







汉语拼音:píng rì







  1. 平时;平常的日子(区别于特定的日子,如假日、节日等)。

    《汉书·汲黯传》:“大将军闻,愈贤 黯 ,数请问以朝廷所疑,遇 黯 加于平日。”《宋书·沉攸之传》:“何其平日輈张,实轻 周 邵 ,尔时恭谨,虚重皇戚。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷一:“平日春闈较才艺,策名屡获科甲。” 清 吴骞 《扶风传信录》附录 阮升基 《修宜兴县旧志》:“榻前有女子言有夫妇缘,故来相访,述 许生 家中平日事甚悉。” 张天翼 《夏夜梦》:“跟平日一样,她又来了那一套。”



  1. Since it was a Sunday we were all dressed casually. We also allowed ourselves to be less punctual than usual.

  2. What can I do if I were to find myself inadvertently out of stock of the medication I am taking and am unable to attend on a weekday ?

  3. We get so wrapped up in deadlines, clients, costs and all the rest that it's easy to forget to search for creative solutions.

  4. He led me into the tiny living-room. "I'm alone now, sir. Lost my missus over a year ago. She used to think the world of the old dog. "

  5. How much time does your child spend on the Internet (each day) on the weekdays?

  6. How much desktop software do you generally use on a daily basis?

  7. As the calendar ticks closer to Feb. 14, the company expects sales volume to spike by nearly 10 times that of a typical day.

  8. Though Snow pere might be a thought tipsy-a sheet or so in the wind, as folks say, he was not more tipsy than was customary with him.

  9. Although normally a result of their's why they not always greeting, but worried about the heart has never been less blessed.


  1. 我爹平日总是很忙。

    My father is always busy on weekdays.

  2. 这是平日常见的事情。

    It is a fact of everyday experience.

  3. 他平日很自是,又倔强。

    He is always very opinionated and stubborn.

  4. 我平日没有闲暇的时间。

    I have no time to spare during the week.

  5. 关于平日短少锤炼的人群。

    Lack of exercise for the weekday crowd.

  6. 在平日里你何时起床?

    When do you get up on weekdays?

  7. 它平日看起来就是这个样子。

    This is how it looks pretty much every day.

  8. 她讨厌平日索然无味的生活。

    She hated the dreariness of her everyday life.

  9. 不准我们在平日踢足球。

    We are not supposed to play football on weekday.

  10. 平日上午8点开,但周末9点开。

    It opens at 8 am on weekdays, but at 9 at weekends.

  11. 他不仅平日工作,星期日也工作。

    He works not only on weekdays but on Sundays as well.

  12. 人们平日会在元宵节吃元宵。

    People usually eat rice glue balls on Lantern festival.

  13. 节假日的下午或平日晚饭后。

    In the afternoon of holidays or after supper in common days.

  14. 我只在平日工作, 不在周末工作。

    I only work on weekdays, not at weekends.

  15. 学生们平日住校, 周末才回家。

    The students board during the week and go home at weekends.

  16. 平日, 这条街上总是熙熙攘攘的。

    On week days the street was very lively.

  17. 深入那些平日接触不到的资源

    It can reach into sources that are not explicitly available.

  18. 那片山丘比平日温暖, 充满嬉戏。

    The hills were warmer where they were, and full of game.

  19. 平日是周一到周五的任何一天

    A weekday is any of the days from Monday to Friday.

  20. 这家店平日是早上9点开门吗?

    Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays

  21. 中秋节也不歇班,平日怎么过中秋节就怎么过。

    Autumn Festival also not class, in normal times how lead Autumn Festival how lead.

  22. 参加平日弥撒的教友超过一千人。

    More than a thousand people attend the weekday masses.

  23. 斯洛普先生的礼仪比平日更为谄媚。

    Mr. Slope's civility had been more than ordinarily greasy.

  24. 斯洛普先生得礼仪比平日更为谄媚。

    Mr. Slope's civility had been more than ordinarily greasy.

  25. 今天休息,平日能这么晚起来真好。

    It’s my day off. Feels great sleeping this late on weekdays.

  26. 那一天和平日一样, 单调乏味, 平淡无奇。

    The day had been monotonously routine.

  27. 这家店平日上午9点开,但周末10点开。

    This store opens at 9 A. M. on weekdays but at 10 on weekends.

  28. 两个节目同是在平日黄金时段上演。

    Both shows air at prime time on weekdays.

  29. 平日,我有时步行往返于普拉提课。

    Weekdays, I sometimes walk to and from my pilates class.

  30. 他平日从不早起,更不用说周末了。

    He never gets up early on weekdays, let alone on weekends.


  1. 问:平日拼音怎么拼?平日的读音是什么?平日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平日的读音是píngrì,平日翻译成英文是 the usual

  2. 问:平日岛拼音怎么拼?平日岛的读音是什么?平日岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平日岛的读音是Píngrì Dǎo,平日岛翻译成英文是 P'yeongildo Island

  3. 问:平日的拼音怎么拼?平日的的读音是什么?平日的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平日的的读音是,平日的翻译成英文是 ferial

  4. 问:平日鹿拼音怎么拼?平日鹿的读音是什么?平日鹿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平日鹿的读音是Píngrìlù,平日鹿翻译成英文是 Hirahika

  5. 问:平日负荷曲线拼音怎么拼?平日负荷曲线的读音是什么?平日负荷曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平日负荷曲线的读音是píng rì fù hè qū xiàn,平日负荷曲线翻译成英文是 week-day load curve




【拼音】píng rì