


1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……





汉语拼音:chù suǒ








  1. 停留或居住的地方;地方。

    战国 楚 宋玉 《高唐赋》:“风止雨霽,云无处所。”《史记·孝文本纪》:“羣臣请处王 蜀 严道 、 卭都 ,帝许之。 长 未到处所,行病死。” 宋 苏轼 《徐大正闲轩》诗:“人言我闲客,置此闲处所。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·鸦头》:“ 王 问:‘此何处所?’答云:‘此是小勾栏。’”

  2. 指某方面、某部分。

    鲁迅 《华盖集续编·马上日记之二》:“他们自然是 苏联 的诗人,但若用了纯 马克斯 流的眼光来批评,当然也还是很有可议的处所。” 张天翼 《畸人手记·新与旧》:“我有时候觉得自己跟他们无论如何是两路人--有些处所合不来。”



  1. Right, things haudio-videoe worked so well for Haiti so far. GM seeds seem to function as a least of their worries.


  2. "Just do it, " the Cat said. "Lick your hand, think of me in all my familiar places, think about all the pieces of string. "


  3. A home is a place where one belongs to. Where he fits in, and where he has a right to be, because in a peculiar sense it is his own.


  4. Some of these huts are really nice and can be a very relaxing place where to can think without listening the noise from cities.


  5. all sanitary spaces shall have ventilation to the open air, independently of any other part of the accommodation; and.


  6. Mr Budanov ordered his soldiers to wrap her in a blanket, put her in his armoured personal carrier and take her to his quarters.


  7. It was absolutely amazing when she picked it up to safety, protecting it from the hyena. And over the next five hours, she took care of it.


  8. But "fat" is only pejorative when we allow places like the sun bar to tell us that being fat somehow makes us less of a person.


  9. Capitalism has gone big - global - and is as remote as it is possible to be without being located on the moon.


  1. 布道的处所。

    Where the work of such a mission is done, esp among poor people.

  2. 订明商业处所

    prescribed commercial premise

  3. 一体性周遍处所

    holistic location

  4. 叠加性周遍处所

    superposed location

  5. 机器处所舱底水

    Bilge water in machinery space

  6. 填写表示处所的词语

    Fill the blanks with the words which denote place.

  7. 处所环境的语篇特征

    Textual Features of Locative Circumstances

  8. 隐居地隐避的安静处所

    A secluded, quiet place.

  9. 放在这个处所。

    From this day onwards, i will put some DIY examples on board from Internet or just maked by myself once a week.

  10. 他们正在找个处所留宿。

    They are looking for somewhere to stay.

  11. 处所主语句的认知研究

    A Cognitive Exploration of Sentences with Locative Subjects

  12. 中等失火危险的起居处所

    Accommodation space of moderate fire risk

  13. 较小失火危险的起居处所

    Accommodation space of minor fire risk

  14. 协力帮忙寻找安置难民的处所

    concurrence in helping to find homes for refugees

  15. 较大失火危险的起居处所

    Accommodation space of greater fire risk

  16. 僧道居住或说法布道的处所

    Living or preaching place of monks and priests

  17. 某事物藉以发展的处所或环境。

    Place or situation in which sth develops.

  18. 关闭起居处所的门,切断通风。

    Close all accommodation doors and shut ventilation.

  19. 啊,为了那神密处所的修养!

    Oh, for the culture of the secret place!

  20. 你的家处在一个方便处所吗?

    Is your home in a convenient location?

  21. 也谈古汉语处所词语作补语问题

    Investigation on the Location Word as Complement in Classical Chinese

  22. 存现句中可以有几个处所词语

    There would be adjunct before place word.

  23. 搁放鲽最佳得处所是鲽乐意被搁放得天圆。

    A pleasant place to place a plaice is a placea plaice is to be placed.

  24. 搁放鲽最佳的处所是鲽乐意被搁放的天圆。

    A pleasant place to place a plaice is a placea plaice is to be placed.

  25. 那是神跟?得子民相会得处所。

    It is the place of meeting between God and His people.

  26. 安装处所无腐蚀性气液体, 无尘垢

    No corrosive gas and liquid, no dust at the place where the pump is installed

  27. 常光顾高级游乐处所的有钱的社会名流。

    rich socialites moving from one fashionable resort to another

  28. 本论文对处所介词短语进行功能研究。

    This dissertation adopts a functional approach to locative prepositional phrases.

  29. 好的,这就是被戏称为我的公寓的处所。

    J Well, this is what is laughingly known as my apartment.

  30. 本应清静安宁得处所却几遭劫掠。

    This place, which should have been tranquil and peaceful, was raided several times.


  1. 问:处所拼音怎么拼?处所的读音是什么?处所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:处所的读音是chùsuǒ,处所翻译成英文是 area

  2. 问:处所的拼音怎么拼?处所的的读音是什么?处所的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:处所的的读音是chù suǒ de,处所的翻译成英文是 local

  3. 问:处所连贯拼音怎么拼?处所连贯的读音是什么?处所连贯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:处所连贯的读音是chùsuǒ liánguàn,处所连贯翻译成英文是 locational coherence



处所指的是某个人居住的地方,也指的是人的某一个方面或者某一个部分。语出《史记·孝文本纪》:“羣臣请处王蜀严道、 卭都,帝许之。 长未到处所,行病死。”