


1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:lè cǐ bù pí








  • 【解释】:此:这。因酷爱干某事而不感觉厌烦。形容对某事特别爱好而沉浸其中。
  • 【出自】:《后汉书·光武帝纪》:“我自乐此,不为疲也。”
  • 【示例】:更兼这位老先生,天生又是无论什么疑难,每问必知,据知而答,无答不即详且尽,并且~。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the process of labeling photos with name tags.

  2. They are bored, this habit did not change until the grow up do they dare, do not dare admit that they love each other.

  3. this is a simple game, that you always enjoy it, if it's possible, I will play with you all my life.

  4. Retail therapy has long been a treat for millions of women who enjoy nothing better than hanging out at the shops.

  5. Wang Hai Guan Tao coast, to eliminate the two - mei worry, be able to open Minded people, the hope for the visitors, so visitors never have.

  6. funny how none in washington is pushing for jobs here, but are quick to help any other foreign country! ! ! ? ! ! !

  7. Although there have been a reality Exhale setbacks and frustration, regret, never still.

  8. In the next 12 months, thousands of column inches will be devoted to any mildly negative story that can be found about the Olympics.

  9. She helped with chalk drawings on the pavement outside the store and gave out a few hugs to her little fans.


  1. 我乐此不疲

    And I'm so passionate about it.

  2. 你爱急诊室,对,乐此不疲

    You love the e. r. Mmhmm. Can't get enough of it.

  3. 他对棋类游戏乐此不疲。

    He was pegging away at the board game.

  4. 他专会拍马屁,乐此不疲。

    He is favour of piling it on others.

  5. 希腊和意大利都乐此不疲。

    Greece and Italy would just love to do it.

  6. 如果你愿意等待并乐此不疲。

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting.

  7. 他每天栽花, 养鱼, 乐此不疲。

    He took pleasure in growing flowers and breeding fish every day and never got tired.

  8. 他讲得越多,越对这个主题乐此不疲。

    The more he spoke, the more he warmed to this subject.

  9. 这本有趣的书使得这个人乐此不疲。

    The interesting book made the man interested.

  10. 你是空城里的暖色调。我乐此不疲。

    You are the city's warm. Me way.

  11. 这样的情景我看上几个小时都乐此不疲。

    I enjoy watching this for hours together.

  12. 只要有机会,就喜欢乐此不疲地比价钱、试衣服。

    They love comparing prices and try on different clothes whenever possible.

  13. 人们最乐此不疲的一项节日活动类似于摸彩。

    Most people never get tired of delivering a festival similar to the activities of the sweepstakes.

  14. 从此以后, 我总是在尽力帮助他人, 并且乐此不疲。

    After that, I always do all I can to help others. I feel joyful about helping others.

  15. 人的一生为什麽乐此不疲地追求完美的语言表达形式?

    Why do people pursue perfection in expressing their feelings with language for life?

  16. 尽管有些事情对我们是有害处的,我们还是乐此不疲啊。

    Even though something is harmful to ourselves, we still enjoy doing it all the time.

  17. 我将我看到的人们编成故事, 对此我乐此不疲。

    I fascinate myself endlessly by creating stories for the people I see.

  18. 人们就会乐于融入音乐,并对演奏乐此不疲。

    people are really interested in being in the middle of a piece of music and playing it over and over and over again.

  19. 这些人领到一个购物袋后, 又排到末尾, 乐此不疲。

    After these people receive a shopping bag, also arranges to end, always enjoys.

  20. 杜布森对成功启发和影响基督教保守派们始终乐此不疲。

    Mr Dobson has long enjoyed unrivalled clout with Christian conservatives.

  21. 也正是这一点让我想一次又一次地再来,乐此不疲。

    And which makes me want to come back time and again.

  22. 多么勤奋的土耳其人民!他们总是在工作中学习,乐此不疲!

    How industrious they are these Turkish people, always working and learning.

  23. 喜欢不同款式服装的同学做这项工作肯定会乐此不疲。

    Students who enjoy different kinds of clothes will have fun with this job.

  24. 但是,华理克和他的夫人凯,却乐此不疲的让同道中人难堪。

    By contrast, Mr Warren and his wife, Kay, revel in making their coreligionists uncomfortable.

  25. 你知道,在纽约我要参加许多街球比赛并且我乐此不疲。

    As you know, I play a lot of streetball in New York and I'm committed to that.

  26. 我会短暂沉浸在捕获的喜悦和沮丧中,乐此不疲,心无旁骛。

    I would be drowned myself in my happiness and depression of capture and intently.

  27. 我这时觉得自己理解了为何俄国人对此疗法乐此不疲。

    I think I may understand why Russians are particularly taken with it.

  28. 史密斯先生生活中第二个令他乐此不疲的兴趣是天文学。

    The second absorbing interest in Mr. Smith's life was astronomy.

  29. 在人行道上画粉笔画, 伊娃乐此不疲。她拥抱着她的小粉丝。

    She helped with chalk drawings on the pavement a few hugs to her little fans.


  1. 问:乐此不疲拼音怎么拼?乐此不疲的读音是什么?乐此不疲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乐此不疲的读音是lècǐbùpí,乐此不疲翻译成英文是 enjoy something and never tire of it; love and ind...



【汉语文字】 乐此不疲

【拼 音】 lè cǐ bù pí

【成语解释】 因喜欢做某件事而不知疲倦。形容对某事特别爱好而沉浸其中。也说“乐此不倦”。



【英语表达】Always enjoy it;never be bored with it



【近 义 词】乐而忘返、专心致志、沉迷不醒、废寝忘食、乐此不彼、嗜此不疲、流连忘返

【反 义 词】心猿意马、心不在焉、三心二意