




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:hōng de






  1. 忽然,一下子。

    明 贾仲名 《对玉梳》第一折:“和他笑一笑,敢忽的软了四肢。将他靠一靠,管烘的走了三魂。” 朱居易 《元剧俗语方言例释》:“烘的,忽然地哄、烘都是轰的一音之转。”



  1. The day after the Passover, that very day, they ate some of the produce of the land: unleavened bread and roasted grain.


  2. Tack Dry: evaporate the mask solvents and cure the mask sufficiently to be handled in exposure step.


  3. most nuts are roasted in oils ( possible source of trans fats ) , so stick to natural or dry - roasted nuts.


  4. These whimsical treats are a great way to get kids involved in your holiday baking.


  1. 你怎么学会烘蛋糕的?

    How did you learn to bake cakes?

  2. 刚烘好的蛋糕不容易切。

    A freshly baked cake doesn't cut easily.

  3. 厨师端出一炉刚烘好的面包。

    The cook brought in a fresh batch of bread.

  4. 不,不,这不是个问题。我自己烘特别的紫红色的面包。

    No, no, its not a problem. Ill do my special aubergine bake.

  5. 他们把烘了的穗子递给他。他吃饱了,还有余剩的。

    And she ate until she was satisfied, and she had some left over.

  6. 你知道刚烘好的蛋糕不容易切。还是等一会儿吧!

    Just wait a minute. You know a freshly baked cake doesn't cut easily.

  7. 他把烘了的穗子, 以及蘸在醋里的饼递给她吃。

    He passed her a plate of roasted grain and she was offered bread and sour wine to go with it.

  8. 我在生命之火前面烘我的双手,等到火熄时,我就准备离去。

    I warmed both hands before the fire of life.It sinks, and I ready to depart.

  9. 每天早晨他们都烘自己吃的羊角面包。

    Every morning they baked their own croissants.

  10. 大部分棉质的衣服在烘过之后都会缩小一点。

    Most cotton clothes will shrink a little bit after being dried in a dryer.

  11. 若我烘这些牛油,我的面糊便会有苦味。

    If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter.

  12. 你一定要有聚会的,我烘了面包 从来没听说过这种事。

    You got to have a party I baked I've never heard of such a thing.

  13. 释放易燃物质的烘箱。安全要求

    Dryers and ovens, in which flammable substances are released Safety requirements.

  14. 面团的烘培力与面团筋力的结果一致。

    Fb showed the same results as the results of W.

  15. 我的烘箱坏了, 蛋糕发不起来。

    My oven failed to function, the cake did not rise.

  16. 我的烘箱坏了,蛋糕发不起来。

    My oven failed to function, the cake did not rise.

  17. 现行桑蚕茧的烘率和回潮率的研究

    A Study of Present Drying Percentage and Moisture Regain of Mulberry Silkworm Cocoons.

  18. 最后送给大家 我的烘培者专用祝福。

    I'll leave you with what I call the baker's blessing.

  19. 这里的食物比公立学校的烘肉卷好多了。

    The food sure beat public school's mystery meatloaf.

  20. 我连最简单的烘块糕饼都做不出来。

    I cant bake a cake to save my life.

  21. 由于她的烘培问题, 她被告知穿平底鞋。

    The sun had begun to bake the parking lot , sending heat waves upward.

  22. 对于雄蚕茧,常规的烘茧工艺可以达到烘茧的要求。

    The conventional cocoon drying methods are also suitable for male cocoons.

  23. 使用碳纤维补强的塑胶基材的烘乾条件。

    Use the base resin drying requirements for carbon fiber reinforced compounds.

  24. 你要清楚你每个礼拜用了多久的烘衣机。

    You need to know how long you use the dryer each week, too.

  25. 但我喜欢你原来的烘肉卷食谱。它很美味。

    But I liked your old recipe for meatloaf. It was delicious.

  26. 给我们弄些菜汤吧, 再拿些松脆的烘面包来。

    Let us have some vegetable soup and some nice crisp toast, please.

  27. 他向炉子里窥视,想看看里面的馅饼是否已经烘好了。

    He peeked into the oven at a pie baking there.

  28. 我们拥有最现代的厂房, 同时我们也继承了最好的烘培传统。

    We have got a highly modern plant, but are roasting according to best roasting tradition.

  29. 他死了之后,我以为我的余生只能做一人份的烘肉卷。

    And after he died, I figured the rest of my life was about making meatloaf for one.

  30. 在烘箱的地方菜。

    Place the dish in the oven.