


1. 王 [wáng]2. 王 [wàng]王 [wáng]古代一国君主的称号,现代有些国家仍用这种称号:~国。~法。公子~孙。~朝(cháo )。中国古代皇帝以下的最高爵位:~公。~侯。一族或一类中的首领:山大~。蜂~。~牌(桥牌中最大的……





汉语拼音:wáng wèi







  1. 天子之位。

    《书·召诰》:“其惟王位在德元。” 孔颖达 疏:“则惟王居天子之位,在德行之首矣。”《左传·昭公二十六年》:“王室其有间王位,诸侯不图,而受其乱灾。” 郭沫若 《中国古代社会研究》导论二:“ 商 代的王位是‘兄终弟及’,这是在历史上有明文规定的。”

  2. 王爵之位。

    汉 刘协 《进魏公爵为魏王诏》:“今进君爵为 魏 王……君其正王位,以丞相领 冀州 牧如故。” 明 余继登 《典故纪闻》卷五:“尊居王位,安享富贵,宫室衣服舆马之奉,皆民力所供。”

  3. 指春季。

    《汉书·翼奉传》:“正以精岁,本首王位。” 颜师古 注引 张晏 曰:“春也。”



  1. the nation was thrilled, shocked and sympathetic. whether he would abdicate in favor of his brother became the question of the hour.


  2. Shortly after the marriage you became pregnant. What was your reaction as you heard that it would be an heir to the throne?


  3. A man by the name of David came to the throne, and King David became one of the great leaders of his generation.


  4. As the moment approaches when her scepter is passed to Prince Charles, Britain may be in for a change in style.


  5. As a young woman ascending the throne. she was described as one whose extreme obstinacy was constantly at war with her good nature.


  6. He said that all his one-hundred sons had a right to succeed him. It should be left up to the citizens.


  7. And the count of Anjou needed a crown, as he was an ambitious and accomplished knight, but only a younger brother of the king.


  8. As he was on his way to heaven, the emperor Huang asked a soldier to call all of his sons so he could choose.


  9. He is often depicted either standing, striding forward, or seated in a throne of royalty.


  1. 篡取王位。

    usurped the throne.

  2. 他觊觎王位。

    He pretended to the throne.

  3. 王位的继承权

    a right to the throne

  4. 王位的继承人

    the heir to the throne

  5. 王位的继承人

    the successor to the throne

  6. 为王位继承人

    to be next in line to the throne

  7. 放弃你的王位。

    Renounce your title.

  8. 她继承了王位

    She succeeded to the throne.

  9. 他将继承王位。

    He will succeed to the throne.

  10. 他们互争王位。

    They were rivals for the throne.

  11. 她拒绝接受王位。

    She refused the crown.

  12. 王位第二继承人

    Second in line to the throne

  13. 使国王恢复王位

    to restore a king to his throne

  14. 使登王位合法化

    legitimate an accession to the throne

  15. 篡夺王位的阴谋。

    a conspiracy to seize the throne

  16. 那青年觊觎王位。

    The young man pretended to the throne.

  17. 儿子准备继承王位

    A Son Prepares for Kingship

  18. 所谓的王位继承人

    The pretended heir to the throne.

  19. 房屋有鼠, 王位有剌。

    No house without a mouse, no throne without a thorn.

  20. 房屋有鼠,王位有剌。

    No house without a mouse ,no throne without a thorn .

  21. 王位继承人诞生了。

    An heir to the throne was procreated.

  22. 他已登上王位。

    He has ascended to the throne.

  23. 公爵试图篡夺王位。

    The duke attempted to usurp the throne.

  24. 人们依然觊觎王位。

    Crowns and coronets are still the object of ambition.

  25. 使皇帝重登王位

    restore the emperor to the throne.

  26. 逼迫她交出王位。

    Force her to renounce her throne.

  27. 逼迫她交出王位。

    Force her to renounce her throne.

  28. 对获得王位的权利

    a claim to the throne

  29. 国王被逐出王位。

    The king is hurled from his throne.

  30. 波兰王位继承战争

    War of Polish Succession


  1. 问:王位拼音怎么拼?王位的读音是什么?王位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王位的读音是wángwèi,王位翻译成英文是 the throne; the crown

  2. 问:王位战拼音怎么拼?王位战的读音是什么?王位战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王位战的读音是,王位战翻译成英文是 Wangwi

  3. 问:王位传承拼音怎么拼?王位传承的读音是什么?王位传承翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王位传承的读音是wáng wèi chuán chéng,王位传承翻译成英文是 demise of the crown

  4. 问:王位继承拼音怎么拼?王位继承的读音是什么?王位继承翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王位继承的读音是wáng wèi jì chéng,王位继承翻译成英文是 succession to the crown

  5. 问:王位继承权拼音怎么拼?王位继承权的读音是什么?王位继承权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王位继承权的读音是wáng wèi jì chéng quán,王位继承权翻译成英文是 hereditary right to the crown

  6. 问:王位继承案拼音怎么拼?王位继承案的读音是什么?王位继承案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王位继承案的读音是wáng wèi jì chéng àn,王位继承案翻译成英文是 casus regis

  7. 问:王位继承法拼音怎么拼?王位继承法的读音是什么?王位继承法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:王位继承法的读音是wángwèijìchéngfǎ,王位继承法翻译成英文是 act on succession of the crown


