















  1. and the Sprite Rising Stars Slam Dunk contest, to see which player dunks the ball in the most entertaining way.


  2. The children and "SFS" staff held a minute of silence around a symbolic candle display and then shared their emotions amongst each other.


  3. Robert Patrick, for example, seemed as if he might be bound for stardom when he played the T-1000 in "Terminator 2" .


  4. Some said the police had taken him to Tomorrow Bookstore and asked whether he were an editor there.


  5. Therefore the men of Jabesh said, To-morrow we will come out unto you, and ye shall do with us all that seemeth good unto you.


  6. Fage: i protest. That guy is not person of tomorrow village at all, and he has no qualifications to participate.


  7. No longer will I judge a man on one meeting; no longer will I fail to call again tomorrow on he who meets me with hate today.


  8. Not to say that set up a chain of today, that I can just tomorrow on the first page to see my station.


  9. Jones added that said the leading role played by the US, even though it was not hosting tomorrow's summit, was a sign of things to come.


  1. 明日愁来明日愁。

    Tomorrow's worries should be worried about tomorrow.

  2. 拟于明日启程

    intend to leave tomorrow

  3. 莫为明日愁。

    Take no thought for tomorrow.

  4. 明日是个假日。

    Tomorrow will be a holiday.

  5. 明日将会满月。

    Tomorrow will be a full moon.

  6. 我们是明日巨星

    We are They Might Be Giants.

  7. 明日世界的预兆

    A portent of tomorrows world.

  8. 新法规明日生效

    a new regulation that goes into effect tomorrow.

  9. 百年明日能几何?

    Hundred years tomorrow will able the geometry ?

  10. 我于明日至沪。

    I'll arrive in Shanghai tomorrow.

  11. 我于明日至沪。

    I'll arrive in Shanghai tomorrow.

  12. 今日垂涎,明日流泪。

    Todays slaver will drain into tomorrows tear.

  13. 今日莫为明日愁。

    Each day brings its own bread.

  14. 实习完毕, 明日复课。

    The field work is completed, and classes will begin again tomorrow.

  15. 我们将于明日到达。

    We shall arrive tomorrow.

  16. 实习完毕,明日复课。

    The field work is completed, and classes will begin again tomorrow.

  17. 明日有新股上市。

    Tomorrow the new stock will appear on the market.

  18. 明日雨势有时颇大。

    Will be heavy at times tomorrow.

  19. 明日得光辉领袖奖。

    The award for the brightest leader.

  20. 明日的光辉领袖奖。

    The award for the brightest leader.

  21. 法庭将于明日开庭。

    The tribunal will convene tomorrow.

  22. 新法令明日起实行。

    The new law takes effect from tomorrow.

  23. 新法令明日起生效。

    The new law takes effect from tomorrow.

  24. 今日敞肚皮,明日饿肚皮。

    Stuff today and starve tomorrow.

  25. 我们已决定明日动身。

    We have fixed on starting tomorrow.

  26. 该通告将於明日见报。

    The announcement will appear in tomorrowsnewspapers.

  27. 今朝大吃大喝,明日忍饥挨饿。

    Feast today and fast tomorrow.

  28. 谁得大奖明日见分晓。

    It will be clear tomorrow who has won the big prize.

  29. 明日重来花满床。

    Before long, flowers will cover your nuptial bed.

  30. 今日被英语羞辱,明日羞辱英语!

    Lets work hard to humiliate English.


  1. 问:明日拼音怎么拼?明日的读音是什么?明日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日的读音是míngrì,明日翻译成英文是 tomorrow; the near future

  2. 问:明日黄花拼音怎么拼?明日黄花的读音是什么?明日黄花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日黄花的读音是míngrìhuánghuā,明日黄花翻译成英文是 outmoded; things that are stale and no longer of i...

  3. 问:明日叶拼音怎么拼?明日叶的读音是什么?明日叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日叶的读音是,明日叶翻译成英文是 Ashitaba

  4. 问:明日山拼音怎么拼?明日山的读音是什么?明日山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日山的读音是Míngrìshān,明日山翻译成英文是 Asuyama

  5. 问:明日之丈拼音怎么拼?明日之丈的读音是什么?明日之丈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日之丈的读音是,明日之丈翻译成英文是 Ashita no Joe

  6. 问:明日之后拼音怎么拼?明日之后的读音是什么?明日之后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日之后的读音是Míngrì zhī hòu,明日之后翻译成英文是 The Day After Tomorrow

  7. 问:明日破晓拼音怎么拼?明日破晓的读音是什么?明日破晓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日破晓的读音是míngrìpòxiǎo,明日破晓翻译成英文是 The Dawn of A To-morrow, written by Frances Hodgson B...

  8. 问:明日赞歌拼音怎么拼?明日赞歌的读音是什么?明日赞歌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日赞歌的读音是,明日赞歌翻译成英文是 Ashita e no Sanka

  9. 问:明日山秀文拼音怎么拼?明日山秀文的读音是什么?明日山秀文翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日山秀文的读音是Míngrìshān Xiùwén,明日山秀文翻译成英文是 Asuyama Hidefumi

  10. 问:明日的记忆拼音怎么拼?明日的记忆的读音是什么?明日的记忆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日的记忆的读音是,明日的记忆翻译成英文是 Memories of Tomorrow

  11. 问:明日香皇女拼音怎么拼?明日香皇女的读音是什么?明日香皇女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日香皇女的读音是,明日香皇女翻译成英文是 Princess Asuka

  12. 问:明日地球联盟拼音怎么拼?明日地球联盟的读音是什么?明日地球联盟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日地球联盟的读音是míngrì dìqíu liánméng,明日地球联盟翻译成英文是 Global Tomorrow Coalition , also known as 全球未...

  13. 问:明日的三稜镜拼音怎么拼?明日的三稜镜的读音是什么?明日的三稜镜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日的三稜镜的读音是,明日的三稜镜翻译成英文是 Ashita no Prism

  14. 问:明日国际集团有限公司拼音怎么拼?明日国际集团有限公司的读音是什么?明日国际集团有限公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明日国际集团有限公司的读音是Míngrì guójì jítuán yǒuxiàn gōngsī,明日国际集团有限公司翻译成英文是 Tomorrow International Holdings Limited