


长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……


作乐(yuè ㄩㄝˋ),依照曲调吹弹乐器:演~。~国歌。~鸣曲。封建时代臣子对皇帝陈述意见或说明事情:启~。~议。~疏。~折。~本。~对。呈现,取得:~效。~功。~捷(取得胜利)。大~奇功。……



汉语拼音:duàn zòu






  1. Do not be concerned with it; under no circumstance should you try to practice the staccato motion that way in slower tempos.


  2. In staccato, the finger is bounced off the key so as to produce a brief sound with no sustain.


  3. Once the body muscles that help the arm in staccato motion are activated, the diaphragm can participate on its own.


  4. Major, minor, are becoming stronger and staccato slowly, and familiar with some familiar and also the major means of.


  5. We use staccato in tremolo to ensure that the right hand fingers is properly prepared on the string before the next stroke.


  6. During a piano and staccato repetition of the theme, the strings and flutes rush up, bringing the music to the briefest of halts.


  7. The short lines helped me create a sort of staccato effect.


  8. When practising the Flight of the Bumblebee, practise slow to get the pronounciation of the notes, practise with staccatos.


  9. Thus in normal staccato, the key drop may be about half way down, but in hard staccato, it can be less than half way.


  1. 进入急速的弦乐声部断奏

    into the allegro staccato strings.

  2. 从本质上说,断奏动作其实是投掷动作。

    Essentially staccato motion is a throwing motion.

  3. 用同样的断奏方法弹奏双音, 和弦。

    Same technique for staccato single notes, double notes, chords.

  4. 在快速的断奏中手臂动作移动的顺序

    Shift of sequence of arm motion in rapid staccato.

  5. 没有腕关节断奏,请不要单独使用腕关节。

    No wrist staccato, please don't use the wrist exclusively.

  6. 我们现在研究下各阶段的断奏动作。

    Let us now examine the various stages of the staccato motion.

  7. 松鼠蹦蹦跳跳增加了嘎吱嘎吱的断奏音符。

    Squirrels added staccato crunch notes with their arced leaps.

  8. 在强力断奏中, 手指的上下运动更为迅速。

    in hard staccato, the finger moves down and up much more rapidly.

  9. 如此, 便能减少身体参与到断奏的演奏中。

    Thus the body plays a major role in staccato play.

  10. 并在学生关于断奏的联系中将其结合。致用。

    And students about the link will staccato its combination. Zhiyong.

  11. 短行造句帮助我创造了一种断奏的效果。

    The short lines helped me create a sort of staccato effect.

  12. 短行造句帮助我创造了一种断奏得效果。

    The short lines helped me create a sort of staccato effect.

  13. 她以断奏方式很坚定地弹出三个快速和弦音。

    She played three quick chords, very firm and staccato.

  14. 又一次骤起的爆破声开始了一系列反复无常的跳跃断奏。

    One more subito blast initiates a series of jumpy staccato crotchets.

  15. 以断奏和连奏方式演奏键盘可以得到完全不同的效果。

    The instrument will behave completely different when played'staccato'than when played'legato'.

  16. 在普通断奏中,重力使止音器快速地回到弦上。

    In normal staccato, gravity quickly returns the damper onto the strings.

  17. 在加强快速的断奏中我也可以利用键盘的回弹的优势。

    In the loudest and fastest staccatos we can also take advantage of the rebound from the keyboard.

  18. 不必在意它,在任何时候你不要设法在慢节奏练习断奏。

    Do not be concerned with it; under no circumstance should you try to practice the staccato motion that way in slower tempos.

  19. 这首音乐介于断奏的舞蹈节奏和催人心碎的和声组合之间。

    it switches between staccato dance rhythms and heartbreaking a capella arrangements.



断奏(staccato)又称断音弹奏法,是钢琴重要的基本弹奏方法之一。获得合理科学的弹奏方法,实质是学习掌握一种弹奏技术。断奏是其他技术发展的重要基础。 断奏的弹法练习,可以分为四个动作过程,即:(1)把手型摆好;(2)手臂自然提起;(3)手臂自然下落;(4)指端肌肉垫着力触键。这四个动作过程是一个自然连贯的有机整体。这种每个音之间都断开的弹奏方法即称为断奏。