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汉语拼音:yīng wǔ
《礼记·曲礼上》:“鸚鵡能言,不离飞鸟。” 唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·羽篇》:“鸚鵡,能飞,众鸟趾前三后一,唯鸚鵡四趾齐分。凡鸟下瞼眨上,独此鸟两瞼俱动,如人目。” 清 吴兰修 《黄竹子传》:“竹窗昼静,鸚鵡呼茶,香奩之福地也。”
唐 纪唐夫 《送温庭筠尉方城》诗:“凤皇詔下虽霑命,鸚鵡才高却累身!”
南朝 梁简文帝 《答张缵谢示集书》:“车渠屡酌,鸚鵡骤倾。” 宋 张元干 《满庭芳·寿富枢密》词:“香檀缓,杯传鸚鵡,新月正娟娟。” 元 刘永之 《池阁独坐怀周伯宁诸公》诗:“鸚鵡怀深酌,空候想缓调。”
指 鹦鹉洲 。
宋 刘过 《沁园春·送王玉良》词:“看飞鳧仙子,张帆直上, 周郎 赤壁 , 鸚鵡 汀洲。” 宋 姜夔 《清波引》词序:“予久客 古沔 , 沧浪 之烟雨, 鸚鵡 之草树, 头陀 、 黄鹤 之伟观, 郎官 、 大别 之幽处,无一日不在心目间。”
指 汉 袮衡 所作《鹦鹉赋》。
唐 杜甫 《奉赠太常张卿垍二十韵》:“健笔凌《鸚鵡》,銛锋莹鷿鵜。” 仇兆鳌 注:“《后汉书》: 禰衡 在 黄祖 座,作《鸚鵡赋》,笔不停輟,文不加点。”
He was tasked with establishing a refuge for the birds on an island off the southwest corner of New Zealand, known as Resolution Island.
他的任务是在新西兰西南端近海的一个岛上建立鸮鹦鹉的庇护所,称作ResolutionIsland。TXU Electric Delivery hopes other companies can eventually adopt the idea, but so far the parakeets refuse to leave their original digs.
得州电力输送公司(TXUElectricDelivery)希望别的公司最终也能采用这个方案,但是迄今为止,这些长尾小鹦鹉拒绝离开它们原来的巢窝。Soon afterward, the parrot flew to the magician and perched on the edge of the makeshift raft and stared at the magician. And stared.
随后很快鹦鹉飞向魔术师,停在这临时代用的救生筏的边上,直盯着魔术师看,看,看。And it was such a place that when the parrot repeated the word "Freedom! " it would go on echoing in the valleys, in the mountains.
那里是这样的一种地方,当这只鹦鹉不断地反复呼喊“自由!”的时候,这个词便会在山峦间、在深谷中久久回荡。It was a miracle he did not die one morning when he tried to catch the shortsighted parrot, who had climbed as high as the water barrels.
有一天早上,他试图去抓那只近视眼的鹦鹉----那家伙爬到储水桶那么高的地方去了。"Well, then the postman came into the house and lifted up her nightie and began petting her all over, " reported the parrot.
“哦,后来邮差进了屋子,把她的睡衣撩起来,然后从头到脚地抚弄,”鹦鹉报告说。Some birds, like the parrot, can be taught to say words, but they do not know what they mean .
有些鸟,像鹦鹉,能够教会说话,但它们不知道那些话的意思。I saw abundance of parrots, and faIn I would have caught one, If possIble to have kept It to be tame, and taught It to speak to me.
我看到许多鹦鹉,很想捉一只驯养起来,教它说话。The man thought to himself that if he tried the same approach as the parrot then he might get served.