







汉语拼音:píng mín









  1. 本谓平善之人。后泛指普通老百姓。

    《书·吕刑》:“ 蚩尤 惟始作乱,延及于平民。” 孔 传:“延及于平善之人。”《汉书·食货志下》“弋猎博戏乱齐民” 唐 颜师古 注引 如淳 曰:“齐,等也。无有贵贱,谓之齐民,若今言平民矣。” 宋 叶适 《徐文渊墓志铭》:“兵官大执平民为贼,冀以成赏,君明其无罪,尽释之。” 康有为 《大同书》丙部:“ 欧洲 中世有大僧、贵族、平民、奴隶之异,压制既甚,故以 欧 人之慧,千年黑暗,不能进化。” 巴金 《海的梦》:“许多和他同住在 巴黎 贫民窟里的 犹太 平民,到法庭去叙述那些惨痛的事实。”

  2. 平治百姓。




  1. Sometimes, it seems as though civilian drivers merely failed to get off the road fast enough.


  2. The head of the ambulance service in Mogadishu said it had been overwhelmed by the number of injured civilians.


  3. The initial U. S. investigation said the strike had killed at least 30 militants and between five and seven civilians.


  4. 'It is experience that can give a person a common touch and a sense of compassion, an understanding of how the world works, ' he said.


  5. The average citizen did not know about the ongoing talks or the impact the agreements would have.


  6. Most of the victims appear to be Afghan civilians and security guards. NATO officials said the attacker did not breach the airport defenses.


  7. At the same time, a civil war was taking place in El Salvador, and again, the civilian population was caught up in the conflict.


  8. The fact that they can be offended by such a trifle as Countess Olenska's going to the house of a woman they consider common.


  9. In fact, the debt is civilians were excluded from the land beyond the inevitable result of the means of production.


  1. 平民, 老百姓

    the common man

  2. 平民劳动力

    civilian labor force.

  3. 平民话语权

    civilian speech power.

  4. 平民,老百姓。

    The common man.

  5. 贵族与平民

    lord and loon

  6. 平民豁免权

    exemption of civilian.

  7. 公主与平民。

    Fairy Princess and Everywoman.

  8. 他出身平民。

    He was born of plebeian origins.

  9. 平民服装平民职业

    Civilian clothes a civilian career.

  10. 资产阶级的平民

    the third estate

  11. 公主下嫁平民。

    The princess married a commoner.

  12. 资本家剥削平民

    The capitalists exploit the people.

  13. 香港平民屋宇公司。

    Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Ltd.

  14. 他的父母是平民。

    His parents were of the commons.

  15. 麻雀是鸟中平民。

    Sparrows are plebs in bird family.

  16. 可牺牲的平民目标

    Expendable civilian targets.

  17. 超乎寻常的平民感

    An uncanny sense of commonness

  18. 对无辜平民的屠杀

    the slaughter of innocent civilians

  19. 杀戮, 绑架和强奸平民

    Killings, abduction and rape of civilians

  20. 释放和遣返战俘和遣返平民

    Release and repatriation of prisoners of war and repatriation of civilians

  21. 理解精英,我们才能理解平民。

    Understand elite, then we will understand civilian.

  22. 不管他是王子还是平民

    Be he prince or mere mister

  23. 欺侮兄弟会的平民百姓

    to bullyrag fraternity plebs

  24. 它是平民缘由的问题。

    It's the question of civilian causalities.

  25. 他对平民表现了同情。

    He expressed sympathy for the common people.

  26. 司令员命令撤退所有平民。

    The commander ordered that all civilians be evacuated.

  27. 士兵被派去保护平民。

    The soldiers were sent to protect the civilians.

  28. 士兵被派去保护平民。

    The soldiers were sent to protect the civilians.

  29. 离平民窟有多远

    How far from the gutter

  30. 平民, 百姓遵循平民生活的人

    A person following the pursuits of civil life.


  1. 问:平民拼音怎么拼?平民的读音是什么?平民翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民的读音是píngmín,平民翻译成英文是 the common people

  2. 问:平民法拼音怎么拼?平民法的读音是什么?平民法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民法的读音是píngmínfǎ,平民法翻译成英文是 voulgar law

  3. 问:平民的拼音怎么拼?平民的的读音是什么?平民的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民的的读音是,平民的翻译成英文是 plebeian

  4. 问:平民税拼音怎么拼?平民税的读音是什么?平民税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民税的读音是píng mín shuì,平民税翻译成英文是 popular govemment

  5. 问:平民个人拼音怎么拼?平民个人的读音是什么?平民个人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民个人的读音是píng mín gè rén,平民个人翻译成英文是 civilian person

  6. 问:平民主义拼音怎么拼?平民主义的读音是什么?平民主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民主义的读音是píng mín zhǔ yì,平民主义翻译成英文是 populism

  7. 问:平民大众拼音怎么拼?平民大众的读音是什么?平民大众翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民大众的读音是píng mín dà zhòng,平民大众翻译成英文是 commonalty

  8. 问:平民天后拼音怎么拼?平民天后的读音是什么?平民天后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民天后的读音是,平民天后翻译成英文是 The Lizzie McGuire Movie

  9. 问:平民居民拼音怎么拼?平民居民的读音是什么?平民居民翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民居民的读音是píng mín jū mín,平民居民翻译成英文是 civil population

  10. 问:平民法官拼音怎么拼?平民法官的读音是什么?平民法官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民法官的读音是píngmínfǎguān,平民法官翻译成英文是 layman judge

  11. 问:平民表决拼音怎么拼?平民表决的读音是什么?平民表决翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民表决的读音是píng mín biǎo jué,平民表决翻译成英文是 plebiscite

  12. 问:平民财产拼音怎么拼?平民财产的读音是什么?平民财产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民财产的读音是píngmín cáichǎn,平民财产翻译成英文是 civilian property

  13. 问:平民军训团拼音怎么拼?平民军训团的读音是什么?平民军训团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民军训团的读音是píng mín jūn xùn tuán,平民军训团翻译成英文是 Citizens Military Training Corps

  14. 问:平民军训营拼音怎么拼?平民军训营的读音是什么?平民军训营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民军训营的读音是píng mín jūn xùn yíng,平民军训营翻译成英文是 Citizens Military Training Camp

  15. 问:平民医疗队拼音怎么拼?平民医疗队的读音是什么?平民医疗队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民医疗队的读音是píng mín yī liáo duì,平民医疗队翻译成英文是 civilian medical unit

  16. 问:平民十字军拼音怎么拼?平民十字军的读音是什么?平民十字军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民十字军的读音是,平民十字军翻译成英文是 People's Crusade

  17. 问:平民聚集区拼音怎么拼?平民聚集区的读音是什么?平民聚集区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民聚集区的读音是píngmín jùjíqū,平民聚集区翻译成英文是 civilian concentrations

  18. 问:平民战时伤害拼音怎么拼?平民战时伤害的读音是什么?平民战时伤害翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民战时伤害的读音是píng mín zhàn shí shāng hài,平民战时伤害翻译成英文是 Civilian Wartime Injuries

  19. 问:平民灾害性反应拼音怎么拼?平民灾害性反应的读音是什么?平民灾害性反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民灾害性反应的读音是píng mín zāi hài xìng fǎn yìng,平民灾害性反应翻译成英文是 civilian catastrophe reaction

  20. 问:平民表决法令的拼音怎么拼?平民表决法令的的读音是什么?平民表决法令的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平民表决法令的的读音是,平民表决法令的翻译成英文是 plebiscitary

