


比:~量(liàng )。~劲(亦作“叫劲”)。比~。计~。对比着显得更进一层的:成绩~佳。明显:~然(显明)。彰明~著。大旨,大概:~略。……


1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:jiào liàng









  1. 商讨评定。

    《北史·裴汉传》:“ 武成 中,为司车路下大夫,与工部 郭彦 、太府 高宾 等参议格令,每较量时事,必有条理。” 唐 苏鹗 《杜阳杂编》卷中:“﹝上﹞常延学士於内廷,讨论经义,较量文章。”《水浒传》第三回:“三箇酒至数杯,正説些閒话,较量些鎗法,説得入港。”

  2. 考核验证。

    明 李介 《天香阁随笔》卷一:“予入 楚 界泊舟,道士 洑有山 突然下临回溜,土人曰: 西塞山 也。 江 流自 巴陵 ,会 洞庭 诸水,下至 武昌 ,会 汉水 将出,此地赖此山障住水口,故名 西塞 。后閲 陆放翁 《入蜀记》,于此山下载 张志和 ‘斜风细雨’一诗,不知 志和 浮家泛宅于 苕霅 之间,乃 吴兴 西塞山 也。 放翁 不知较量。此类尚多。”

  3. 比较。

    宋 欧阳修 《颜跖》诗:“生死得失间,较量谁重轻。” 元 耶律楚材 《再和万寿润禅师书字韵·警世》:“看尽人间万卷书,较量佛法总难如。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十:“自从他打 何 家出来以后,他就一直地较量着,把全部真实情况说出来呢,或者隐瞒下去。”

  4. 比本领;比实力。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·恭勤悫》:“性善饮,与 刘长沙 相国较量,日倾廿餘瓮,人以为奇。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第四章:“可是战争的较量自有其本身的规律。”

  5. 计较。

    宋 苏轼 《与范元长书》之八:“况其平生自有以表见於无穷者,岂必区区较量顷刻之寿否耶!”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十五:“﹝ 顾提控 ﹞又摸出几两银子做差使钱,众捕人道:‘提控分付,我每也不好推辞,也不好较量,权且收着。凡百看提控面上,不难为他便了。’”《红楼梦》第七一回:“ 探春 笑道:‘糊涂人多,那里较量得许多?’” 赵树理 《三里湾·还得参加支部会》:“ 菊英 只想早一点离开他们过个干净日子,无心和他们较量那些零碎,便放了个大量说:‘只要有几件家具过得开日子就算了。’”



  1. She measured her power with that of a dangerous adversary.


  2. Today, the question of executive power, so central to the national security law battles of the Bush years, is mostly off the agenda.


  3. Frank White was beginning to make mistakes and lose some legislative battles, and I didn't want to get in his way.


  4. On that basis, then, it would not be at all surprising to see this new tussle continue quite a bit longer, if not until 2012.


  5. But all that assumes the geopolitical rivalry between the US and China does not escalate.


  6. So far in this year's two-month tango with the dark forces of the market, the mood isn't great.


  7. These little battles seem to embody a deeper impatience with the passage of time, a perpetual desire to beat it, but for what?


  8. In a straight fight, therefore, it was the drug-sensitive strain that had the selective advantage when faced with a two-pronged attack.


  9. That tension between the two men has been most evident over the nomination of a successor to Mario Draghi as president of the Bank of Italy.


  1. 作一番较量

    have some competition.

  2. 品牌实力的较量

    The bout of brand strength

  3. 展开正面较量

    be in direct competition

  4. 与本届冠军较量。

    pit oneself against the reigning champion

  5. 较量了五个回合。

    Five rounds were fought.

  6. 这是力量的较量。

    This is a contest of strength.

  7. 好吧,咱们较量一下

    Okay, let's go.

  8. 与某人/ 某事较量

    to be pitted against somebody/ something

  9. 兔子与狐狸的较量。

    The Rabbit and The Fox.

  10. 我们无法和他们较量。

    There's no way we can compete with them.

  11. 没有人能跟他较量。

    No man is able to contend against him.

  12. 没有人能跟他较量。

    No man is able to contend against him.

  13. 我们较量半个小时吗

    Shall we have the gloves on for half an hour

  14. 我们曾经有过一些较量。

    We have had some skirmishes.

  15. 武士间的较量即将开始。

    The contest between champions will soon begin.

  16. 他们想和我们较量一下。

    They want to have a trial of strength with us.

  17. 和某人摔跤。与某人较量高低。

    Nod to its fall try a fall with sb.

  18. 每队与对手较量两次。

    Each side played the other teams twice.

  19. 这是一场势均力敌的较量。

    It was an even contest.

  20. 这是一场你死我活得较量。

    This is a fight to the death.

  21. 这是一场你死我活的较量。

    This is a fight to the death.

  22. 我是不会和他较量的。

    I wouldn't fight him.

  23. 那只是二人较量的开始。

    It was just the beginning of battles between them.

  24. 那只是二人较量得开始。

    It was just the beginning of battles between them.

  25. 他想和那个拳击冠军较量。

    He wants to take on that boxing champion.

  26. 这些队每年都会较量一番。

    These teams contest against each other every year.

  27. 这些队每年都会较量一番。

    These teams contest against each other every year.

  28. 他急于要和对手较量一番。

    He was eager to measure swords with his competitors.

  29. 我喜欢同真正的对手较量。

    I like to measure my strength against a worthy opponent.

  30. 他随时愿意同你较量耐力。

    He is willing to measure his power of endurance with yours, any day.


  1. 问:较量拼音怎么拼?较量的读音是什么?较量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较量的读音是jiàoliàng,较量翻译成英文是 compete; dispute



较量,读音jiào liàng,指用竞赛或斗争的方式比本领、实力的高低。另有同名电影和电视剧。