


1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……





汉语拼音:tí shén








  1. 振奋精神。

    老舍 《蜕》第四:“他们困?他有煮得很浓很香的咖啡,给他们提神。” 茅盾 《色盲》四:“于是许多能够提神的好名词,活泼、胆大、乐观、刚毅,便同时涌上来了。”

  2. 犹留神。

    张天翼 《畸人手记》:“你住在家里要想有口饭吃--就要提神对付他。”



  1. up to six mugs of the pick - me - up beverage a day will not in fact lead to heart or digestive damage in a healthy person , experts say.


  2. I realized some of them slept in a nearby alley, while others had just stepped out of the shelter for an early-morning smoke.


  3. In fact, when I need a quick pick-me-up , I find that brushing my teeth is often more effective than downing a cup of coffee.


  4. It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas.


  5. When you first started drinking coffee, the arousal was all you wanted and also all that you got.


  6. Here you can freely test as you can imagine with all the prank so exciting picture can help you to lift their spirits?


  7. "When Chairman Mao Zedong got tired late at night while he was writing, he would take some peppers to keep his spirit up, " he said.


  8. He said: 'Buying the dessert was a real boost for my morale. I was dumped earlier this year and felt this could be a decent pick-me-up.


  9. If you feel woozy, you might consider bringing some candy with you to give you a little lift, or some water to drink.


  1. 提神药。补血药

    an analeptic medicine

  2. 换换袜子更提神

    Change your socks for refreshment.

  3. 喝杯茶提提神

    refresh oneself with a cup of tea.

  4. 喝这个提提神吧

    before your big surgery with Dr. Shepherd.

  5. 他喝杯水提神。

    He refreshed himself with a glass of water.

  6. 净化空气,提神醒脑。

    The purification air, stimulates awakes the brain.

  7. 大多为了提神所用。

    Most need it to wake up.

  8. 他经常吸大麻提神。

    He regularly turned on with marijuana.

  9. 水很涼,特别解乏提神。

    The water was cold and wonderfully refreshing.

  10. 这杯冰茶很提神!

    This iced tea is so refreshing!

  11. 他喝杯茶来提神。

    He refreshed himself with a cup of tea.

  12. 他喝了杯啤酒提神。

    He refreshed himself with a glass of beer.

  13. 深吸一口气来提提神。

    Take a deep breath in to invigorate you.

  14. 他想喝杯咖啡提神。

    He wants to refresh himself with a cup of coffee.

  15. 他想喝杯咖啡提神。

    He wants to refresh himself with a cup of coffee.

  16. 来杯白兰地提提神吧。

    Have a glass of brandy to keep your spirits up.

  17. 喝杯白兰地提提神吧。

    Have a glass of brandy to keep up your spirits.

  18. 血气旺盛打起精神。提神

    Be full of animal spirits

  19. 水很凉, 特别解乏提神。

    The water was cold and wonderfully refreshing.

  20. 她需要用咖啡来提神。

    She needed the pickup that coffee always gave her.

  21. 薄荷具有提神醒脑的作用。

    Mint can refresh the mind.

  22. 薄荷具有提神醒脑得作用。

    Mint can refresh the mind.

  23. 薄荷具有提神醒脑的作用。

    Mint can refresh the mind.

  24. 你喝杯咖啡就会提神。

    A cup of coffee will refresh you.

  25. 我得喝点儿咖啡提提神。

    I need coffee to keep alert.

  26. 我是用咖啡来提神的。

    I drink coffee to excite my spirit.

  27. 他喝了一杯咖啡提神。

    He has drunk one cup of coffee to refresh oneself.

  28. 我要喝杯茶来提提神。

    I need a cup of tea to revive me!

  29. 提神, 安抚, 消除焦虑, 改善失眠。

    Refresh and calm down the nerve. Banish anxiety.

  30. 没错。冰牛奶使我提神醒脑。

    Yeah. Cold milk wakes me up.


  1. 问:提神拼音怎么拼?提神的读音是什么?提神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提神的读音是tíshén,提神翻译成英文是 refresh oneself

  2. 问:提神剂拼音怎么拼?提神剂的读音是什么?提神剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提神剂的读音是,提神剂翻译成英文是 psychostimulant

  3. 问:提神的拼音怎么拼?提神的的读音是什么?提神的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提神的的读音是,提神的翻译成英文是 life-giving

  4. 问:提神药拼音怎么拼?提神药的读音是什么?提神药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提神药的读音是,提神药翻译成英文是 incitantia

  5. 问:提神酒拼音怎么拼?提神酒的读音是什么?提神酒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提神酒的读音是,提神酒翻译成英文是 pick-me-up


振奋精神。 老舍 《蜕》第四:“他们困?他有煮得很浓很香的咖啡,给他们提神。” 茅盾 《色盲》四:“于是许多能够提神的好名词,活泼、胆大、乐观、刚毅,便同时涌上来了。”