




用具的总称:~皿。~物。~械。木~。武~。~小易盈。生物体结构中具有某种独立生理机能的部分:~官。消化~。人的度量、才干:~度。~量(liàng )。~宇。~质。大~晚成。重视:~重。~敬。……



汉语拼音:lì qì








  1. 锋利的武器。

    《书·说命上》“若金,用汝作礪” 孔 传:“铁须礪以成利器。” 南朝 陈 徐陵 《梁贞阳侯与王太尉僧辩书》:“精兵利器,势勇雷霆。” 宋 梅尧臣 《寄永兴招讨夏太尉》诗:“马烦人怠当劲虏,虽持利器安得强。” 老舍 《二马》第三段四:“象 日本 人一样,造大炮飞艇和一切杀人的利器。”

  2. 精良的工具。

    《论语·卫灵公》“工欲善其事,必先利其器” 汉 孔安国 注:“言工以利器为用。” 茅盾 《子夜》一:“坐在这样近代交通的利器上,驱驰于三百万人口的东方大都市 上海 的大街。”

  3. 指兵权。

    《资治通鉴·汉灵帝中平六年》:“但当速发雷霆,行权立断,则天人顺之。而反委释利器,更徵外助,大兵聚会,强者为雄,所谓倒持干戈,授人以柄,功必不成。” 胡三省 注:“利器,谓兵柄也。”

  4. 喻杰出的才能。

    《后汉书·虞诩传》:“志不求易,事不避难,臣之职也。不遇槃根错节,何以别利器乎?” 唐 王昌龄 《上侍御士兄》诗:“利器必先举,非贤安可任?” 宋 苏轼 《乞擢用林豫札子》:“﹝ 林豫 ﹞勇於立事,常有为国捐躯之意,试之盘错之地,必显利器。”



  1. A degree from a western university has long been a priority for any would-be member of the Kenyan elite.


  2. And all day long all I could think about is how I used a technicality in the law to help a murderer walk away a free man.


  3. This tech is supremely innovative, and no doubt is a hugely potent tool for marketing and for some specific use cases.


  4. His head had been beaten in by some heavy weapon, and there was a wound in his leg from something sharp.


  5. Here's a riddle. When is a croquest mallet like a Billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.


  6. A piercing movement made with or as if with a pointed weapon; a stab .


  7. Laughter is a great ice breaker and you'd be surprised at how powerful it can be to help you connect with you date.


  8. Just be prepared to maintain these implements of death: Weapons and armor will gradually lose effectiveness and need repairing.


  9. His quick elevation even with a man in his face is as daunting a weapon as anything in the league.


  1. 用利器交手

    fight at sharps.

  2. 拙匠无利器。

    A bad shearer never had a good sickle.

  3. 切勿玩弄利器。

    Do not play with edged tods.

  4. 逻辑是她的利器。

    Logic is her weapon.

  5. 制作课件的利器

    Macromedia Captivate Powerful Tool for Making Courseware Macromedia Captivate

  6. 把它们磨成利器。

    And turns them into weapons.

  7. 把它们磨成利器。

    And turns them into weapons.

  8. 唱机用唱针锐利器

    needle sharpener for record player

  9. 口齿伶俐, 是件利器。

    A good tongue is a good weapon.

  10. 口齿伶俐,是件利器。

    A good tongue is a good weapon.

  11. 刺用或似用利器刺或戳。

    To pierce or stab with or as if with a pointed weapon.

  12. 重任在肩利器在手

    great commission on shoulder and sharp weapon in hand

  13. 直销法规是扶正祛邪的利器

    Statute of Direct Selling is the sharpest weapon

  14. 文字,是我们这行的利器。

    The grist for our mill is still words.

  15. 我家有很多金属和利器

    Everything at my place is metal and sharp.

  16. 我家有很多金属和利器。

    Everything at my place is metal and sharp.

  17. 割开的用或好象用利器制成的

    Made with or as if with a sharp instrument.

  18. 有装在手柄上的重刃头的利器。

    An edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle.

  19. 用或似用利器做出戳的动作刺。

    A piercing movement made with or as if with a pointed weapon a stab.

  20. 利用信息化利器振兴东北老工业基地

    Utilizing the sharp weapon of informationization to revitalize the old industrial base of the Northeast

  21. 很明显,他是被某种利器击伤的。

    Obviously, he had been attacked by some dangerous weapon.

  22. 刺用或似用利器做出戳的动作, 刺。

    A piercing movement made with or as if with a pointed weapon, a stab.

  23. 它是个礼物,一个对付我的敌人的利器。

    It is a gift, a gift to my foes.

  24. 旅客乘飞机不得携带武器、利器和凶器。

    Passengers travel by air shall not carry weapons, edge tools and lethal weapons.

  25. 我们相信科技能在其中成为一个利器。

    We believe division skill amid makes an edge tool.

  26. 科学家们仍在找寻抗击疟疾的更好利器。

    Scientists continue to sick seek better weapons against malaria.

  27. 科学家们仍在找寻抗击疟疾得更好利器。

    Scientists continue to sick seek better weapons against malaria.

  28. 教育或许是预防冲突工作最有效的利器。

    Perhaps the single most useful tool in conflict prevention is education.

  29. 提高透明度是对付不道德行为的最佳利器。

    Unethical behaviour is best fought with increased transparency.

  30. 工程部办房没有每日做利器收发记录。

    NO blade reciept and dispatchment record in Project department.


  1. 问:利器拼音怎么拼?利器的读音是什么?利器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:利器的读音是lìqì,利器翻译成英文是 sharp weapon; useful tool

  2. 问:利器刺人者拼音怎么拼?利器刺人者的读音是什么?利器刺人者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:利器刺人者的读音是lì qì cì rén zhě,利器刺人者翻译成英文是 piquer

  3. 问:利器刀剑制造业拼音怎么拼?利器刀剑制造业的读音是什么?利器刀剑制造业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:利器刀剑制造业的读音是,利器刀剑制造业翻译成英文是 cutlery



喻杰出的才能。 《后汉书·虞诩传》:“志不求易,事不避难,臣之职也。不遇盘根错节,何以别利器乎?” 唐 王昌龄 《上侍御士兄》诗:“利器必先举,非贤安可任?” 宋 苏轼 《乞擢用林豫札子》:“﹝林豫﹞勇於立事,常有为国捐躯之意,试之盘错之地,必显利器。”