


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……


1. 担 [dān]2. 担 [dàn]3. 担 [dǎn]担 [dān]用肩膀挑:~水。承当,负责:~负。~任。~当。~待(a.原谅;b.担当责任)。~重任。~风险。担 [dàn]挑东西的用具,多用竹、木做成:扁~。一挑东西:~子。勇挑重……



汉语拼音:zhòng dàn








  1. 斤量重的担子。比喻繁重的工作。


  2. 喻指沉重的生活、精神负担。

    《大迦叶问大宝积正法经》卷二:“爱语先问讯,忧愍於重担。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部三:“为了家里的生活,她想勇敢地挑起这副重担。”



  1. "It's a huge weight off my shoulders, knowing that I don't have to worry about him being in my life, " said Patrick after the settlement.


  2. Booth: You're going to ask me how God can place such a burden on good people.


  3. To do so, he took on the entire airline industry, and risked his company to see his vision through.


  4. Snowflake fluttering, light does not seem to have the burden of people found it really easy to see.


  5. If this is all beginning to sound like a heavy burden to place on the shoulders of one individual, we should not be overly concerned.


  6. From the way you write it sounds as if you think you are carrying the weight of both companies on your shoulders.


  7. We unites us, increases our strength; it picks up our burden when you and I are ready to let it fall.


  8. Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.


  9. God said, "when I made the woman, she had to be special. I made her should strong enough to carry the weihgt of the world; "


  1. 责任的重担

    the weight of responsibility.

  2. 乐于肩负重担

    be ready to take on heavy responsibilities.

  3. 使某人负重担

    saddle a burden on sb.

  4. 他承受了重担。

    He bear a heavy burden.

  5. 击溃, 如用重担

    To overwhelm, as with burdens.

  6. 不堪忍受的重担

    intolerable burden

  7. 他肩负重担。

    He bore a load on his shoulders.

  8. 年轻人能背负重担。

    The young man can carry a heavy burden.

  9. 承担起养家的重担

    To be burden with family

  10. 重担压弯了扁担。

    The shoulder pole bent with heavy load.

  11. 感觉卸下了重担

    Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

  12. 他将肩负重担。

    He will bear a load on his shoulders.

  13. 他的儿子是他的重担。

    His son is a millstone around his neck.

  14. 重担没有把他压倒。

    The heavy load did not bow him down.

  15. 挑得就是这个重担。

    That was the heavy load we shouldered.

  16. 挑的就是这个重担。

    That was the heavy load we shouldered.

  17. 你的重担我来挑

    Your burdens i will bear

  18. 放下重担,轻装前行!

    Put burden down and I am traveling light!

  19. 责任的重担。思想负担

    Burden of responsibility or worry

  20. 他一直乐于挑重担。

    He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.

  21. 他肩负重担,摔倒了。

    He shouldered the heavy burden and staggered off.

  22. 他乐于承担重担。

    He is ready to take on heavy responsibilities.

  23. 公务成为州长的重担

    Official duties sat heavily upon the governor.

  24. 想要放下所有重担

    Trying to loosen my load

  25. 我们年轻人应该挑重担。

    We young people should shoulder load.

  26. 他的肩膀能挑重担。

    His shoulders can bear a heavy load.

  27. 我们都身负重担。

    We all carry something with us.

  28. 我们都身负重担。

    We all carry something with us.

  29. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

    Willing to assume responsibilities.

  30. 沉重的或梦魇般的重担

    An oppressive or nightmarish burden.


  1. 问:重担拼音怎么拼?重担的读音是什么?重担翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重担的读音是zhòngdàn,重担翻译成英文是 heavy burden; heavy load; heavy responsibilit...



基本解释 1. [heavy burden]∶沉重的担子。


2. [heavy responsibilities]∶比喻繁重的责任。


1. 斤量重的担子。比喻繁重的工作。

《北史·外戚传·李惠》:“人有负盐负薪者,同释重担息树阴。”《人民文学》1978年第8期:“总理专拣重担挑,接力传筐不辞劳。” 2. 喻指沉重的生活、精神负担。

《大迦叶问大宝积正法经》卷二:“爱语先问讯,忧愍於重担。” 周而复《上海的早晨》第一部三:“为了家里的生活,她想勇敢地挑起这副重担。”