







汉语拼音:huáng shì









  1. 皇帝的家族。

    晋 郭璞 《赠潘尼》诗:“擢颖盖 汉 阳,鸿声骇皇室。”《南史·宋纪上·武帝》:“所以协辅皇室,永隆藩屏。” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·花烛》:“上自皇室,下至士庶,莫不皆然。”

  2. 皇宫。指现在的故宫博物院。

    徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·祁连山下》:“ 中国 有两大艺术宝库:一在佛窟,一在皇室。”



  1. Nikola was once known as the father-in-law of Europe, with daughters married, most prominently, into the Italian and Russian royal families.


  2. Internet users can be found in the next two weeks members of the British royal family's activities and access arrangements.


  3. Avoid giving unsolicited opinions about the Royal family, the British economy, the headlines in the Daily Mail or any other sensitive issue.


  4. The main service attended by the royal family and political leaders took place in Oslo Cathedral, from Oslo, James Robbins reports.


  5. It's been passed down in the royal family, so I cannot give it to you.


  6. The company also boasts warrants (endorsements of quality) from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and H. R. H. The Prince of Wales.


  7. But within a decade, the British monarchy was anything but secure as the public learned of the adulterous affairs of the younger royals.


  8. He bowed to her as if she were a princess of royal blood.


  9. He was born in the purple and was brought up in the grand palace, he had little idea what the world beyond him was like.


  1. 显然皇室。

    Obviously the royal family.

  2. 皇室的权杖

    The Mace of the Monarch.

  3. 汉皇室宗亲

    royal relative of the Han Dynasty.

  4. 英国皇室司库

    keeper of the Privy Purse.

  5. 欧洲皇室宫廷

    The royal courts of Europe.

  6. 我们又不是皇室

    We're not royalty.

  7. 英国皇室与媒介

    The Monarchy and the Media

  8. 服从国家或皇室

    obedience to the state or the crown

  9. 王冠象征着皇室。

    A crown is emblematic of royalty.

  10. 葡萄牙皇室历史

    Genealogical History of the Portuguese Royal Family.

  11. 历代皇室占用的土地

    terrae regis

  12. 她声称她是皇室後裔。

    She claims to be descended from royalty.

  13. 她声称她是皇室后裔。

    She claims to be descended from royalty.

  14. 我已发誓效忠皇室。

    I have sworn an oath of loyalty to the monarchy.

  15. 从1917开始的英国的皇室。

    the British royal family since 1917.

  16. 皇室春情的新闻价值。

    The news value of a royal romance

  17. 皇室春情得新闻价值。

    The news value of a royal romance

  18. 显然死者是什么皇室。

    Apparently he's some kind of royalty.

  19. 显然死者是什么皇室。

    Apparently he's some kind of royalty.

  20. 她是皇室的直系亲属。

    She is related lineally to the royal family.

  21. 她是皇室的直系亲属。

    she is related lineally to the Royal Family.

  22. 皇室的生活是怎么样的?

    What is life in the royal court really like?

  23. 而且不在皇室手里。

    And not with the Royals.

  24. 你偷了皇室的财产。

    You've stolen imperial property.

  25. 皇室婚礼典礼仪式壮观。

    The pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding.

  26. 皇室旗舰波尔多红

    Berrys Good Ordinary Claret, AC Bordeaux

  27. 他是皇室的直系後裔。

    He is directly descended from royalty.

  28. 皇室日记伊丽莎白一世

    The Royal Diaries Elizabeth I

  29. 他是皇室的直系后裔。

    He is directly descended from royalty.

  30. 他的家族乃皇室的后裔。

    His family were descended from kings.


  1. 问:皇室拼音怎么拼?皇室的读音是什么?皇室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室的读音是huángshì,皇室翻译成英文是 imperial family; royal family

  2. 问:皇室啡拼音怎么拼?皇室啡的读音是什么?皇室啡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室啡的读音是huáng shì fēi,皇室啡翻译成英文是 Iundra Brown

  3. 问:皇室灰拼音怎么拼?皇室灰的读音是什么?皇室灰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室灰的读音是huáng shì huī,皇室灰翻译成英文是 Royal Grey

  4. 问:皇室典范拼音怎么拼?皇室典范的读音是什么?皇室典范翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室典范的读音是,皇室典范翻译成英文是 Imperial Household Law

  5. 问:皇室授权拼音怎么拼?皇室授权的读音是什么?皇室授权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室授权的读音是huáng shì shòu quán,皇室授权翻译成英文是 royal authorization

  6. 问:皇室法院拼音怎么拼?皇室法院的读音是什么?皇室法院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室法院的读音是huáng shì fǎ yuàn,皇室法院翻译成英文是 royal court of justice

  7. 问:皇室特权拼音怎么拼?皇室特权的读音是什么?皇室特权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室特权的读音是huáng shì tè quán,皇室特权翻译成英文是 prerogative of the Crown

  8. 问:皇室白麻拼音怎么拼?皇室白麻的读音是什么?皇室白麻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室白麻的读音是huáng shì bái má,皇室白麻翻译成英文是 Camelia White

  9. 问:皇室米黄拼音怎么拼?皇室米黄的读音是什么?皇室米黄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室米黄的读音是huáng shì mǐ huáng,皇室米黄翻译成英文是 Shukuh

  10. 问:皇室血裔拼音怎么拼?皇室血裔的读音是什么?皇室血裔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室血裔的读音是Huángshìxuèyì,皇室血裔翻译成英文是 Royal Blood

  11. 问:皇室训令拼音怎么拼?皇室训令的读音是什么?皇室训令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室训令的读音是huáng shì xùn lìng,皇室训令翻译成英文是 Royal instructions

  12. 问:皇室自用地拼音怎么拼?皇室自用地的读音是什么?皇室自用地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室自用地的读音是huáng shì zì yòng dì,皇室自用地翻译成英文是 terra dominicales regis

  13. 问:皇室私有产业拼音怎么拼?皇室私有产业的读音是什么?皇室私有产业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇室私有产业的读音是huáng shì sī yǒu chǎn yè,皇室私有产业翻译成英文是 royal demesne