







汉语拼音:cǎo lǘ






  1. 牝驴。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·养牛马驴骡》:“常以马覆驴,所生骡者,形容壮大,弥復胜马。然必选七八岁草驴,骨目正大者:母长则受驹,父大则子壮。” 章炳麟 《新方言·释动物》:“今北方通谓牝马曰草马,牝驴曰草驴。”



  1. A donkey does not bray when it has grass.


  1. 有草驴不叫。有冤才鸣不平则鸣。

    A donkey does not bray when it has grass.

  2. 兰蓟驴臭草

    Onosma echiodes.

  3. 饿驴不嫌草枯。

    The ass that is hungry will eat any kind of litter.

  4. 当马和驴一起吃草时,每个物种还是会优先和自己的种类呆在一起的。

    When horses and donkeys pasture together each species mates preferentially with its own kind.

  5. 有报信得来见约伯, 说, 牛正耕地, 驴在旁边吃草。

    And there came a messenger unto Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them

  6. 有报信的来见约伯,说,牛正耕地,驴在旁边吃草。

    And there came a messenger unto Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them

  7. 每天,猪、牛、驴都被赶到村正北的平地上去吃草。

    Every day pigs, cattle and donkeys are herded out to graze in the flatland due north of the village.

  8. 青草上放养着驴和山羊。

    Donkeys and goats graze on green grass.

  9. 这头驴子正在田野上吃草。

    The donkey is eating grass on the field.

  10. 干草对驴来讲比金子要珍贵。

    Hay is more acceptable to an ass than gold.

  11. 驴蹄草叶脉带香石竹潜伏病毒

    Caper vein banding carlavirus

  12. 野驴有草岂能叫唤, 牛有料, 岂能吼叫。

    Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder

  13. 藏野驴与家畜之间是否存在牧草竞争?

    Is there really competition for forage between kiang and livestock?

  14. 野驴有草, 岂会叫唤?牛有料, 岂会吼叫?

    Doth the wild ass bray when he hath grass or loweth the ox over his fodder Meringkikkah keledai liar di tempat rumput muda, atau melenguhkah lembu dekat makanannya

  15. 主人有一头驴子,整日关在栏里吃草。

    A MAN had an Ass Maltese Lapdog, a very great beauty.

  16. 野驴有青草, 难道还嘶叫?牛对著草料, 难道还吼鸣?

    Does a wild ass bray when it has fodder Does an ox bellow when it has grass

  17. 野驴有青草, 难道还嘶叫?牛对着草料, 难道还吼鸣?

    Will the wild ass bray when he hath grass or will the ox low when he standeth before a full manger

  18. 农场主依旧因为美洲驴吃掉了这么多野草而生气。

    Ranchers were still angry about how much grass the burros ate.

  19. 而且保定一带,属于冀中平原,水草肥美,最适合养驴。

    And Baoding area, belongs to Jizhong plain, luxuriant plants most suitable for raising donkeys.

  20. 野驴站在净光的高处, 喘气好象野狗因为无草, 眼目失明。

    Wild donkeys stand on the barren heights and pant like jackals their eyesight fails for lack of pasture.


  1. 问:草驴拼音怎么拼?草驴的读音是什么?草驴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草驴的读音是cǎolǘ,草驴翻译成英文是 A female donkey.



草驴 cǎolǘ [jenny ass;female donkey] 母驴