


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……





汉语拼音:hé qún








  1. 和合群众;团结群众。《荀子·非十二子》:“古之所谓士仕者,厚敦者也,合羣者也。” 杨倞 注:“合,谓和合。羣,众也。” 章炳麟 《訄书·订孔》:“ 荀卿 以积伪俟化治身,以隆礼合羣治天下。” 陈毅 《六十三岁生日述怀》诗:“只有共产党,敢于大合羣。人民拥护党,党依靠人民。”

  2. 与集体融洽相处。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》五:“他们多少以为他不大合群,别扭。”

  3. 犹成群。《羊城晚报》1984.5.16:“随时都会遭到龚击的家鼠是不会合群嬉耍的,只能独个儿跳窜奔跑寻开心。”



  1. EDEN is united, but it does not know whether or not its membership can tolerate the un cooperation of PANAM!


  2. Should I try to fit in a bit better? Or must I remain an ageing curiosity, a sort of embarrassing elderly relative? Help.


  3. Rudd had always been more popular with the public than with a party that saw him as aloof, a policy wonk in politician's clothing.


  4. Thus, one young wold was forced to leave the pack due to his ill nature.


  5. This will be a very lively, social full moon, and you will be able to meet and greet quite a number of people you don't know.


  6. We like to think we are independent, loners, mavericks. . . That all we need to do our jobs is an o. R. , a scalpel and a willing body.


  7. Hanging out with friend will certainly help him to fit in.


  8. The exotic animal known as Scott is a loner, but an alpha male. So hierarchy matters, but being in a group doesn't so much.


  9. Women who do not fit into the community are still sometimes burned as witches. Lesbians are gang-raped to "cure" them of their follies.


  1. 合群的性格

    a social disposition.

  2. 猛禽不合群。

    Birds of prey do not flock together.

  3. 合群网络模型

    aggregation network model

  4. 因为你要合群。

    Because you have to fit in.

  5. 不合群人格

    asocial personality.

  6. 这个小孩不合群。

    The child doesn't get on well with others.

  7. 躲避孤独的合群的人。

    A gregarious person who avoids solitude.

  8. 机动目标空间合群仿真

    Simulation of Space Group Formation for Maneuvering Target

  9. 你总是不合群的那个

    You have always been something of a loner.

  10. 他在晚会上不太合群。

    He does not mix well at parties.

  11. 熊是不合群孤僻得动物

    Bears are asocial, secretive animals

  12. 熊是不合群孤僻的动物

    Bears are asocial, secretive animals

  13. 所以,师父说我很不合群。

    So, my master said, I am unsocial.

  14. 熊是不合群得孤僻得动物。

    Bears are asocial secretive animals.

  15. 熊是不合群的孤僻的动物。

    Bears are asocial secretive animals.

  16. 熊是不合群的孤僻的动物。

    Bears are asocial secretive animals.

  17. 有时你是个不合群的人

    You can be somewhat of a loner at times

  18. 她十分害羞,在学校不合群。

    She is very shy and does not mingle with the children at school.

  19. 他是那种外向合群的人。

    Hes a gregarious and outgoing kind of person.

  20. 要重视人才合群素质的培养

    Pay more Attention to the Qulity of Sociableness of Education

  21. 孤僻感情上的孤立或不合群

    Emotional isolation or dissociation.

  22. 也可以让孩子变得更加合群

    Or your mind can be wired to be more social.

  23. 要做个好伙伴, 就要懂得合群。

    If you're a good fellow you cooperate.

  24. 我女儿和她的同龄人不合群。

    My daughter will not assort with people of her own age.

  25. 不合群并且缺乏同情心的性格

    a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner

  26. 对他们来说我太不合群了。

    I'm far too democratic in my tastes for them.

  27. 汤姆好交际, 合群他不喜欢孤独。

    Tom is sociable and gregarious he dislikes solitariness or the solitudes.

  28. 我绝对不是一个不合群的人。

    I am by no means an unsociable person.

  29. 合群是个相当重要的个性要素。

    Gets on well with others is a quite important individuality essentialfactor.

  30. 有些孩子非常合群,爱与其他孩子玩。

    Some kids are very gregarious and love to play with each other.


  1. 问:合群拼音怎么拼?合群的读音是什么?合群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合群的读音是héqún,合群翻译成英文是 gregarious

  2. 问:合群人格拼音怎么拼?合群人格的读音是什么?合群人格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合群人格的读音是hé qún rén gé,合群人格翻译成英文是 gregarious personality

  3. 问:合群倾向拼音怎么拼?合群倾向的读音是什么?合群倾向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合群倾向的读音是hé qún qīng xiàng,合群倾向翻译成英文是 affiliation


