboured in the fields.

  9. 他们在田里干活。

    They work on the land.

  10. 小羊在田里嬉戏。

    Lambs sport in the field.

  11. 他正在田里干活。

    He is laboring in the fields.

  12. 我愿在田里锄地。

    I'd like to hoe in the field.

  13. 牛正在田里吃草。

    Cattle is browsing in the field.

  14. 小羊在田里跳跃。

    The lambs were skipping about in the fields.

  15. 他们还在田里工作。

    They are still working in the fields.

  16. 田里有大量的玉米。

    There are acres of corn in the field.

  17. 田里的水分散失了。

    The soil moisture in the fields was evaporated.

  18. 农民在田里播种小麦。

    Farmers are sowing the field with wheat.

  19. 那个农夫正在田里灌溉。

    The farmer is irrigating in his field.

  20. 水渠把水送到田里。

    The canals take water to the fields.

  21. 猪在田里翻土觅食。

    The pigs rootled about in the field.

  22. 小羊羔在田里耍欢。

    The young lambs were frolicing in the field.

  23. 我们在自己田里牧牛。

    We graze cattle on our fields.

  24. 秋天的田里低首沉思

    In the autumnal field stretching afar.

  25. 在田里工作折磨著我。

    Working in the fields wore me out.

  26. 田里得麦子长得很茂盛。

    The corn was thick in the field.

  27. 许多农民在田里干活。

    Many farmers are working in the fields.

  28. 那些人在田里挖水渠。

    The men were digging a ditch in the field.

  29. 那些人在田里挖水渠。

    The men were digging a ditch in the field.

  30. 农夫把种子撒在田里。

    The farmers were scattering seeds on the fields.