


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……





汉语拼音:tōng xiǎo








  1. 整夜;通宵。

    《三国志·吴志·滕胤传》:“ 胤 白日接宾客,夜省文书,或通晓不寐。”

  2. 透彻地了解。

    《北史·邢邵传》:“ 邵 率情简素……博览坟籍,无不通晓。” 唐 韩愈 《答陈商书》:“辱惠书,语高而旨深,三四读尚不能通晓。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·共通的门径》:“不能设想,一个文字不通的人,怎么能够充分表达自己的思想?又怎么能够通晓各种知识呢?”



  1. Look to get a professional who's knowledgeable about a home's system -- that person is likely to be a licensed professional engineer (PE).


  2. There will be no more trouble or difficulties and everyone will find it easy to understand each other.


  3. He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the Lord , God gave him success.


  4. Only if we understand them properly will we be able to get to the core of the matter.


  5. Nobody knows everything so do not hesitate to ask questions in the channel or in the mailing list.


  6. Voters in a democracy may not know all or even any of the technicalities of running a government, but they surely can judge the results.


  7. He said he hoped to help his new bride to master Roman script while she taught him Islamic religious knowledge.


  8. All of them also seemed to have learned the secret to long life, although sometimes they had to be wheeled out to attend public activities.


  9. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.


  1. 通晓人情世故

    know the world

  2. 她通晓英语。

    She is familiar with English.

  3. 他不通晓历史。

    He is unread in history.

  4. 他通晓美国历史。

    He is well read in American history.

  5. 律师应该通晓逻辑。

    Lawyers should be wellversed in logic.

  6. 校长需要通晓财政。

    Head teachers need to be financially literate.

  7. 他通晓五国语言。

    He is fluent in five languages.

  8. 迈克尔通晓计算机。

    Michael is all genned up computers.

  9. 此类事情人人通晓。

    This sort of thing is familiar to everybody.

  10. 通晓宇宙学的科学家。

    a scientist knowledgeable about cosmography.

  11. 英文是他所通晓的。

    The English language is familiar to him.

  12. 这个职位要求通晓德语。

    Familiarity with German is required for this position.

  13. 她通晓五种语言。

    She is fluent in five languages.

  14. 请列出您通晓的语言。

    Please kindly make a list of your familiarity language.

  15. 我通晓如何运用法律系统。

    I know how to work the system.

  16. 所有的大学生都通晓英语。

    English is known to all of the college students.

  17. 意味着要么通晓一切, 要么一无所知。

    To be a witch is to know everything, and nothing at all.

  18. 这些学生中大多数通晓英语。

    Most of the students understand English well.

  19. 他通晓法语就像通晓英语一样。

    French was as familiar to him as english.

  20. 使家喻户晓使闻名, 使被认知, 使通晓

    To make known, recognized, or familiar.

  21. 通晓法文、俄文和英文。

    French, Russian and English.

  22. 通晓数国语言的人

    Linguist n. A person who speaks several languages fluently.

  23. 他对法语与英语一样通晓。

    French is as familiar to him as English.

  24. 成为修女前,她通晓人情世故。

    She was well-versed in the ways of the world before she had taken the veil.

  25. 要欣赏京剧你得通晓汉语。

    You have to be able to know Chinese well to appreciate Peking Opera.

  26. 他通晓所有的事物的过去和将来。

    He telleth all things Past and to Come.

  27. 他通晓当地所有的语言和方言。

    He knew all the local languages and dialects.

  28. 他通晓印第安语和方言。

    He knows all the Indian languages and dialects.

  29. 你非常通晓哲学部分时间用来冥想。

    You are Very Philosophical and meditate through most of the Day.

  30. 他超越了自然,他不是通晓自然和自然现象。

    He transcended nature, and he wasn't known through nature or natural phenomena.


  1. 问:通晓拼音怎么拼?通晓的读音是什么?通晓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通晓的读音是tōngxiǎo,通晓翻译成英文是 have a good knowledge of

  2. 问:通晓的拼音怎么拼?通晓的的读音是什么?通晓的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通晓的的读音是,通晓的翻译成英文是 deep-read



1.整夜;通宵。《三国志·吴志·滕胤传》:“胤白日接宾客,夜省文书,或通晓不寐。” 2.透彻地了解。《北史·邢邵传》:“邵率情简素……博览坟籍,无不通晓。” 唐韩愈《答陈商书》:“辱惠书,语高而旨深,三四读尚不能通晓。” 《东周列国志》第一回:“那时城中百姓,无不遵依,止有乡民,尚未通晓。”马南邨《燕山夜话·共通的门径》:“不能设想,一个文字不通的人,怎么能够充分表达自己的思想?又怎么能够通晓各种知识呢?”了解某事See you great detective.Hope you challenge me before the fin de siècle comes.