




年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……







汉语拼音:rén lǎo zhū huáng








  • 【解释】:旧时比喻女子老了被轻视,就象因年代久远而失去光泽的珍珠一样不值钱。
  • 【出自】:明·兰陵笑笑生《金瓶梅词话》第二回:“娘子正在青年,翻身的日子很有呢,不像俺是人老珠黄不值钱呢。”
  • 【示例】:真正~不值钱,走了这点点路,果然就吃力起来,我也要回去睡个觉呢。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. Yeah, we on the aging King charming, a piece of pure cashmere three set, fifteen thousand, is rich in many.


  2. "The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch --thatisa truth, " added a third autumnal matron.


  3. These two years, I bring home the bacon until old age, responsible, he will be on the.


  4. the prince and Princess old bald, then the prince will find several lovers.


  5. Do cattle and horses, when you become old, or has been abandoned patriarchal grandfather.


  6. These old apeks; their wives are old, and now they have beautiful young China girls throwing themselves at them.


  7. Say Im old-fashioned, say Im over the hill


  1. 人老珠黄, 无法更改。

    Men grow old, peals grow yellow, there is no cure for it.

  2. 人老珠黄,无法更改。

    Men grow old, peals grow yellow, there is no cure for it.

  3. 她不像年轻时那样漂亮了,真是人老珠黄啊。

    Like a pearl yellows with age, she is not as beautiful as she used to be.

  4. 她不像年轻时那样漂亮了,真是人老珠黄啊。

    Like a pearl yellows with age, she is not as beautiful as she used to be.

  5. 绝不屈从旧时代,直到地老天荒,而我还没人老珠黄呢!

    I will never give in to old age until become old. And I'm not old yet!

  6. 人老珠黄不值钱。

    An old goat is never the more revere for his beard.

  7. 直到人老珠黄才找到男人。

    She couldn't find a man till late in life.

  8. 我就要人老珠黄了,不会遇见什么新鲜事儿了。

    Soon I'll be old and nothing will've happened to me.

  9. 人黄体化激素

    human luteinizing hormone

  10. 实际控制人黄俊钦系黄光裕之兄。

    The actual control line Huang Junqin Wong Kwong Yu's elder brother.

  11. 不过,创办人黄川却满是严肃和自信。

    Despite scepticism, founder Trent Huang was nonsensical and confident about his company.

  12. 每个人都应该有拒黄意识。

    Everyone should have the awareness to reject pornographies.

  13. 每个人都应该有拒黄意识。

    Everyone should have the awareness to reject pornographies.

  14. 那个穿黄大衣的人, 手里捏着他的棍子和包袱。

    The yellow man carried his bundle and his cudgel in his hand.

  15. 那个穿黄大衣得人,手里捏着他得棍子和包袱。

    The yellow man carried his bundle and his cudgel in his hand.

  16. 你知道吗, 那些穿黄衣服的人比较欣赏他们自己的美丽!

    Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty ?

  17. 为什么夏天人的尿容易变黄, 有什么方法才会变清。

    Why the person's make water allows summer to fizzle out changeably, what method just can clear.

  18. 薄暮的斜阳又是那么的温暖,令人迷醉于那股泛黄的味道!

    Twilight of the setting sun is so warm, stunning yellow in the sense of taste!

  19. 黄教授说, 如果人在70岁以前长肿瘤, 这就是病理性得。

    Professor Huang said that if people in the past70 years tumor, which is the pathological.

  20. 黄教授说,如果人在70岁以前长肿瘤,这就是病理性的。

    Professor Huang said that if people in the past70 years tumor, which is the pathological.

  21. 昔人已乘黄鹤去,

    People of a bygone age rode the yellow cranes and flew away.

  22. 昔人已乘黄鹤去。

    People of a bygone age rode the yellow cranes and flew away.

  23. 大多数亚洲人都是黄皮肤。

    Most of Asians are yellow.

  24. 武汉人以黄鹤楼为荣。

    People in Wuhan are proud of the Yellow Crane tower.

  25. 人视黄醇结合蛋白4试剂盒

    Human Retinol binding protein 4, RBP4 Elisa K.

  26. 黄伯禄神父是江苏海门人

    Priest Huang Bolu Was from Haimen, Jiangsu Province

  27. 黄家得人买了一栋公寓。

    The Huangs bought an apartment.

  28. 被人讥讽为饶舌老人的信口雌黄。

    Be scorned like old men of less truth than tongue.

  29. 人的皮肤杂有白, 有黑, 有黄的咧?

    The person's skin is miscellaneous have white, have black, is there yellow Lie ?

  30. 柠檬黄, 也能提高思维能力的人。

    Citrine is also capable of improving the mental capacity of the person.


  1. 问:人老珠黄拼音怎么拼?人老珠黄的读音是什么?人老珠黄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人老珠黄的读音是rénlǎozhūhuáng,人老珠黄翻译成英文是 becoming disliked and avoided as old, like a pear...


