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《周礼·天官·兽医》:“兽医,掌疗兽病,疗兽疡。”《旧唐书·职官志三》:“兽医掌疗马病。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·兽医》:“世以疗马者曰兽医,疗牛者曰牛医。《周礼·天官·冢宰篇》‘兽医下士八人’注:‘兽,牛马之属。’按此,则疗牛者亦当曰兽医矣。”《水浒传》第七十回:“ 张清 在 宋公明 面前,举荐 东昌府 一个兽医。” 沈从文 《牛》:“它希望它的脚快好,就是让凶恶粗暴不讲理的兽医揉搓一阵也很愿意。”
A veterinarian said the heart attack was likely the result of stress brought on by the experience.
一名兽医指出,这起心脏病发恐是该经验引发的压力所致。Just to make sure that your standards are the same as ours, I wonder if it's possible for one of our vets to inspect your factories.
我只是想肯定一下你们的标准是否和我们的一致,不知道能不能由我方派一位兽医看看你们的工厂。A holistically trained veterinarian can prescribe further Chinese Herbal remedies; many have been shown to be very effective.
一个整体训练的兽医可以给你开进一步的中国草药,许多已被证明是非常有效的。Injecting animals is all in a day's work for a vet.
给动物注射是兽医的日常工作。After a moment, the vet shook his head sadly and said, "I'm so sorry, your pet duck has passed away. "
过了一小会,兽医难过地摇摇头说,“我很遗憾,你的宠物鸭已经死了。”This pygmy chimp almost didn't make it with zoo vets worried about her mother during the birthing process.
这个侏儒黑猩猩在出生时险象环生,使得动物园兽医很担心她的母亲。Upon closer inspection we noticed the others were loose so he took out a total of three of her bottom front teeth.
更加靠近观察,我们发现其他牙齿是松动的,于是兽医一共拔掉了它三颗下门牙。"That's good to hear, " said the man. "How long has she been a vet? "
“那太好了”,那人说。“你女儿当兽医多长时间了?”"This was one of the main gaps identified in our present scientific knowledge, " said Joseph Domenech, FAO's chief veterinary officer.