


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……





汉语拼音:cóng shùn







  1. 随顺;顺从。

    《汉书·谷永传》:“意岂将军忘湛渐之义,委曲从顺。”《三国志·魏志·王基传》:“凡处事者,多曲相从顺,鲜能确然共尽理实。” 唐 韩愈 《元和圣德诗序》:“风雨晦明,无不从顺。”《元典章·户部三·分析》:“若户长与户下俱长,却不从顺,乞定夺。”

  2. 谓文字流畅通顺。

    元 刘壎 《隐居通议·文章三》:“律以从顺,未知其何如,而世或称其奇古,至篤嗜而不置,何也?”



  1. With the temperature decreasing, the system undergoes a transition from paramagnetic(PM) to ferromagnetic(FM) and further to spin-glass(SG).


  2. upon high doping , fm state separates from pm state above tc , which is called phase separation.


  3. Click on the down arrow at the right of the Location edit box and select an entry from the drop down history list.


  4. Dihydromyrcene was obtained from cracking of cis pinane , followed by direct hydration of the crude products to prepare dihydromyrcenol.


  5. Tasting of the wine must done by the host, then pour the wine to ladies first.


  1. 从料斗里顺下来的谷物被送进磨石。

    The two pairs of millstones are fed with grain by the hoppers.

  2. 从料斗里顺下来的谷物被送进磨石。

    The two pairs of millstones are fed with grain by the hoppers.

  3. 迈克。塞丹从二楼顺楼梯走进病理科。

    From the second floor Mike Seddons used the stairway to reach Pathology.

  4. 奥巴马在寒风中结束了故宫之行, 从顺贞门离开。

    At the end of his chilly tour Mr Obama exited through the Gate of Continuous Harmony.

  5. 所以,玉,也许你能帮我找找看是否有从顺德到深圳的船。

    So Yu mabe you can find out for me if I can get a boat from Shunde to Shenzhen?

  6. 他最后不得不顺从父亲的意愿。

    He had to bow to his fathers wishes at last.

  7. 安顺从了母亲的意愿, 未赴舞会。

    In deference to the wishes of her mother, Ann did not attend the dance.

  8. 士兵若不顺从军令,将军也无法指挥他们获胜。

    No general can lead his soldiers to victory without prompt obedience.

  9. 从早上起,他就不顺气。

    He got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.

  10. 每一行,从左到右,按123的顺序数。

    Number them in sequence 1,2,3 etc,left to right on each line.

  11. 每一行,从左到右,按123的顺序数。

    Number them in sequence 1, 2, 3 etc, left to right on each line.

  12. 每一行,从左到右,按123得顺序数。

    Number them in sequence 1, 2, 1 etc, left to right on each line.

  13. 你表演顺利时一切从心所愿。

    When you are playing well, everything falls into place.

  14. 阮朝从1802年至1945年间将顺化设立为都城。

    The Nguyen Dynasty made Hue its capital from1802 to1945.

  15. 从理论上讲, 荷兰队似乎能在世界杯上一帆风顺。

    In a logical world, everything would be serene in the Netherlands.

  16. 她从本地女经理升为公司董事并非一帆风顺。

    Her progress from local manageress to company director had not been smooth.

  17. 我们把绳子从卷轴上绕下来, 顺到了山下。

    We spooled the rope off the drum, and put it down the hill.

  18. 她从门口跑过, 顺手把信扔了进去。

    She tossed a letter in as she ran past the door.

  19. 她看着他, 眼泪从眼角, 顺着脸颊滑了下来。

    She looked at him, and tears from canthus, slipped down his face.

  20. 在古文写作上强调文从字顺,反对因袭模仿。

    In the writing of old prose he approved of the naturalness and fluency and disapproved of the imitation.

  21. 从安顺去黄果树多远,大约多少票价坐汽车?

    How far is it from Anshun to Huangguoshu, about the number of car fare?

  22. 从悠远的宇宙绵延至这里,我顺着星星看着你。

    From the distant universe winding to here. Through the dark by stars to you as a seer.

  23. 一袭面纱挽在右臂, 从头上顺左肩垂下。

    A veil is caught up in her right arm and draped over her head and left shoulder.

  24. 顺转以顺时针方向变化,如从北向东北。用于风

    To shift clockwise in direction, as from north to northeast. Used of the wind.

  25. 从酒店顺着格兰德运河步行15分钟就能到了。

    Getting to the Biennale, the hotel was an easy 15 minute walk away along the Grand Canal.

  26. 高炉熔渣从渣口放出,顺着流渣沟流进渣罐,或流入渣?

    The slag from the furnace is tapped from the slag notch, and it flows through runner into slag ladles or slag yard.

  27. 从退让不争,安时处顺,大巧若拙三方面来论述。

    Retreat from an indisputable, when the Department of Shun, Qiao if Zhuo big three to describe.

  28. 制药公司从美国收回他们的投资, 其他国家则搭顺风车。

    Drugmakers recoup their investments in America other countries take a free ride.

  29. 我从大教堂走下山坡, 顺着大街走到广场上的咖啡馆。

    I walked down the hill from the cathedral and up the street to the cafe on the square.

  30. 每次你顺着带子往上攀,感觉你自己从身体中松开。

    Feel yourself coming loose from your body every time you hand over hand up the cord.