


跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……





汉语拼音:suí shǒu









  1. 随即;立刻。

    《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“若欲捕我以自媚於 汉 ,吾今日死,公亦随手亡矣。” 宋 苏轼 《答刘沔都曹书》:“ 軾 平生以言语文字见知於世,亦以此取疾於人……而习气宿业,未能尽去,亦谓随手云散鸟没矣。” 茅盾 《色盲》一:“ 李惠芳 赶快拾起一片碎瓦,正想掷过去,那虾蟆一跳,便不见了,随手将瓦片丢开。”

  2. 顺手;顺便。

    《三国志·蜀志·姜维传》:“衣服取供,舆马取备,饮食节制,不奢不约,官给费用,随手消尽。”《文选·陆机<文赋>》:“若夫随手之变,良难以辞逮。” 李善 注:“言作之难也。文之随手变改,则不可以辞逮也。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》一:“我们就先说 祥子 ,随手把骆驼与 祥子 那点关系说过去,也就算了。”

  3. 信手;随便。

    唐 杜甫 《北征》诗:“学母无不为,晓妆随手抹。”《儒林外史》第三三回:“﹝ 杜少卿 ﹞叫 王鬍子 又去卖了一分田来,二千多银子,随手乱用。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》五十:“关于这一点,事实上的佐证多得很,随手拈来都是。”



  1. Not readily grasp as a lonely man, which you and he does not fair, but is too lacking in a sense of responsibility.


  2. When I was walking back through the door, she woke up, thought I was a burglar, and threw the closest thing to her at me.


  3. He took Toad firmly by the arm, led him into the smoking-room, and closed the door behind them.


  4. And, aiding the indignant elder with a lift by the arm, he rid the room of him, and closed the door.


  5. He could hear Rudolph breathing steadily, asleep, as he closed the door quietly behind him.


  6. Ningquewulan. Do not readily grasp of a lonely woman, which is not fair to you and her, and the lack of sense of responsibility too.


  7. To me, a good story teller, it would be as easy as falling of a l og.


  8. A woman comes out of her front door, waves goodbye to family and husband, and shuts the door behind her.


  9. But all of a sudden, the man realized his wife did not eat the food and asked her why. But she only frowned slightly.


  1. 随手剖面图

    free hand profile map

  2. 请随手关门

    Close the door behind you.

  3. 请随手关门。

    Please close the door on your way.

  4. 随手修匀法

    smoothing by free hand

  5. 请随手关水龙头。

    Please turn off the tap before you leave.

  6. 她随手轻轻关上门。

    She closed the door softly behind her.

  7. 出去时请随手关门。

    Shut the door after you when you go out.

  8. 请你随手把门带上。

    Please close the door as you go out.

  9. 出门时请随手关灯。

    Please switch off the lights when you leave.

  10. 他随手把门猛力关上。

    He banged the door as he went through.

  11. 他随手取了一本书。

    He took a book at random.

  12. 他用新枪随手射击兔子。

    He potted at rabbits with his new gun.

  13. 她出去后将门随手关上。

    Shutting the door behind him.

  14. 他出去后将门随手关上。

    He went out shutting the door behind him.

  15. 随手乱射盲目射击或任意射击

    A random or easy shot.

  16. 许多人随手乱扔香烟头。

    Many people throw away cigarette ends carelessly.

  17. 他随手砰地关上了门。

    He slammed the door behind him.

  18. 随手写在页边上的笔记

    notes scribbled in the margin

  19. 他随手关拢楼梯口的门。

    He then closed the door of the landing.

  20. 他随手轻轻地把门关上了。

    He closed the door softly behind him.

  21. 他随手把信放在抽屉里。

    He put the letter in a drawer on his way past.

  22. 他随手把信放在抽屉里。

    He put the letter in a drawer on his way past.

  23. 他走出去,随手把门关上。

    He went out, closing the door behind him.

  24. 我走了出来,随手带上了门。

    I walked out and closed the door behind me.

  25. 顾客第一,先进先出,随手清洁!

    Customers first First in and First out, prompt clean!

  26. 门开了, 吉姆步入, 随手关上了门。

    The door opened and Jim stepped in and closed it.

  27. 走时要随手关灯 以免浪费电。

    Don't leave the lights on it wastes electricity.

  28. 现在这些资料在网上随手可得。

    Now it's all available on line.

  29. 同时, 也随手准备笔纸做记录。

    Also, have a pen and paper handy to take notes.

  30. 现今, 电视是随手可得得东西了。

    TV sets are available to everyone nowadays.


  1. 问:随手拼音怎么拼?随手的读音是什么?随手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:随手的读音是suíshǒu,随手翻译成英文是 on one’s way

  2. 问:随手地拼音怎么拼?随手地的读音是什么?随手地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:随手地的读音是,随手地翻译成英文是 omnivorously