







汉语拼音:liǎn pǔ







  1. 传统戏曲演员面部化装的一种程式。在面部勾画一定的彩色图案,以显示剧中人物的性格和特征。主要用于净角和丑角。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·脸谱臆测》:“ 伯鸿先生 在《戏》周刊十一期(《中华日报》副刊)上,说起脸谱,承认了 中国 戏有时用象征的手法。” 洪深 《戏剧导演的初步知识》上篇三:“地方戏中的脸谱是否起源于代面,姑置不论。”

  2. 借指面相、面目。

    鲁迅 《坟·我之节烈观》:“要除去虚伪的脸谱。” 秦牧 《壁画》:“但这天,画家急急奔来了。他已经找到了模特儿,找到了罪恶的脸谱。” 祖慰 《被礁石划破的水流·江涵笑三次录音》:“她很内向,脸谱不反映她的千种情愫,万种心曲。”



  1. Facebook declined to comment on the messages. In prior interviews, Mr. Zuckerberg said he had regretted sending some of them.


  2. Michael Anti said he was disappointed and angry at the decision. Facebook told him it required people to use their real names.


  3. Taken together, the changes mark something of a shift in Facebook's attitude towards online privacy.


  4. "He made them all look like a fool, " one wrote at the "Colton Harris-Moore Fan Club" on Facebook.


  5. Mr Kirkpatrick believes that Facebook's leaders are smart enough to come up with strategies that will keep the company growing like crazy.


  6. Because he is a mask, is carved out of a piece of paper and then on the point, not that this?


  7. Syria, after banning Facebook for some time, unblocked it once the government was able to monitor activity there, she said.


  8. Google, which handles roughly two out of every three internet searches in the US, has taken several stabs at Facebook in recent years.


  9. Perhaps you've fallen into the trap of trying to work while you've got Facebook and Twitter open. You check your inbox every few minutes.


  1. 反正这演员没有脸谱。

    Anyway, the actors dont wear facial makeup.

  2. 请用脸谱(FACEBOOK)跟我联系。

    Facebook me.

  3. 手绘京剧脸谱全图。

    Umbrella with Hand Painted Beijing Opera Mask Designs.

  4. 注册脸谱网,问题解决了。

    Join Facebook. Problem solved.

  5. 你们有脸谱 我们就有人人

    You have Facebook, we have Renren.

  6. 这个国家的名字就是脸谱。

    The country's name is Facebook.

  7. 我在脸谱网上看见了他

    I caught up with him on facebook.

  8. 我在脸谱网上看见了他。

    I caught up with him on Facebook.

  9. 不同的脸谱有什么含义吗

    Is there any implication for different facial paintings.

  10. 这不仅指谷歌,也不仅指脸谱。

    So it's not just Google and Facebook either.

  11. 这儿是一套泥塑的京剧脸谱。

    Here is a set of types of facial makeup in operas made of clay.

  12. 这儿是一套泥塑得京剧脸谱。

    Here is a set of types of facial makeup in operas made of clay.

  13. 一边和朋友在脸谱网上聊天。

    at the same time as they're chatting on Facebook with their friends.

  14. 脸谱是由面具演变而来的。

    Facial painting is an adaptation of the mask.

  15. 脸谱是由面具演变而来得。

    Facial painting is an adaptation of the mask.

  16. 演员的服装和脸谱漂亮极了。

    The costumes and facial makeup are marvelous.

  17. 他们在南瓜上刻一张脸谱

    They carve a face on the pumpkin.

  18. 我从未见过如此丑陋不堪的脸谱。

    It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen.

  19. 我喜欢脸谱, 但我不想拥有一切, 我在脸谱。

    I like Facebook, but I don't want to have EVERYTHING I do be in Facebook.

  20. 而色彩斑斓的脸谱则是京剧的象征。

    Colorfully painted faces are renowned symbols of Peking Opera.

  21. 好了。我要找化妆老师画脸谱去了。

    Okay. Im going to find the makeup artist to paint my face.

  22. 他们能够在极短的时间内变换脸谱。

    They know how to change masks magically in quick succession.

  23. 京剧脸谱艺术造型独特,是中华民族的艺术瑰宝。

    The types of facial makeup in Beijing opera are unique artistic models and the gem of Chinese national art.

  24. 嗯。他们说这块石头像一个京剧的脸谱。

    Yeah. They say it looks like a Peking opera face.

  25. 这是一种像我现在做的事情,现在功能的脸谱。

    This is kind of like the What I am doing right now feature of FaceBook.

  26. 新的服务有助于脸谱积累更多的用户偏好的数据。

    The new services will help Facebook amass even more data on its users' tastes.

  27. 人们利用社交网站如脸谱网和朋友们分享信息。

    People use social Web sites like Facebook to share information with a special group of friends.

  28. 当今的社火马勺脸谱, 出自民间资深艺人之手。

    Today's fire Mashao's Face, from senior civil artists hands.

  29. 对于他们而言,网站、脸谱网,微博和博客是基础。

    For them, websites, Facebook, Twitter and blogs represent the basics.

  30. 我有一个良好的脸谱知识, 并已使用多年。

    I have a good knowledge of Facebook and have been using it for years.


  1. 问:脸谱拼音怎么拼?脸谱的读音是什么?脸谱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脸谱的读音是liǎnpǔ,脸谱翻译成英文是 types of facial makeup in operas; faical ma...

  2. 问:脸谱化拼音怎么拼?脸谱化的读音是什么?脸谱化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脸谱化的读音是liǎnpǔhuà,脸谱化翻译成英文是 Referring to character which is not vividly dep...



“脸谱”是个多义词,它可以指脸谱(歌曲-脸谱), 脸谱(电影《脸谱》), 脸谱(中国传统艺术-脸谱), 脸谱(中国社交软件-脸谱), 脸谱(电视剧-脸谱), 脸谱(邰正宵演唱歌曲), 脸谱(叶听雨的网络小说)。