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1. 叶 [yè]2. 叶 [xié]叶 [yè]植物的营养器官之一:树~。菜~。~子。~落归根。一~知秋。一~蔽目(喻目光短浅,常被眼前细小事物所遮蔽,看不到远处、大处。亦称“一叶障目”)。像叶子的:铁~。百~窗。同“页”。世,时期:初~……
汉语拼音:liǔ yè
南朝 梁元帝 《树名诗》:“柳叶生眉上,珠璫摇鬢垂。” 唐 刘禹锡 《同乐天和微之深春》之七:“人眉新柳叶,马色醉桃花。” 清 孙枝蔚 《昭君怨》诗:“欺雪桃花貌,愁寒柳叶顰。”
古 扶南国 女王之号。
《梁书·诸夷传·海南诸国》:“ 扶南国 俗本躶体,文身被髮,不製衣裳。以女人为王,号曰 柳叶 。”
宋 张世南 《游宦纪闻》卷六:“ 太宗 搜天下古书画……间有题其傍云‘ 西岳 僧 贯休 作’,皆篆文。或古体,或玉筋,或柳叶。”
Writing online in The Lancet, they set out a program to reduce the death toll by two percent a year.
他们在《柳叶刀》网站上写道,他们制定了一个每年减少死亡率百分之2的计划。Moon night: a bright moon mirrored on a lake, fluttered willow leaves on the wind with romantic atmosphere.
月夜:映在湖中皎洁的月光,明亮动人,飘在风中的片片柳叶,增添浪漫情意。Some experts question whether all the children in the Lancet study actually had ADHD.
一些专家质疑《柳叶刀》报道的参与研究的儿童是否都患有多动症。Autumn, autumn wind howling defeat of the reed, blowing yellow willow, swept away like the water of dragonflies and frogs were.
秋天,瑟瑟的秋风吹败了芦苇,吹黄了柳叶,吹走了喜欢池水的蜻蜓们和青蛙。But a further 50, including Niger and Sierra Leone, as detailed in the Lancet paper, do not get enough from the international community.
但仍有50国,《柳叶刀》文摘详细说明,包括尼日尔和塞拉利昂,没有从国际社会得到足够的资金。The moon is like a watermelon rind, hanging upside down in the night sky and like films will be shining willow.
月亮像块西瓜皮,倒挂在夜空中,又像片会发光的柳叶。Q: You and your colleagues produced the Lancet neonatal series in 2005 helping to put 4 million annual newborn deaths on the global agenda.
问:您和您的同事在2005年发表了《柳叶刀》新生儿系列,帮助把每年400万的新生儿死亡问题提到了全球议程上。"The grief of A stillbirth is unlike any other form of grief, " Dr Richard Horton, editor in chief of The Lancet, wrote early last year.
《柳叶刀》主编理查德·霍顿博士去年上半年些写道:“死产的悲痛和其它形式的悲痛是不一样的。”A recent paper in The Lancet showed that pregnant women were also more likely to have severe disease and complications from the new virus.