







汉语拼音:qī qù






  1. 即七出。

    《大戴礼记·本命》:“妇有七去:不顺父母,去;无子,去;淫,去;妒,去;有恶疾,去;多言,去;窃盗,去。” 汉 刘向 《列女传·宋鲍女宗》:“七去之道,妒正为首。淫僻、窃盗、长舌、骄侮、无子、恶病皆在其后。”



  1. I wanted to show something to Hong Qi.


  1. 七月去采浆果

    went berrying in July.

  2. 他闯荡七大洋去历险。

    He's sailed the seven seas in search of adventure.

  3. 他就该爽到七重天去了。

    He's going to be in seventh heaven.

  4. 我暂时计划七月份去西雅图旅行。

    I have made tentative plans to take a trip to Seattle in july.

  5. 我和男友在七月份去普吉旅游。

    I travelled to Phuket in July with my boyfriend.

  6. 为了帮助丈夫赎身, 七仙女去傅员外家做工。

    In order to help the husband to buy freedom, seven female celestial go to supernumerary official Fu the family work.

  7. 图书馆员那麽,妳可以上七楼去,那里有另一台影印机。

    Librarian Well, if you go up to the seventh floor, there is another copier.

  8. 就在这紧要关头,四仙女利用魔镜通知小七赶紧去救人。

    The fourth fairy informs Xiao Qi through the magic mirror to save Saijing.

  9. 我七点半去上班。

    I went to work at half past seven.

  10. 我七点四十去学校。

    I go to school at seven forty.

  11. 助理教授通常有五至七年时间去获取教席。

    Assistant professors generally have five to seven years to gain tenure.

  12. 我想和太太明晚七点后去看看那套房子。

    Okay. I would like to check house with my wife tomorrow right after seven.

  13. 我们的外教下星期一, 也就是七月七日启程去纽约。

    Our foreign teacher will leave for New York next monday, that is, july.

  14. 等我再一次七月份去芬兰的时候,它似乎更加枯燥了。

    Finland seemed even duller on my next visit in July.

  15. 等我再一次七月份去芬兰得时候,它似乎更加枯燥了。

    Finland seemed even duller on my next visit in July.

  16. 他们将在七月里动身去纽约。

    THey will set out for New York in July.

  17. 看看我们能否找到 那七吨氧气到底去哪了。

    and see if we could, in fact, find where those seven tons of oxygen had gone.

  18. 七月底我去参加十日课程,碰到的流浪澳客又更多。

    At the end of July I sat a course andin contact with more homeless Aussies.

  19. 明天我要坐早晨七点的航班去出差。因为明早要早起,所以我现在就要睡觉。

    Business trip tomorrow and a 7 a.m. flight. Gotta get up early tomorrow, so I’m going to bed now.

  20. 白天, 七个小矮人去田间工作。

    The seven dwarves went out to work in the fields in the day.

  21. 他的牛顽皮地叫牛郎去偷她们七个仙女的衣服。

    His cow cheekily asked him to steal their clothes.

  22. 有一年七月四日我去观看烟火晚会。

    I had gone to watch the fireworks, one Fourth of July.

  23. 以色列家要用七个月的时间去埋葬他们,为要洁净那地。

    And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.

  24. 她去照顾一个有七个孩子的家庭。

    She went to care for a family with seven children.

  25. 妇人就起身,照神人的话带著全家往非利士地去,住了七年。

    The woman proceeded to do as the man of God said. She and her family went away and stayed in the land of the Philistines seven years.

  26. 去费迪餐厅就餐,七年来已成为他生活中惯常的事情。

    Fattys Restaurant had become an institution in his life in the last seven years.

  27. 去发体餐厅就餐, 七年来已经成了他生活中惯常的事情了。

    Fatty's Restaurant had become an institution in his life in the last seven years.

  28. 拉班带领他得众弟兄去追赶,追了七日,在基列山就追上了。

    And he took his brethren and pursued after him seven and overtook in the mount Gilead.

  29. 拉班带领他的众弟兄去追赶,追了七日,在基列山就追上了。

    And he took his brethren and pursued after him seven and overtook in the mount Gilead.

  30. 为了不想重蹈覆辙, 我带洪七去了一个地方。

    To avoid making the same mistake, I brought Hong Qi to see something.