







汉语拼音:huí zuǐ







  1. 回口,顶嘴。

    《儒林外史》第十一回:“ 杨执中 駡他,他还睁着醉眼混回嘴。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二四回:“那姨娘听了这话,便回嘴説:‘别人干了坏事,偷了东西,太太犯不着连我也駡在里面!’”



  1. "Don't look at me, " Daisy retorted, "I've been trying to get you to New York all afternoon. "

  2. Kevin: She started arguing back to my dad that how much she loves her boyfriend.

  3. he returned, dismounting, and slinging his bridle on a hook by the door. 'And nip up the corner of your apron: I'm certain you'll need it.

  4. Her father said she was lazy, and she did not answer back.

  5. the boy talks back to his mother all the time.

  6. Why, guess! ' he returned, dismounting, and slinging his bridle on a hook by the door.

  7. He shouted back and the teacher closed the door, making sure that she couldn't shout.

  8. him of answering back(to you)when all he did was to explain the situation?

  9. The lad was taken aback. "My mother was a lady of Tyrosh. I dye my hair in memory of her. "


  1. 善于回嘴的

    quick at retort.

  2. 你不许回嘴。

    You must not talk back.

  3. 我回嘴说。

    I returned.

  4. 不许这样回嘴!

    Don't answer back like that!

  5. 当然不,她回嘴说。

    Of course not, she retorted.

  6. 他经常那样回嘴。

    He used to talk back like that.

  7. 他根本没时间回嘴。

    There was no time left for him to answer in.

  8. 起码马桶不会跟我回嘴

    Well,at least the toilets won't talk back.

  9. 他回嘴说那是我的错。

    He retorted that it was my fault.

  10. 吉姆没有回嘴,免得妈妈对他生气。

    Jim did not answer back lest his mother should be angry with him.

  11. 你母亲责备你时,你不应该回嘴。

    When your mother scolds you, you shouldn't answer back.

  12. 她说什么这孩子都要回嘴。

    The child would answer back to all she said.

  13. 当你父亲责备你时,你不应该回嘴。

    When your father scolds you, you shouldn't answer back.

  14. 她父亲说她很懒, 而她并没回嘴。

    Her father said she was lazy, and she did not answer back.

  15. 那个女的给吓得,都不敢回嘴。

    The woman was so intimidated she couldn't speak back.

  16. 在妈妈教训汤姆的时候, 他老喜欢回嘴

    Tom likes to talk back when his mother teaches him lessons

  17. 跟你父母说话时最好不要回嘴。

    Speaking to your parents, you'd better never talk back.

  18. 他想回嘴,但他姐姐大声吵嚷,压倒了他。

    He tried to talk back, but his sister vociferously talked him down.

  19. 当他在吵架时不回嘴,他意识到他有错。

    When a guy is not arguing, he realizes he's wrong.

  20. 你回嘴说她自己也并不很聪明。

    He retorted that she herself was not very clever.

  21. 如果老板生气骂人, 我们也不能回嘴。

    If the boss angry curse, we can not answer back.

  22. 诺玛。珍贝克是小心的,特别小心不回嘴。

    Norma Jeane was careful, especially not to talk back.

  23. 诺玛。珍贝克是小心得,特别小心不回嘴。

    Norma Jeane was careful, especially not to talk back.

  24. 他只是想说明情况,你为什么责怪他对你回嘴呢?

    Why did you accuse him of answering back when all he did was to explain the situation?

  25. 林惇先生会同意的, 我那夫人决断地回嘴。

    Mr. Linton should approve, returned my lady, decisively.

  26. 林惇先生会同意得,我那夫人决断地回嘴。

    Mr. Linton should approve, returned my lady, decisively.

  27. 如果你志在赚钱就别回嘴, 但如志在寻开心就回嘴吧。

    Don't answer back if you are out to make money, but do if out for enjoyment.

  28. 无论何时裁缝责怪男孩什么,男孩从不回嘴。

    Whenever the tailor scolded the boy, the boy never talked back.

  29. 她开始对我父亲回嘴说她有多么爱她的男朋友。

    Kevin She started arguing back to my dad that how much she loves her boyfriend.

  30. 你知道她们两个曾很凶地拌过一回嘴吗?

    Do you know that they have had a bitter quarrel


  1. 问:回嘴拼音怎么拼?回嘴的读音是什么?回嘴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回嘴的读音是huízuǐ,回嘴翻译成英文是 to retort; to reply in a quick, caustic, or witty ma...



