







汉语拼音:huáng quán







  1. 皇帝的权力。

    姚雪垠 《谈<李自成>的创作》:“很难找见一个农民英雄的领袖人物能摆脱帝王思想和皇权思想。”



  1. The overall design concept of exquisite decorative, handwriting atmosphere, the body of "Long" imperial style.

  2. all this, however, was dying out since the autocratic imperial power was solidly reestablished in the Tang and the Song Dynasty.

  3. Sense of domination by imperial-minded people, like the soil, like the seeds of hooliganism.

  4. However, Emperor's stroke covered up the disaster that supervisors began to divide and transmute .

  5. Contrary to what you may think, the US does not actually rule the world, and South Korea is not a vassal.

  6. Once something was used in a palace, it became exclusive to the emperor; the common people were no longer permitted to use it.

  7. However, the tragic destiny of these officials reflected the situation that the bachelor politics was declining gradually.

  8. A change in the rules would not affect the Prince of Wales or his son Prince William, both of whom are first-born children.

  9. Royal power in this country was only a symbol of historical value and had no legislative significance.


  1. 皇权意识形态

    ideology of imperial power

  2. 论隋唐皇权

    On the Imperial Power of the Sui And Tang Dynasties.

  3. 王杖, 皇权的标志

    The scepter, an attriBute of royal power

  4. 王杖,皇权的标志。

    The scepter, an attriBute of royal power.

  5. 而且, 龙还是皇权的象征。

    In addition, the dragon is a symbol of imperial power.

  6. 而且, 龙还是皇权得象征。

    In addition, the dragon is a symbol of imperial power.

  7. 这个宝座是封建皇权的象征。

    This throne symbolized the supreme power of the feudal society.

  8. 汉武皇权向政府权力的渗透

    The Permeation of Royal Power Government in Emperor WU of Han Dynasty.

  9. 晚明三案与明廷皇权之争

    Three Cases in the Late Ming Dynasty and the Fight for Imperial Authority

  10. 汉魏皇权嬗代与士人心态

    The Substitution of the Wei Royalty for the Han Royalty and Psychology of the Scholars

  11. 清初摄政, 辅政体制与皇权政治

    Systems of Regent and Assistant and Imperial Power Politics in Early Qing Dynasty

  12. 鹰爪持象征皇权得金色权杖和金球。

    The state eagle holds a golden scepter and a golden orb.

  13. 鹰爪持象征皇权的金色权杖和金球。

    The state eagle holds a golden scepter and a golden orb.

  14. 天文星占在北宋皇权政治中的作用

    The Function of Astrology in Imperial Politics of the Northern Song Dynasty

  15. 论专制皇权制度下的明代阁辅严嵩

    On Yan Song, minister of the Ming Dynasty under the autocratic monarch system

  16. 其中,第二章为皇权体制下的内阁制。

    Among them, chapter two analyses the cabinet system under the imperial system.

  17. 都城或是历史兴衰的见证,或是帝国与皇权的象征。

    Cities were the witness to historical change or the symbol of empire and kingship.

  18. 皇权得到了世界上最强大的军事力量的保障。

    The imperial power was supported by the most powerful military in the world.

  19. 皇权得到了世界上最强大的军事力量的保障。

    The imperial power was supported by the most powerful military in the world.

  20. 中世纪巴塞罗那的犹太, 基督教社会与皇权

    Jews, christian Society, and Royal Power In Medieval Barcelona

  21. 作为皇权的象征, 北京让拜见者心生敬畏。

    Beijing was built to show off the power of the emperor and leave visitors in awe.

  22. 但是, 武力的威胁并没有真正有效地保护皇权。

    But this threat of violence has never really given effective protection to monarchical power.

  23. 在刑事诉讼中, 皇权代表社会公众来启动诉讼程序。

    In a criminal case Crown representing society, initiates proceedings.

  24. 首先对明代皇权的特点进行了概念性的界定。

    First, we will the define the characteristics of the Ming Dynasty'imperial power.

  25. 她身着深紫色皇袍, 这种颜色代表了皇权。

    She wears a regal gown of deep, rich purple, the color of royalty.

  26. 为了国家的兴盛, 所有人必须在皇权下和谐共处。

    And for the empire to thrive, all must live in harmony with that monarchy.

  27. 他们拥护达斯雷玛成为他们的第一任皇权统治者。

    They also crowned DathRemar as their first monarch.

  28. 论皇权与相权的关系及其对封建政治的影响

    A Discussion on the Relationship between Imperial Power and the Prime Minister's Power and its Influence on the Feudal Politics

  29. 汉魏皇权嬗代与士人心态汉末士人择主心态试析

    An Analysis of the Psychology of scholars in Choosing Masters in the Late Han Dynasty.

  30. 他们期望限制皇权,突显士大夫的政治地位以行道。

    They hoped to limit imperial power and heighten political position of literati and officialdom.


  1. 问:皇权拼音怎么拼?皇权的读音是什么?皇权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇权的读音是huángquán,皇权翻译成英文是 imperial power; imperial authority

  2. 问:皇权球场拼音怎么拼?皇权球场的读音是什么?皇权球场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇权球场的读音是,皇权球场翻译成英文是 King Power Stadium


