







汉语拼音:xuǎn biān







  1. 挑选文章或资料进行编辑。


  2. 选编的集子,多用作书名。如:《法制教育文件选编》。



  1. For the construction, the selection and compilation of music teaching material for ordinary university students is foremost.

  2. Publishers must become more astute financially and creative editorially to retain their grip in the digital world.

  3. Recommendations are to establish guidance and publishing case subjects.

  4. The compilers of Senior English textbooks focus on the selection of reading materials and courses offered.

  5. In recent years, some selected documents, monographs and articles of Ta Kung Pao emerged endlessly.

  6. In this paper, a new method to fix on the order of loadingdown is put forward, and the demonstration of the algorithm is available.

  7. Cindy F. Solomon has created a compilation of 22 (and counting) software development related manifestos.

  8. We've compiled some great photos as well as news of how other Liverpool players fared for their countries.

  9. Selected Significant Works of 30 years since Reform and Opening up[M]. Beijing: Press of Central Works, 2008.


  1. 优秀设计选编

    a collection of vintage designs

  2. 选编调车作业

    classifcation shunting operation

  3. 售票员与醉汉选编

    The Conductor and the Drunken Man

  4. 广西本草选编。

    Selections of Chinese materia medica used in Guangxi.

  5. 这是我的演讲稿选编本。

    This is the edited version of my speech.

  6. 白日梦的瘟疫这是他选编的文集。

    The Plague Of Fantasies London New York Verso.

  7. 这二十一篇文献及其简介由冯媛选编。

    These initial twenty one materials have been selected by Feng Yuan.

  8. 本刊选编其中部分内容,分两期连载。

    This print chooses content of the part in making up its, cent period serialize.

  9. 他们根据网络的评论,选编了一部散文集。

    They selected and compiled an anthology of essays according to criticisms on the Internet.

  10. 他们根据网络的评论,选编了一部散文集。

    They selected and compiled an anthology of essays according to criticisms on the Internet.

  11. 秘书处每年发表一份年度报告报告和文件选编。

    Each year the secretariat publishes an annual report, Report and Selected Documents.

  12. 选编调车与装卸作业进度配合的智能化控制

    Intelligent Control of Shunting Operation Cooperative with Loading and Un loading Schedule

  13. 在教学内容上,教师参与课程的设计和内容的选编。

    Teachers should take part in the process of teaching designing and choosing the content of the teaching course.

  14. 后来我们决定把这本书的名字定为网络选编。

    Later on, we decided to name this book Selected Anthology of Web Works.

  15. 第三个千年中的家庭是这些论文的首批选编。

    The Family in the Third Millennium is an initial selection from this scholarship.

  16. 她编选了这本媒体研究季刊 银幕。

    She has edited the media studies quarterly, Screen.

  17. 卡尔维诺自己编选了这部文集。

    Originally published by Einaudi in 1980, 1982.

  18. 本文从四个方面探讨语文教材课文编选的趣味性标准。

    This article studies the interest standard of the language teaching materials compiling from four respective aspects.

  19. 请幼儿根据所选的图片编歌词并唱出来。

    Ask kids to compile the lyrics and sing out according to the pictures selected.

  20. 所选得视频编解码器不支持隔行扫描处理。

    The selected video codec does not support interlaced processing.

  21. 所选的视频编解码器不支持隔行扫描处理。

    The selected video codec does not support interlaced processing.

  22. 编司各特作品选

    to edit the selected works of Walter Scott

  23. 编小辫同样是这一季很棒得可选发型之一。

    Braids are also a cool alternative this winter.

  24. 教宗访美时,他们选上卡约尼负责特别音乐节目得编曲。

    When the Pope came to America, it was Johnnie Carl whom they chose to make arrangements for the special music.

  25. 教宗访美时,他们选上卡约尼负责特别音乐节目的编曲。

    When the Pope came to America, it was Johnnie Carl whom they chose to make arrangements for the special music.

  26. 汇编文选, 总集

    Thesaurus corpus anthology analects collectanea miscellany

  27. 真丝经编设备的选型及产品和结构

    Equipment Choice and Product Mix for Real Silk Warp Knitting.

  28. 从一个或一个以上作者的文章中选编而成的选集

    a selection of passages from one or more authors

  29. 选编者的主体意识使选本批评显现了审美主体的文学观念

    The author of this article has drawn the following conclusions The concept of aesthetic object is an earmark of such criticism because of the object ideas of the selectors.

  30. 萧统所编文选载诸篇序共70篇,其中以史辞为序者10篇。

    There are 70 prefaces in Wen Xuan edited by Xiao Tong, of which 10 pieces are historical ones.


  1. 问:选编拼音怎么拼?选编的读音是什么?选编翻译成英文是什么?

    答:选编的读音是xuǎnbiān,选编翻译成英文是 Select and compile materials or articles....