




1. 港 [gǎng]2. 港 [jiǎng]港 [gǎng]江河的支流:~汊。可以停泊大船的江海口岸:商~。军~。~口。~湾。~务。指“香港”:~府。~币。~商。港 [jiǎng]方言,指山凹或山沟(多用于地名):前头~。上~。下~。……



汉语拼音:yú gǎng






  1. 停泊渔船的港湾。

    陈三立 《夜泊吴江城》诗:“灯火喧渔港,沧桑换独醒。” 杨朔 《海市》:“一般的船也有无线报话机,不等风来,消息先来了,船能及时避到渔港里去。”



  1. Parties to the ship without endangering its own security, the Port Supervision without consent, not to leave designated locations.


  2. It has always been known as a fishing port and a commercial town.


  3. 'I could look out over a fishing harbor, ' she says. 'It was the best view I've ever had from a cutting room.


  4. investigations into the cause of the needs of maritime traffic, will enable the parties reached a designated area on the ship.


  5. All this had to be done over the difficult beaches or through the tiny fishing port.


  6. Just out of the elevator, " Shenyang-Dalian fishing port and beverage co. , Ltd. " screams into the horizon.


  7. So was the big fishing port at Talcahuano, in the south, as well as quays in many smaller fishing towns.


  8. The place has developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist center.


  9. The place HAS developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre.


  1. 天天渔港连锁店

    Tian Tian Seafood Chain Store

  2. 渔港完全成了废墟。

    And has been left in utter ruin.

  3. 六大中心渔港之一啊。

    Six largest central fishing ports.

  4. 我们曾帮助过一个渔港。

    We were working on a fishing port.

  5. 与著名的渔港沈家门相连。

    Is connected with the famous fishing port of Shenjiamen.

  6. 它向来以渔港商城而著称。

    It has always been known as a fishing port and a commercial town.

  7. 这个渔港的日落景象非常美丽。

    The fishing harbor is very picturesque at sunset.

  8. 渔港里停泊着几艘拖网渔船。

    Some trawlers anchored in the fishing port.

  9. 装满小鱼得运载船抵达渔港。

    A fishing boat at the port.

  10. 装满小鱼的运载船抵达渔港。

    A fishing boat at the port.

  11. 王浩儿渔港创建于2001年4月28日。

    Wang Haoer Fish Restaurant was founded at April 28, 2001.

  12. 渔港卸鱼码头合理泊位利用率研究

    Research of reasonable berth occupancy for fish unloading

  13. 靠近渔港的,不受冬季风侵扰的地方。

    places that are near the harbor to fish, places protected from the winter winds.

  14. 筲箕湾渔港,舢舨和渔船靠满一岸。

    Shau Kie Wan anchorage, packed with sampans and fishing junks.

  15. 渔港港内作业水域泊稳条件的研究

    A Study of Mooring Conditions of Working Area in Fishing Port

  16. 渔港的主题适合发展香港仔旅游项目。

    The Fishing Port Theme is appropriate for the future development of Aberdeen Harbour.

  17. 象山的石浦渔港是一座天然良港。

    The Shipu fishing port in Xiangshan is a natural harbor.

  18. 荣辉天天渔港的辉煌,餐饮界是有目共睹的。

    Ronghui the harbor every day of glory, catering industry is to all.

  19. 荣辉天天渔港得辉煌,餐饮界是有目共睹得。

    Ronghui the harbor every day of glory, catering industry is to all.

  20. 格里姆斯比是该国的一个古老渔港。

    Gelimusibi is a of this country old fishing port.

  21. 格里姆斯比是该国得一个古老渔港。

    Gelimusibi is a of this country old fishing port.

  22. 渔港安全监控系统项目进度计划与控制研究

    Project Schedule Plan and Control of Fishing Port Safety Monitoring System

  23. 东营中心渔港码头工程水力插板桩施工

    Hydraulic Sheeting Pile Construction for Central Fishing Port Wharf Engineering in Dongying

  24. 渔港边有许多经营新鲜海鲜佳肴的小餐馆。

    There are numerous small restaurants serving fresh seafood along the fishing port.

  25. 在海湾的南端,国家动土修建一个现代化渔港。

    The state started to construct a modern fishing harbour at the southern end of the bay.

  26. 我丈夫来自一个叫大澳的渔港, 这渔港临太平洋。

    My husband comes from a fishing port called Ta ao. on the coast of the Pacific.

  27. 某个行业团体已经求助一个叫做渔港的摇滚乐队。

    One trade group has turned to a rock band called Gyoko, or Fishing Port.

  28. 文摘介绍渔港总体设计规范修订的必要性和修订概况。

    Abstract The necessity and general situations of revision of Master Design Code for Fishery Port are introduced.

  29. 这个镇从一个小渔港变成了热闹的旅游中心。

    The town has changed from a small fishing port to a bustling tourist centre.

  30. 娜佳沃尔这可是重要的工作。这是塔伦港。是个渔港。

    Nadia Vole It is a very important job. This is Port Tallon. It is a fishing village.


  1. 问:渔港拼音怎么拼?渔港的读音是什么?渔港翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渔港的读音是yúgǎng,渔港翻译成英文是 fishing port; fishing harbour

  2. 问:渔港拼音怎么拼?渔港的读音是什么?渔港翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渔港的读音是yúgǎng,渔港翻译成英文是 Fishing Port

  3. 问:渔港区拼音怎么拼?渔港区的读音是什么?渔港区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渔港区的读音是yú gǎng qū,渔港区翻译成英文是 fishing port district

  4. 问:渔港法拼音怎么拼?渔港法的读音是什么?渔港法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渔港法的读音是yúgǎngfǎ,渔港法翻译成英文是 fishing port law

  5. 问:渔港园区拼音怎么拼?渔港园区的读音是什么?渔港园区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渔港园区的读音是yúgǎng yuánqū,渔港园区翻译成英文是 Fishing Port Complex


