







汉语拼音:tuò shǒu







  1. 比喻极易。

    宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·地理》:“ 勃 ( 萧勃 )之别将 欧阳頠 军 苦竹滩 , 陈武帝 遣 周文育 总师,唾手而禽 頠 。”《三国演义》第六三回:“只因一将倾心后,致使连城唾手降。” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》第一部十七:“若是从里面放起火来, 吴六 等人不被烧死,军心也乱,唾手可解决战斗。”



  1. In other words, we get the burden again while good old Monty gets the glory.


  1. 唾手可得地

    hands down.

  2. 唾手可得的胜利

    a facile victory

  3. 这并非唾手可得

    I'm not saying it's easy.

  4. 信息财富唾手可得

    A Wealth of Information at Your Fingertips

  5. 这次机会,她唾手可得。

    The opportunity lay in her way.

  6. 进学校的机会唾手可得

    We had that school right in our hands.

  7. 真是唾手可得的好机会。

    It really is a golden opportunity.

  8. 并且变得随时随地唾手可得。

    to now have a lifespan of forever.

  9. 唾手可得稳定地或固定地得到

    Readily or instantly available.

  10. 胜利对这个队看来唾手可得。

    Victory seemed within the team's grasp.

  11. 他们所寻求的答案不是唾手可得的。

    The answers they seek are not forthcoming.

  12. 转瞬间报复和恢复名誉唾手可得。

    Revenge and rehabilitation might be hers at a stroke.

  13. 这样的机会可不会经常唾手可得。

    Big breaks do not come along often.

  14. 他因误以为成功唾手可得而苦恼。

    He labored under the delusion that success was at hand.

  15. 活塞击倒魔术系列赛胜利唾手可得

    Pistons down Magic to close in on series victory

  16. 類似的資料在很久以前就唾手可得了

    Similar data has been around for quite some time.

  17. 他那么热烈追求的荣誉和权利便唾手可得。

    The fame and power which he so ardently desired were in his grasp.

  18. 童话般美丽优质的似乎已近在咫尺,唾手可得!

    The beautiful and high quality one has seemed close at hand, extremely easy to obtain like the fairy tale!

  19. 那我想额外的收入也是唾手可得咯,对吧?

    And I guess the extra income comes in handy, too, hmm?

  20. 一个唾手可得的进球机会被他搞砸了。

    He completely fluffed an easy shot.

  21. 他没有力气去抓住那似是唾手可得的幸运。

    He lacked energy to grasp the better fortune that seemed within his reach.

  22. 成功无法保证,并非唾手可得。成功必须靠自己去争取。

    Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.

  23. 目标随处唾手可得找好一个目标并攀登至顶峰。

    Goals galore exist out there. Find one, get on top of it and climb to the highest.

  24. 如果成功, 几十亿的非法政府基金将唾手可得。

    If he can get in, billions in illegal government funds wait for the taking.

  25. 但是都不是唾手可得的,你都得付出代价,经历风险。

    But they are not without their costs and perils.

  26. 一旦经济好转,削减成本和取得盈利似乎唾手可得。

    Once the economy picks up, cut costs and achieve profitability seems to be readily available.

  27. 信息战争所需的相对简单的技术已是唾手可得。

    The comparatively simple technology required for Information Warfare is universally available.

  28. 幸运的是,大自然给了我们一条唾手可得的金科玉律。

    Fortunately, nature has given us a handy rule of thumb.

  29. 那都是因为你一生中什么事情都唾手而得。

    It all comes from having things too easy all your life.

  30. 强大的主力舰队无意中赢了一场唾手可得的胜利。

    The awesome Main Striking Force stumbled on a cheap victory.


  1. 问:唾手可得拼音怎么拼?唾手可得的读音是什么?唾手可得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唾手可得的读音是tuòshǒukědé,唾手可得翻译成英文是 within easy reach

  2. 问:唾手可得的拼音怎么拼?唾手可得的的读音是什么?唾手可得的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唾手可得的的读音是,唾手可得的翻译成英文是 hands-down