







汉语拼音:tiān míng








  1. 犹天命;天道。

    《书·大诰》:“用 寧王 遗我大宝龟,绍天明。”《左传·哀公二年》:“ 范氏 、 中行氏 反易天明,斩艾百姓,欲擅 晋国 而灭其君。” 孔颖达 疏:“下事上,臣事君,法则天之明道;臣不事君是反易天之明道。”《墨子·尚同下》:“唯辩而使助治天明也。” 孙诒让 间诂:“ 王 云:天明,天之明道也。”

  2. 天之光辉。指日、月、星等。

    《左传·昭公二十五年》:“为父子、兄弟、姑姊、甥舅、昏媾、姻亚,以象天明。” 孔颖达 疏:“六亲,父为尊严;众星,北辰为长。六亲和睦以事严父,若众星之共北极,是其象天明也。”《周礼·春官·司常》“王建大常” 汉 郑玄 注:“自王以下治民者,旗画成物之象。王画日月,象天明也。”

  3. 谓天生的视觉能力。


  4. 谓天赋智慧。

    明 方孝孺 《慎思堂铭》:“孰艰孰危?孰困寒馁?孰为昏迷,汩其天明?” 章炳麟 《訄书·原变》:“人迫之使入于幽谷,夭閼天明,令其官骸不得用其智力者,亦萎废而为豦蜼。”

  5. 尊称帝王。

    《宋书·始安王休仁传》:“谨案 刘休仁 苞蓄祸迹,事蔽於天明,窜匿沉姦,情宣於民听。” 唐 韩愈 《魏博节度观察使沂国公先庙碑铭》:“ 田侯 摄事,奉我天明。” 宋 王安石 《改撰诗义序札子》:“昧冒天明,臣无任。”

  6. 天亮。

    唐 杜甫 《石壕吏》诗:“天明登前途,独与老翁别。” 宋 欧阳修 《鵯鵊词》诗:“红纱蜡烛愁夜短,緑窗鵯鵊催天明。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·天部二》:“九日天明时,以片餻搭儿女头额,更祝曰:‘愿儿百事俱高。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十七回:“一夜天翻来覆去,何曾合得着眼,天还没亮就起来了,呆呆的坐到天明。”



  1. Some nights I lay awake until the morning, trying to penetrate the veil that divides this world from the next.


  2. The more cold late at night, you do not know whether or not the home, or on the road with smoke dawn.


  3. Michael is about to say something, but doesn't even bother to open his mouth, sighs and lies down again quietly, eyes wide open till dawn.


  4. He'll stay with me too, I suppose, the old man thought and he waited for it to be light.


  5. I was immediately driven home and after playing with my dog for a while, I fell onto the bed and slept until the next day.


  6. By the next morning, the great officials were all dead drunk, and none of them had their hat strap.


  7. and went about her household duties with swollen eyelids the next morning.


  8. At night, a mysterious husband appeared to spend the night with her until the dawn.


  9. The abundance cold late at night, you do not knowinging whet IT or not the habitat, or on the road with smoke dawn.


  1. 天明她就要离开?

    By daybreak she's gone.

  2. 他们正在等待天明。

    They were waiting for the day to dawn.

  3. 武则天明堂

    Imperial Academy of Empress Wuzetian.

  4. 他们一直谈到天明。

    They talked till dawn.

  5. 等到天明微笑看铁丝

    At daybreak, the barbed fence is smiling

  6. 我们决定次日天明启程。

    We decided to set off the next day.

  7. 编辑修改手稿至天明。

    The editor laboured over the manuscript till early morning.

  8. 为了沵、我愿意等到天明。

    Be ready for you and I, wait till daybreak.

  9. 照亮他的摇篮直到天明。

    Shine on his cradle till breaking of dawn.

  10. 我们是在天明前出发的。

    We set off before daylight.

  11. 我们喝酒谈笑,直至天明。

    We drank and laughed and talked until dawn.

  12. 赶到天明一看,忍不住笑了。

    Had my eyes played me false?

  13. 我要在这里休息等待天明。

    Here I will restme till the break ofday.

  14. 睡时一个吻,美梦到天明。

    A little kiss while you are sleeping, to give you sweeter dreams.

  15. 可怜这个人,从黄昏待到天明。

    Poor man, from dusk till dawn.

  16. 如果我想要熬夜到天明,我可以。

    If I want to stay out all night, I can.

  17. 真希望能这样相拥到天明啊。

    I wish we can sleep like this till dawn.

  18. 湖州天明格澜玛时装有限公司。

    Huzhou daybreak glamour fashion co., Ltd.

  19. 感这个晚上韵律的节拍,舞到天明。

    Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night. Dance until the morning light.

  20. 等待到天明时我又要渡过白水。

    And I'll wade the Baishui River again at daybreak.

  21. 我只好坐在那里,一直值班到天明。

    I just had to sit there and keep a sleepless vigil until the morning came.

  22. 蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。

    The candle has a wick just as we have a heart, All night long it sheds tears for us before we part.

  23. 一个赤露的女人从午夜焚烧到天明。

    A naked woman burns from midnight until the sky is bright.

  24. 那只船时而靠岸时而离岸一直折腾到天明。

    The ship stood off and on until morning.

  25. 我渴求你的亲吻,我想长伴你至天明,亲爱的。

    Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.

  26. 意思是梳了头再睡, 睡得真香, 直到天明!

    The meaning is combing hair before sleep will make you like a log.

  27. 伊比沙岛2007年6月,人们在俱乐部跳舞至天明。

    Clubbers dance the morning away in June 2007 on Ibiza.

  28. 他安心躺下来, 以便天明好有精神应付一切。

    He lay down and prepared to catch a few hourssleep, so that the morrow might find him equal to its exigencies.

  29. 老人和大鱼的持久战又从黑夜延续到天明。

    The elderly and the big fish from the long war of darkness until dawn.

  30. 天明是否能在重重迷雾中参透自己的身世之谜?

    Does Tian Ming come to understand his true identity amidst the mysteries


  1. 问:天明拼音怎么拼?天明的读音是什么?天明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天明的读音是tiānmíng,天明翻译成英文是 dawn; daybreak

  2. 问:天明精内酯拼音怎么拼?天明精内酯的读音是什么?天明精内酯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天明精内酯的读音是tiān míng jīng nèi zhǐ,天明精内酯翻译成英文是 carpesia-lactone

  3. 问:天明 (日本)拼音怎么拼?天明 (日本)的读音是什么?天明 (日本)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天明 (日本)的读音是,天明 (日本)翻译成英文是 Tenmei



“天明”是个多义词,它可以指天明(1933年孙瑜导演的电影), 天明(大理段素兴的年号), 天明(唐朝辅公祏的年号), 天明(汉语词语), 天明(日本光格天皇年号)。