




1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……


1. 挡 [dǎng]2. 挡 [dàng]挡 [dǎng]阻拦,遮蔽:阻~。拦~。遮~。指“排挡”:挂~。换~。某些仪器和测量装置用来表明光、电、热等量的等级。挡 [dàng]〔摒(bìng)~〕见“摒”。……


1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……



汉语拼音:zhē fēng dǎng yǔ






  1. I do not know where the climate how, can often blows gale heavy rain, whether for shelter from the rain with you.


  2. Since the humanity has settled down, as something can keeps out sweeping winds and rain, the door has emerged.


  3. like flowers, not the total her, let her self-confidence to face the sun.


  4. A man who has warm hands, a safe bosom and an attractive smile, a man who says "I'm beside you" to you.


  5. It must be big enough to shelter the mother and pups from weather and protect the pups from other animals that may want to hurt them.


  6. "I" in the name of the wall, you Zhefengdangyu for many years, however, was only a Nazhao Bi hand, was designated scars.


  7. We wanted every child to have their own private space, a home to live in and a neighbourhood where they could interact and play.


  8. Let's try to rig up some sort of shelter.


  9. Russia, the country Iranian officials have been counting on to protect them from real pressure, deliberately dragged its feet at the UN.


  1. 我需要一个房子来遮风挡雨。

    We need a house for shelter.

  2. 一棵夏天的树,替人遮风挡雨。

    A tree in summer becomes a shelter against winds and rains.

  3. 他建议靠墙搭起一间棚子,给那儿的同志们 遮风挡雨。

    He proposed fixing up a lento as protection for all the comrades there.

  4. 他打伞挡雨。

    He sheltered beneath his umbrella.

  5. 你是否需要一把伞来挡雨。

    Do you want an umbrella to keep off the rain.

  6. 这种新款式的毛衣能够为你挡雨御寒。

    This new kind of sweater will protect you from the rain and cold.

  7. 这种新款式得毛衣能够为你挡雨御寒。

    This new kind of sweater will protect you from the rain and cold.

  8. 拿着这件雨衣,它至少能帮你挡挡雨。

    Take this raincoat it should at least keep the rain out.

  9. 两座大楼之间的拱道上覆盖了玻璃,用来挡雨。

    The archway between the two buildings had been glassed over to keep from the rain.

  10. 我首先用这些毛皮做了顶帽子,把毛翻在外面,可以挡雨。

    The first thing I made of these was a great cap.for my head, with the hair on the out side to keep off the rain

  11. 只求遮风避雨

    Trying to keep myself out of the rain

  12. 这种聚乙烯塑料应该可以挡一会儿雨。

    This polythene sheet should serve to keep out the rain for a while.

  13. 我们对遮风避雨的需求构成了建筑。

    The need for shelter has given rise to architecture.

  14. 我是那个给他地方遮风避雨的人!

    I'm the one who put a goddamn roof over his head!

  15. 他们用旧木条和纸板搭起一个简陋的棚子遮风避雨。

    They built a rough shelter from old pieces of wood and cardboard.

  16. 一堵遮风挡雨的墙

    A wall which can keep off wind rain

  17. 这样你就有屋顶遮风挡雨了。

    So you can keep the house.

  18. 至少她还有个遮风挡雨的屋顶。

    At least she's gonna have a roof over her head.

  19. 让我们赶快搭个遮风挡雨的棚吧。

    Let's try to rig up some sort of shelter.

  20. 幸福是一所为朋友遮风挡雨的房屋。

    Happy is the house that shelters a friend!

  21. 我们在一个能够遮风挡雨的地方下了锚。

    We dropped anchor in a sheltered spot.

  22. 咱们需求唯一屋子来遮风挡雨,你能帮我吗

    We command a abode for ITlter. Can you help me.

  23. 尽管马一般不怕冷,但是一定要有个能遮风挡雨的马棚。

    Although horses do not generally mind the cold, shelter from rain and wind is important.

  24. 带件雨衣挡雨。

    Take a mac to keep the rain off.

  25. 挡雨的竹棚

    a bamboo shelter to keep the rain off

  26. 挡雨空心橡带

    rubber hollow weather strip.

  27. 能够挡雨得百叶窗。

    Shutters that are fast against the rain.

  28. 能够挡雨的百叶窗。

    Shutters that are fast against the rain.

  29. 这是用来挡雨的。

    This is used to keep the rain out.

  30. 这是用来挡雨得。

    This is used to keep the rain out.



小老鼠也会用伞遮风挡雨遮风挡雨 (zhē fēng dǎng yǔ)

解释:遮挡风雨,比喻起保护作用。出处李娴娟《血染的爱》:“我这是冒着险来为你遮风挡雨呀,我的老战友。”示例父母真诚地为孩子遮风挡雨。他一直为我遮风挡雨。本意:就是遮挡风雨不让你受风吹雨打。引申:意就是有个人疼你爱你,为你挡去一切伤害。英文释义keep out wind and rainkeep out 动词词组 阻止进入